Umborne Hall Events – Spring / Summer 2023

Hall Spring Clean

Saturday 18th March at 12:00 noon onwards.

All comers welcome.  We will be clearing and tidying the kitchen, mezzanine and container.

Decking Renovation Project

The decking around the hall needs renewing it is unsafe. 

We need as many of you from the community as possible to help us (the Trustees) to pull up the old and replace with new.

If you are willing and able, come to the hall at 10:00 on Saturday 15th April.  Wear suitable PPE for manual work, i.e. gloves, boots and overalls.

King’s Coronation Celebration

Monday 8th May, details TBA

Bank Holiday Monday, we plan to have tea and entertainments like we did for the Queen’s Platinum anniversary last year.

The Umborne Ug and Barbeque

Saturday 24th June starts at 18:00