Macmillan High Tea in Umborne Hall

Macmillan Fund Raising Event:

(photos can be enlarged by left clicking on them once and then left click again for a full screen picture)

The Umborne High Tea held on the afternoon of Saturday 29th September was well supported by the community. We were incredibly lucky as the rain that was promised did not appear and we had beautiful weather. Thanks to the generosity of everyone who came and to all our families, friends and neighbours, who baked, cooked and grilled their culinary delights for all to experience.

The grand total of £900.51p was helped by the charitable donations of raffle prizes and the sale of honey and preserves (Richard & Val). Special thanks go to Teresa and her Mum for organising the raffle, Ros and Melanie for serving the refreshments and cream teas and Rob Summers for providing the entertainment system. Also, the unsung heroes in the kitchen, and everyone else who assisted in the making of the day a huge success.

Well done everyone!      Clare & Geraldine.