Umborne Hall Trustees meeting minutes 26.6.18


6:30pm, Tuesday 26th June 2018

Present: Neville Cheeseman, Carl Coman, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, Carolyn Selley, Ann Shepherd, Melanie Smith, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood.

1. Apologies: Phillip Ambler, John Pearce, Rob Summers


2. Minutes of previous meeting


These were agreed

3. Any Matters arising from previous minutes

Remaining actions carried forward –

Hall Plans – Action: Paul Forster

Health and Safety review – Action: Phil

Building/works –see later in agenda

4. Treasurer’s update

Recent receipts – £1350 from the Grizzly (Lorna to write to thank), £745 Autumn supper, £193 soup and singers, £110 12th night. Current approximate balances – £17288, £6285, £516, and £48. Action: Lorna

5. Entertainments – Umborne Ug planning

Jobs for the Ug on Sunday 1st July were confirmed as follows:

Teresa – parking at the hall, followed by helping with teas etc

Melanie and helpers – organising teas, coffees, cakes and squash. Melanie to buy tea, coffee, milk, sugar, squash, paper plates, napkins as needed.

Lorna, Carolyn, Teresa and Ann to make some cakes (cakes can be dropped off on Saturday at 2:30pm if needed)

Neville – bacon butties and vegetarian option

Neville, Sue, John and Ann – to provide gazebos

Anyone else to help on the day as needed

The run will start at 11am. Walkers will start at 10am. Helpers to arrive 9:15-9:30am please.


The next events will be a summer barbecue, and the Duck Dash. Dates not yet confirmed. These events could be combined if needed.

There are still plans for a fish and chip and film evening, probably in the autumn.


6. Building/works

Carried forward from last meeting –

A few things need looking at and fixing – water leak, lights and a rotten post. The old ceiling heaters need taking out, as the meter only takes old £1 coins and it was agreed that it would be too costly to replace. Floor heaters are available and included in hall rental charges. John is arranging a maintenance book and forms to report any work or issues that need attention, and any actions can then be recorded.

Action: John, Neville (lights), Rob

7. AOB


Ann was welcomed to her first trustees meeting. As it was the first meeting since our AGM we needed to elect a chair, treasurer and secretary. In the absence of any volunteers, all present were in favour of keeping current roles (Rob – chair, Carolyn – treasurer, Lorna – secretary)


8. Date of next meeting


To be confirmed (Will be arranged before the barbecue and/or Duck Dash)