Umborne Hall Trustees Meeting 21.2.17


7pm, Tuesday 21st February 2017, Umborne Village Hall

Present: Phillip Ambler (chair), Neville Cheeseman, Carl Coman, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Carolyn Selley, Melanie Smith, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood.

1. Apologies: Peter Rugg, Rob Summers

2. Minutes of previous meeting (31st January 2017)

These were agreed and signed off by Phillip Ambler (as chair of the meeting).

3. Matters arising from previous minutes

Teresa has organised a “thank you” present for Anne & Ruhi for organising the Children’s’ Christmas Party

4. Treasurer’s update

There are several cheques waiting to be paid in. The accounts have now been audited and will be presented at the AGM.

5. Entertainments

Events coming up:

Friday 3rd March – 6.30pm, for 7pm eating – pizzas and wine from the Italian restaurant ‘Le Pisani’ in Axminster.

Friday 7th April – ‘Come dine with me’ 7pm – Carolyn has kindly offered to cook a meal for an evening with profits going to the Hall. Lorna will book the hall, with setting up on Thursday 6th April if possible (6pm – as many as possible to help please)

Sunday 12th March – Grizzly marshalling

Umborne Ug – 3rd June

Action: Lorna, All

6. Request for potential use of hall by Enna CIC

We discussed this request which has been received to book the hall on a regular basis for use when outdoor activities are not possible. We discussed possible payment options and agreed that the best way forward was to make the regular bookings, invoice (for a half-day session) if and when the hall was used, and if other requests came in, the CIC would need to commit to paying for the session or cancelling the booking for that session. Lorna will contact Sheila to confirm.

Action: Lorna

7. Building/works

The railing post outside the hall by the brook has come loose and needs fixing. John agreed to do this.

Action: John

8. AOB

Melanie has had a look at screens and dishwashers to purchase for the hall. Approximate cost £70 for a 120 inch tall screen (viewing area 80x49inches). It was thought that we may need a bigger screen particularly if we wished to hold film nights. Second-hand reconditioned ‘pass-through’ dishwashers could be purchased for approx. £1500, and would be considered after the planned kitchen extension has been completed.



9. Date of next meeting


Tuesday 16th May 2017, 6:30pm at the Hall