Autumn Supper Umborne Hall 15th October 2016

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We ended up with a full house of 68 people and had a most enjoyable evening. Each table had a food box of 4 different cheeses, pickles, coleslaw, potato salad, pickled onions, 2 sorts of pate and bread and biscuits to share and for pudding there was apple crumble! Thank to all those people who prepared the food and served and cleared. img_2465img_2466img_2467

There was an autumn photo competition, judged by John Coe, which was won by Jack with Andy runner up. The table quiz was won by Tony and Liz’s table and Eleanor’s spin board game was also popular. The raffle raised an amazing £176 – well done Antonia and all those people who brought prizes and bought tickets.


Thanks also to Teresa for running the bar, Phil for buying the wine, Rob for setting up the PA and all those people who helped set up the hall and clear away afterwards plus the kitchen helpers and washer-uppers.


A total sum of £680 was raised for our hall funds. Thank you everyone.
