Tuesday 22nd March 2016, 7pm
Present: Phillip Ambler, Neville Cheeseman, Carl Coman, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Peter Rugg, Melanie Smith, Rob Summers, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood
- Apologies
Sue Gush, Carolyn Selley. Apologies were also received from David Vickers (who has agreed to stand in for Phillip if needed to help out)
- Election of chair/treasurer/secretary
These were elected for the forthcoming year. Chair – Rob Summers (proposed by Neville, seconded by Eleanor), treasurer – Carolyn Selley (proposed by Rob, seconded by Eleanor), secretary – Lorna Ockenden (proposed by Rob, seconded by Eleanor). All voted in favour.
- Minutes of previous meeting (26th January 2015)
These were agreed, and were signed off.
- Matters arising from previous minutes
Carolyn to check whether we still need to pay for PRS (for playing and performing music), as we are a registered charity.
John has fixed the problem with the toilet, and also the lock which had become jammed.
- Draft AGM minutes and any actions needed
A new date was agreed for the AGM next year, as discussed at this year’s AGM in January. According to the constitution, we can move it up to 15 months after the previous AGM, but it was decided that we only needed to move it a month ahead, to give a little more time to get the accounts finalised and audited. A date of Tuesday 21st February 2017 was agreed.
- Treasurer’s update
No update this time. Last year’s accounts have been signed off and were circulated before the meeting. Lorna has uploaded the accounts and completed the Charities Commission annual return.
- Entertainments
Unfortunately it has been necessary to cancel the theme night again this year, due to lack of interest. Eleanor will ask Sue to change the drinks licence to the 28th May for the Ug. Eleanor ran through some suggested ideas for alternative events that might be a bit different and may hopefully attract interest:
Queen’s birthday table teas
Quiz night
Film nights
Cheese and wine tasting
Big breakfast
Afternoon cream teas
Car boot sale
Pie and puddings
The next event coming up is the Ug on 28th May. Neville agreed to organise the barbecue, Melanie the cakes, and Teresa the bar. Phillip and Carl will organise the wine and Teresa the soft drinks and cider. Eleanor can borrow a PA system.
We discussed some of the other possible events, and people agreed to find out what may be possible:
Eleanor – will email Carolyn re pop-up restaurant, and Nigel re fish demonstration
Melanie – will find out details about street food and music session
Phillip – to find out about Honiton wines and whether they may be able to help with a wine tasting session
It was agreed that a film night might be good to try; we have a projector but may need a bigger screen
Action: Eleanor, Melanie, Phillip
- Building/works
Neville has replaced the outside lights on the bridge.
Mavis and Chris Solway have big birthdays coming up; it was suggested to get cards/flowers in view of the long standing support of the hall. All were in agreement, and Teresa agreed to organise
It was reported that the hall appeared to be in use yesterday afternoon, but there was no booking on the hall calendar. We agreed to find out who had been using it, as we need to make sure all bookings/use of the hall is recorded on the calendar. Lorna agreed to try to find out.
We have had a request to be able to put up a marquee in the car park by someone hiring the hall for an event. All agreed that there would be no problem with this.
We have been asked to clarify prices that should be charged when the hall is hired for a wedding, as this usually involves setting up the previous day, and clearing up the following day. It was decided to charge for a ‘wedding weekend’ as this meant that the hall could not be hired by anyone else that weekend. A price was of £200 was discussed and agreed. This was proposed by Eleanor, seconded by Phillip and agreed by all. Lorna will update the price list and let Sheila know.
Action: Lorna
- Date of next meeting