Autumn Supper Report 24.10.15

Autumn Supper Report 24th October 2015

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Exactly 60 people turned up at Umborne Hall on Saturday for an enjoyable and convivial Autumn Supper. Everyone on the 9 tables seemed very pleased with the generous food platter of pates, cheeses, pickles, coleslaw and salad on the wooden platters which David had sawn, Phil sanded down and Rick had walnut oiled.


If anything was left over at the end, people were invited to take it home for their sandwiches the next day! Then there were the amazing desserts which so many people had prepared and brought – thank you to all those cooks for helping out. and also for others for washing up and clearing up – what a team!


Antonia raised the magnificent sum of £155 on the raffle and Eleanor’s Fortune Tree made £78. Well done Henry for winning the champagne. Teresa kindly organised and ran the bar which made £46 profit.There were activities for the younger generation:


The fruit and vegetable table quiz which we thought was quite difficult, proved quite a challenge but 3 teams scored 35 out of 40. The tie break question was what fruit is a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry – answer: tayberry – and I forgot to mention loganberry! Two teams got that right so the final question was, according to Bernard, not a good one ! – when were combine harvesters first invented – we are still not sure.         I thought it was 1926 ( Tony G was seven at the time so he should know!) but I may have been wrong. Anyway, the winners were the Ockenden / Miltenburg table – well done.


With the ticket money as well, we raised the superb sum of £536 for the hall funds. Thank you to everyone who came and showed us what a great community we have.


(Photos  courtesy of Rodney!)