Duck Dash Report

Duck Dash report:


(photos can be enlarged by left clicking once and then left click again for a full screen picture)



Last Friday evening a large number of the local community gathered in the field by Easy Bridge, Umborne for this annual event. It would seem that the changed timing suited most people as the turn-out was very pleasing.

IMG_1572Fynn wants a Hot Dog

Neville cooked us some great sausage sizzles with help from Carolyn and John and a profit of £90 suggested that people ate more than on the usual Sunday afternoon.


The bar was run efficiently by Teresa who with a little bit of help from Michael, did a great job on keeping people topped up, making a profit of £61.


David was on welly wanging and the male category was won by Rodney, best female was Antonia again and young Peter won the youth prize. Well done to all those who took part.


Duck Race Punters

The popular duck race entries were sold by Lin and later on Antonia and this raised £73 – a fantastic effort.


IMG_1570Kids and Chris launching raftsKids and Chris - raft race

The home made mini raft race was won by Fin’s creation and the best raft was awarded to Eloise – well done everyone, especially Chris, Phil and Steve who spent quite a while in the cold brook with the help of a few younger people.


Eleanor’s Dating Game raised £46 and the main prize was won by…. wait for it… Eleanor!!! with Tara winning the second prize – chocolates!

IMG_1554Lucky Date SelectionEleanors Lucky DatePrize winner

Then there was the fun dog show which was organised by Richard and Alex to whom we are very grateful.IMG_1559

IMG_1560Dog Show - running away competitionEleanor Praying to Dog

There were 7 categories and best in show was won by Macallan Corr with Willow Wood winning the obedience class of course!


In this same class was Sizzles Wingham who got the best laugh of the evening by totally ignoring Cherryl’s commands and going off to do her own thing, as it were!

IMG_1569duck dash r

A profit of £270 was raised for the hall funds so a huge thank you to everyone who supported this event and also to the Broom family for kindly allowing us to use the field by Easy Bridge.