Umborne Hall Trustees meeting minutes 5.5.15

Wednesday 5th May 2015, 7pm, At Umborne Hall

Present: Rob Summers, Phillip Ambler, Neville Cheeseman, Sue Gush, Eleanor Wood, John Pearce

1. Apologies
Melanie Smith, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Lorna Ockenden, Peter Rugg, Carolyn Selley

2. Phillip volunteered to take the Minutes

3. Minutes of previous meeting 11th March 2015

These were agreed and signed off.

4. Matters arising from previous minutes
See under Entertainments
5. Community Building Fund
Before applying we need to get a costed plan for the project and Planning Permission. Rob has spoken to Harris Timber who would be keen to quote, as would the men who built it; he will take this forward. Paul Forster will help get the plans which we can then look at and agree then send with a Planning Application. That would make it a November application to the Community Fund.
6. Hall bookings
Need to advertise; should we put it in Parish Magazine, and in Notice boards? Sue will contact Chambers of Commerce, and prepare a leaflet. Take some pictures, and consider contacting Caterers. Letter to Colyton Council & Highways needed.
7. Treasurer’s update
Carolyn sent message to say that no update needed, though we do have another £1000m from the Grizzly.
8. Entertainments
The barbecue for the Ug was discussed and arrangements made for Sue to buy the sausages, rolls & vegetarian. Neville will supply onions. Teresa will run the bar, but will need cover while she does the walk. Axe Valle runners have donated a barrel. Letter of thanks needed. Sue has applied for a Licence today. Melanie in charge of teas and will recruit helpers and bakers. Rick is co-ordinating Marshalls.
Due to the need for track repairs there will be no Steam Up this year, so it was suggested that the Duck Dash is done that day instead, Sat 4th July, with Dog Show, Sizzle and other fun things. To think about it and ask Alex & Richard when they are available. It would also need the field to have been cut.
The Indian Night was cancelled; it was felt to be a lot of work to undertake with only 30 people committed. A lot of people had genuine reasons why they couldn’t come, though some didn’t like curry. Other ideas were explored.
Sue would like to hire the hall to raise funds for Nepal with a coffee morning/ breakfast and table top sale. 16th May.

9. Building/works
Sue reminder us that we needed to get PAT checks done; Rob will ask Matt Craker to do this.
Window sills need checking to see if they need treating.

Thanks to all those who helped strimming. Beer bill to be settled!

Nothing was raised. The meeting closed at 8.05 pm

10. Date of next meeting
Tuesday June 9th, 7pm at the Hall