Breakfast for Nepal

Breakfast for Nepal:

(Photos courtesy of Rodney Gush and David Vickers. To enlarge, left click once and then left click again for a full screen picture)



This was held in Umborne Hall on Saturday 16th of May from 9 to 11 am. It was organised by Sue and Rodney Gush to raise money for the Nepal earthquake disaster. It was made all the more poignant because their son Max was near Kathmandu at the time. Thanks to all the helpers who made it possibly but especially Sue & Rodney. If anyone left behind a moss green fleece with Quechua on it, please contact Sue.

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There was also a bric-a-brac stall run by Andrea, hot drinks served by Angela and Eleanor and Rodney cooking the food.

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Of course there was the washing-up to do as well:


Then the boys’ bikers club had to look at Andy’s new bike:



“We’d like to say thank you to all those who helped this morning, to the local chicken owners who donated wonderful free-range eggs, to those who breakfasted with us and “Brought & Bought”, to Colyton Butchers & Tesco Honiton for their donations and those who were unable to be there but sent donations or donated online. What a wonderful community we have here in sunny East Devon. We raised the amazing total on the morning of £619.70, including donations. Our page on the JustGiving charity website also raised £110.00 + £27.50 Gift Aid. Together this makes a grand total for the Disasters Emergency Committee fund for Nepal of £757.20. We didn’t imagine we could get so much – it will help to give emergency aid now to families and communities devastated by the terrible earthquakes. Many, many thanks to you all.”

Sue & Rodney Gush