Umborne Hall Trustees meeting 16.9.14


Tuesday 16th September 2014, 7pm, At Umborne Hall

Present: Phillip Ambler, Neville Cheeseman, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, Carolyn Selley, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood

  1. Apologies

John Pearce, Peter Rugg, Rob Summers

  1. Minutes of previous meeting

These were agreed, and will be signed off at the next meeting

  1. Matters arising from previous minutes


  1. Treasurer’s report

Carolyn gave an update on the current situation. The current balance in the main account is £8956. £200 has also been banked recently. The Steam-Up raised £411 and the Duck dash £157. We have been given an extra £100 from the Grizzly committee, Lorna will write to thank them. Carolyn is arranging to be able to sign cheques with the bank, and will renew our membership of the Community Council of Devon

Action: Lorna, Carolyn

  1. Entertainment

Sue was thanked for arranging the recent Blackheart concert, which raised £120, and was enjoyed by those who attended.

We discussed plans for the Autumn supper on 11th October, and agreed jobs and preparation as follows:-

  • Salad bowls, ice cream – Carolyn

  • Salad, leek and potato soup – Neville

  • Coleslaw, gluten free food, bar licence – Sue

  • Veg soup, custard and cream, bread, pate – Eleanor

  • Puddings, Eleanor has had one kindly offered to be made (apple pie) and will email to ask for any others. They will also be made by Linda, Lorna, Carolyn, Eleanor and Teresa
  • Salad servers and salt/pepper pots – all to bring if they have some

  • Raffle – Antonia

  • Bar, quiz and competition for best basket of home produce – Rick

It was decided that the cost would be £10 for adults and £5 for children under 14. Setting up will be at 6pm on Friday 10th October

Action: All

  1. Building/works

 It was decided to have another strimming and tidying-up session outside of the hall, for anyone who can help – Friday 19th Sept 6pm

 We also considered some of the comments left in the book by recent users of the hall, including requests for a microwave, chopping boards (Carolyn agreed to get), small sharp cutting knives (Carolyn will get), potato peeler. The kitchen light switch going off automatically had also been mentioned.

  1. AOB – offer of china for hall

We have very kindly been offered some china for use at the hall, but it was felt that we don’t have enough storage for it. Lorna will reply to explain and say thank you.

Action: Lorna

  1. Date of next Meeting

This was arranged for Tuesday 11th November at 7pm at the Hall.