Shute Parish Council minutes 25.9.14


AT 7.30PM.

Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, R Orsman, P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland,

Ms C Miltenburg and R Wood, PCSO Andy Trott & PCSO Haley (part of the meeting) and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).



Apologies were received and approved from Cllr W Marshall, J Pearce,

C Cllr A Moulding, Dist Cllr I Chubb and PCSO Amanda Wooster.



The circulated minutes of the Meeting of Shute Parish Council held on 14th August 2014 were approved and duly signed as correct.



Hitchcock Trust – The Clerk reported a meeting was held the previous Thursday when it was reported the Lottery Grant has been approved and work will commence this autumn. Regarding the planting of WWl Trees it was agreed to leave this matter until clearance has been carried out.

Shute School – Regarding the application for funding towards their new project

figures have not been obtained so agreed to leave this matter until the next meeting.

National Rail Network – The Clerk has been contacted regarding their work. They

have contacted private land owners and ask for any information regarding damaged ditched at Umborne. Cllr Wood agreed to look into this matter.


No meetings have been attended by Councillors.


The application for 2015/2016 is coming to a close. After discussion agreed to contact Musbury Parish Council with the suggestion of forming a Table Tennis Club at Whitford or find out if they have any other suggestions.


DALC – AGM & Conference This to take place on 11th October at Westpoint, Exeter. No interest was shown.

VIVA – East Devon Volunteer Support Agency EDVSA has moved from temporary premises at Honiton to Cranbrook but the telephone number remains the same, 01404 549045. Noted.

EDDC – Working Together. An invitation has been received to attend a voluntary and community event on 10th October at Sidmouth. No Councillors were free to attend.

Community Health Services. Following reports of the possible closures of local hospitals meetings have been arranged. A meeting to be held at Axminster 4th October when it is hoped as many people as possible can attend. Posters were circulated to be placed around the parish.


PCSO Andy Trott reported two crimes have been committed in the past month, damage to a vehicle at Bakers Mead and a drink drive offence. Regarding policing the police will be amalgamating with the fire service at the beginning of next year. There is no longer at Sergeant at Axminster or Seaton, Axminster will be under Honiton and Seaton under Sidmouth. The good news there will be five response officers based at Axminster. He introduced the new PCSO Haley who was also present and stated the non emergency number remains 101 and emergency 999.

PCSO Andy Trott was thanked for attending together with Haley and they left the room.


Reported children are having to walk lanes at Umborne due to the school mini bus not picking up close to their homes due to the bad state of the roads. It was also reported children are having to walk from Bakers Mead to the A35 although the school bus passes Bakers Mead due to DCC policy. Councillors discussed this matter and agreed action needs to be taken for the sake of children’s safety especially as the dark mornings and evenings approach and the lanes are not safe to walk. Agreed this matter to be taken up with the County Councillor.

Reported the road at Colhayne Knapp to the A30 has had some maintenance but still not finished. Noted.

Reported the ditch at Easy Bridge has been damaged which could cause flooding problems. This to be reported to Highways.


No matters were raised.


Planning Applications

14/2313/VAR The Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction. Variation of condition 4 on application 14/0342/MFUL to vary restriction limiting use of building. The Clerk reported further details have not yet been received but details will be circulated as soon as possible.

Planning Decisions

Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

14/1358/VAR The Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction. Variation of condition 4 on application 14/0342/MFUL to vary restriction limiting

use of building. Conditions:-

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years

from the date of this permission and shall be carried out as approved.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved

plans listed at the end of this decision notice.

3. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match, in type, colour and texture those of the existing building.

4. The building hereby permitted shall be used for B2 or B8 purposes only as set out in the Use Classes (Amendment) Order 2005 and for no other purpose and shall only be used and operated in conjunction with the use of the wider site of which it forms part and as defined by the red line on the approved Location Plan.

5. A lighting scheme shall be provided for the site which complies with the requirements of the Institute of Light Engineers guidance on the avoidance of light pollution. The lamps used shall not be capable of reflecting light laterally, upwards or off the ground surface in such a way that light pollution is caused. No area lighting shall be operated outside the agreed working hours of the site, although low height, low level, local security lighting may be acceptable.

6. No development shall take place until a landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; such a scheme to include: – Additional tree planting off the north-eastern end of the building between the building and the existing roadside hedge.

The landscaping scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season after commencement of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall be maintained for a period of 5 years. Any trees or other plants which die during this period shall be replaced during the next planting season with specimens of the same size and species unlessotherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Further planning matters raised were:-

Regulations regarding the removal of hedgerow for a gateway at Lyme Bay Winery. Request for the Clerk to contact Natural England to seek clarification on legislation.

As no planning application has been received for the unauthorised building in the filed opposite Shute Garage the Clerk to chase up this matter.


Annual Accounts. Copies of accounts from 1st April 2014 to 31st August 2014 were circulated. (Appendixed to the minutes) Cllr D Loud proposed these to be accepted, Cllr R Wood seconded and all agreed.

Cheques to be paid

Mrs M Thomas, Clerk’s salary July/Sept £455.60, ink & paper £26.00, internet/tel £30.00 £511.60.

HMRC, PAYE July/ September £113.80

*Jansen Display Ltd, notice boards £790.60 plus VAT £158.12 £948.72

*Noted these amounts to be reclaimed

Proposed to pay by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and agreed.


Reported the grass needs cutting at the Shute Churchyard. The Clerk to look into the matter.

Cllr Mrs E Sweetland reported fund raising for Shute Church has raised £1,860 with money still coming in. It is hoped to provide leaflets for parishioners and asked for assistance in delivery. Councillors agreed to help in their various areas.

The Chairman raised the issue of empty houses in the parish. Agreed for him to look into whom could be contacted regarding this matter.


The next Meeting of the Parish Council to take place on 6th November 2014 at Umborne Hall, 7.30pm.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm