Tuesday 25th March 2014 7.30pm At Umborne Hall
Present: Neville Cheeseman, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Peter Rugg, Carolyn Selley, Rob Summers, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood
- Apologies
Phillip Ambler
- Minutes of previous meeting
These were agreed and signed off
- Matters arising from previous minutes
The inventory of hall contents is still to be laminated and displayed in the hall
- Any matters arising from AGM
We discussed the Treasurer position as Paul has resigned. Carolyn agreed to take it on, at least in the interim unless someone else comes forward. Lorna agreed to forward Paul’s contact details to her. Action:Lorna
Treasurer’s report
No information was available at this meeting of any recent transactions in or out of the hall funds
Eleanor thanked those who helped with the Grizzly marshalling. There will be a presentation in Beer on 25th April.
It was decided that the next ‘Free Friday’ would be on 11th April. The Umborne Ug will be on 7th June. The Greek theme night will be on May 17th, and we agreed who would help with food and other preparations for the evening as follows:-
Cold starters – Eleanor
Moussaka – Neville (vege), Eleanor, Lorna, Sue
Greek salad – Carolyn
Shepherd’s pie – Teresa
Gluten-free food (inc. ice cream) – Sue
Ice cream – Carolyn
Honey – Eleanor
Greek Bouzouki music – Rob will try to find some
Licence – Sue
All – bring ice cream scoops if possible
There will be a quiz (Rick), fancy dress is optional, and some games (Eleanor). We agreed that the price would be £8 (£5 for under 14s).
- Building/works
Rob said that he had seen some Dyson heaters which might be suitable for the Hall. He will try to get a demo. In the meantime it was agreed that the current heaters would look better if we could arrange to get them turned to hang parallel to the beam. We will also try to find out what heaters they use at Whitford village hall. Action:Rob
As it was the first Trustees meeting since the AGM, a chairperson and secretary needed to be nominated. Rob and Lorna agreed to continue. They were nominated by Eleanor, seconded by Sue and voted in for another year.
It was noted that part of the fence was broken. John and Rob agreed to try to fix. Also it was reported that one of the security lights was frequently on – we need to keep an eye out for this and may need to adjust the sensitivity.
Action:John and Rob
It was reported that the Hall required extra cleaning and towel washing after the Tim Maddams evening. It was agreed to mention this if booked again, although we were told that extra money had been given for cleaning. It was agreed that we should check our conditions of hire, to make sure clear instructions are provided about cleaning/rubbish removal etc. It was decided to put this on the agenda for our next meeting. It was also decided that we should purchase some new storage boxes and label these at both ends to help with putting away crockery, cutlery etc. Carolyn agreed to look into this and get some if appropriate ones could be found. Action:Carolyn
It was agreed to get ‘thank you’ cards for retiring Trustees and a gift for Liz as she had been a Trustee for so long. Lorna agreed to get and send the cards, and Sue agreed to get some garden vouchers and a card for Liz.
Action:Sue and Lorna
- Date of next Meeting
This was arranged for Tuesday 13th May at 7pm at the Hall