At Umborne Hall
Wednesday 16th October 2013 7pm
Present: Neville Cheeseman, Paul Galloway, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood
- Apologies
Jan Coman, Kimmo Evans, Peter Rugg, Rob Summers
- Minutes of previous meeting These were agreed.
- Matters arising from previous minutes
There was some confusion over the time that the trustees meetings would be held, it was agreed that they would be at 7pm as discussed previously.
- Treasurer’s report
Paul updated the trustees with the latest figures.
Paid in recently- cheques for £61, £163 and £44 for hall hire, and £279.95 from the Duck Dash.
Outgoings – SW water £56, website service £60.48, and PRS due soon £106.80
The Duck Dash made £279.95, numbers were down on last year. Thank you to everyone who helped and took part.
At the last Free Friday £35 was raised for the Devon Air Ambulance. The next Free Friday will be 15th November, then we will rethink how often to hold them.
A date needs to be arranged for the children’s Christmas party.
We are hoping to do another New Year’s Eve party.
12th night supper will be Jan 4th. We won’t need a drinks licence as people can bring their own drinks.
Teresa is going to arrange a ‘pie and pudding’ evening, it was decided on Friday 24th January at 7.30pm. People can either bring a pie (for 8) or pay £5 to come along (it will need to be specified in advance), it will be called ‘Pie or Pounds’, drinks will be ‘bring your own’.
On Feb 8th Tim Maddams will be doing another ‘Hall and Hearty’ meal.
Theme night to be arranged in March – possibly Greek theme.
Plans were made for the Autumn supper on 26th October. Sue has organised a drinks licence for this. There are 70 people on the list. Liz is organising the food and people agreed to help with food and games as follows:
Sue – gluten free food, pudding, eggs and potato salad
Eleanor – guess the pumpkin weight, guess what’s in the bag, vegetarian quiche and pudding
Antonia – children’s colouring, raffle (with Tony)
Rick – bar and soft drinks
Teresa – pudding and eggs
Helen Redwood – has agreed to make a pudding
Lorna – pudding and coleslaw
Neville – pasta salad, will bring some mayonnaise
John/Angela – pudding
Please can everyone try to bring 1 or 2 table decorations and salt and pepper pots. We will be setting up on Friday at 6.30pm. Eleanor will ask Rob about the PA system as he won’t be here on Saturday
Action: All
Rob and John are sorting out the guttering, but are having difficulties finding the right shaped brackets
Action: John/Rob
7. AOB
Teresa mentioned the leaky water tap in the kitchen, it is being collected in a jug at present but we need to get it fixed at some point. She also asked about buying a new mop, which was agreed.
Paul told the Trustees that with the financial year end coming up at the end of October, and the AGM coming up after Christmas he wishes to stand down from the Treasurer’s role, but that he would be willing to continue until a replacement is arranged
Sue has been contacted by Blackheart who would like to do another evening, possibly in the Spring. It was felt that this would be too soon and Sue will get back to them and agree that maybe in the Autumn next year if they are in Devon
Action: Sue
Eleanor discussed the children’s Christmas party, which is an event to thank the families in the area for their continuing support for the Hall and local events. A letter will be sent out with the invitations to thank people.
Thank you to John for mending the broken seat at Easy Bridge
- Next meeting – To be arranged