AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs.W Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman, P Rugg,
Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, 3 members of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
The Chairman, Cllr P Rugg opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr D Loud, Dist Cllr I Chubb,
C Cllr A Moulding and PCSO Amanda Wooster.
PSCO Amanda Wooster sent written apologies which advised there have been no crimes since the last meeting. Noted.
The circulated minutes of the Meeting of Shute Parish Council held on 26th September 2013 were approved and duly signed as correct.
Footpath Warden. A written report has been received stating on the path adjacent to Ashes Road is blocked by a 12” diameter tree. As this path is not recorded on the Definitive Map the Clerk to contact the Warden thanking her and checking the location of the problem.
Hitchcock Trust Land. Mr Seward has been contacted regarding erecting a fence on what is believed to be owned by the Hitchcock Trust. Consequently he has replied stating a fence was requested replacing what was already in being to secure access to his property caused by gaping holes left in the bank from the clearing of the ground and before any action is taken he will check his deeds and notify the Trust of the outcome. If it is found the fence is erected in the wrong position it will be removed however in doing so he will assume the Trust will automatically be taking responsibility for the trees on the bank immediately adjacent to his property and for making good the bank. This being the case he will be seeking compensation for damages to his fence from trees that have previously fallen on his property. Wishing for an agreeable outcome he suggests a meeting. Agreed for the Clerk to arrange this.
BT Damaged telephone wire near Marsh Farm. This matter has been addressed. However, the BT pole which is placed on the highway at Colhayne Lane has not been moved. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported the man hole cover which needs attention at Seaton Junction has not been addressed and she will chase this matter.
EA – Whitford Bridge. Trevor Cronin provided an update regarding the erecting of the information board. He was hoping to have the board installed by now and has a workforce ready to do the installation he is just waiting for the approval from Devon County Highways Department. He apologises for the delay and although he came off of the project in April he is continuing with the project during his spare time but feel we are near the finishing line. The Clerk has replied thanking him on behalf of the Council.
Reported the blue waste bin at Redgate, Shute is still in situ looking untidy. The Clerk to check if any action can be taken as this is on private property.
Reported at the previous meeting the road needs bollards to mark the edge of the stream at Umborne/Patches Cottage/Colhayne and there is a blocked culvert on north side of the road by Ferndale. As no action has been taken agreed the Clerk to report this matter again.
No meeting have been attended since the last Parish Council Meeting.
Councillors were given suggestions at the previous meeting and the Clerk has also received a request from Colyton Parish Council to work with them to provide further facilities at the Peace Memorial Sports Field, Colyton. Discussion took place and Cllr W Marshall proposed, Cllr R Orsman seconded and all agreed for Shute Parish Council to work with Kilmington Parish Council on the project of financing further work on the Hitchcock Trust land… The Clerk to contact Colyton, Dalwood and Kilmington Parish Councils to inform them of the decision.
Noted Cllrs C Miltenburg and P Rugg declared an interest whilst this matter was discussed being Trustees of the Hitchcock Trust.
DCC _ Travelling in Winter. A leaflet has been received giving details of how members of the public can help themselves and who to contact. Agreed to make copies and place on the notice boards.
Victim Support. A request for funds. Agreed not to support this charity as the local community helps each other when a crime has been committed.
East Devon AONB A business meeting will take place at Umborne Hall on 13th November. Cllrs W Marshall, R Orsman and P Rugg agreed to attend.
War Memorial Trust. A letter has been received asking if the local War Memorial is in good condition as grants are available for maintenance work and asks for the Memorial to be recorded on the War memorials Online. The Clerk to look into this matter and Marie and Merv Prideaux were thanked for looking after the War memorial throughout the year. Merv Prideaux reported the seat at the War memorial needs attention and he will look into this next spring.
EDDC – Meeting of Town and Parish Councils. This to take place on 14th November at Knowle, Sidmouth when tow matters are to be discussed, affordable housing and planning. Cllrs Carol Miltenburg W Marshall and P Rugg agreed to attend the second session discussing planning.
EDDC – Viewpoint Questionnaire. It is asked a survey to be completed giving views on EDDC services , agreed the Clerk to complete on behalf of the Parish Council.
Ordnance Survey – Public Sector Mapping Agreement. A letter has been received addressed to Carol Miltenburg, Shute & Whitford Parish Council as a member of the PSMA. Cllr Miltenburg agreed to look into this further a give a report at the next meeting.
Devon Rural Housing Partnership. A workshop organised for 13th November has been postponed due to lack of support.
DCC Mobile Library. There is a public consultation with the proposal to withdraw 69 stops which are used by 3 or less regular users in line with service criteria agreed when the service was subject to a major review in 2010. Details were circulated prior to the meeting and it was agreed as the proposal do not affect the parish no comment to be made.
EDDC – Future Location. A meeting to be held to discuss the 4 options put forward for the move of EDDC away from Sidmouth. Cllr Rugg agreed to try to attend.
Reported Keith Sweetland will remain the Snow Warden and details will be placed in the Parishes Magazine, he can be contacted on 01297 553357 or 07989600745 if salt is needed for the highway or for the elderly or infirm who cannot enter or exit their properties. It was asked if any bags will be left at Haddon Corner, agreed some ill be delivered to this site if deemed necessary. Noted the Parish Council thank Keith Sweetland for his past a future assistance with this matter.
Cllr Carol Miltenburg reported she has collected the empty sandbags and has them ready for collection for those who need the problems within the parish.
Reported Colhayne has had its ditches cleared leaving potholes. The Chairman has contacted County Councillor Andrew Moulding who has agreed to visit the parish checking on problems.
Reported the road from Easy Bridge to Three Sycamores is in a diabolical state and is unsuitable for use, people are now using detours. The Clerk to report, Cllr R Wood asked if he might contact the local MP on this matter. Agreed.
Reported a conifer is growing across the highway in Shute village and the road is overgrown by 1 The Villas, Seaton Junction. The Clerk to report.
Blind Lane – reported no water travelled down this lane following the recent rain. Noted.
Reported a bollard at Shute Piers has been hit. Noted.
At a meeting of the Axminster Committee of the DALC it was reported DCC would provide a parish map giving details of road classifications. This map has never been received, the Clerk to look into the matter as it was reported roads cannot be closed unless permission is granted by the Parish Council.
As agreed at the previous meeting the Chairman wrote a letter to be attached to Christopher Pole-Carew circular and following consultation with Councillors the Clerk has had these photo-copied. It was agreed to arrange circulation when the meeting has been closed.
Cllr P Rugg reported Peter Easton will be laying the Poppy Wreath at the War memorial Service on behalf of the Parishioners of Shute.
No matters were brought forward.
Planning Applications
13/1980/LBC 6 Shute House, Shute. Rebuilding of chimney stack. Agreed no objection providing Listed Building Regulations are adhered. Reported this application has been withdrawn.
It was questioned if any action had been taken regarding the vote of no confidence in the planning service made earlier in the year. The Clerk apologised that nothing has been done as yet due to unforeseen problems but will look into the matter.
Cheques to be paid
Axminster Printing Co Ltd, photocopying of church circular £121.12 plus VAT £24.21 £145.34
RBL Poppy Appeal, wreath £15.00
Payment proposed by Cllr R Orsman, seconded by Cllr R Wood and agreed.
Cllr Carol Miltenburg reported under a grant from the AONB Sustainable Fund money can be found for new notice boards as requested in the Parish Plan. It was agreed for quotes to be obtained for boards at Patches, Seaton Junction and Bakers Mead as this project is supported providing money is available.
Reported Cllr Pearce has repaired the seat at Easy Bridge, he was profusely thanked. has collapsed. Cllr Pearce agreed to make repairs.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported on dangers walking from Seaton Junction to Shute Village and asked if PCSO could look into this matter. Agreed.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 12th December at Whitford Village Hall, 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm