AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, W Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and approved from C Cllr A Moulding, Cllr I Chubb, PCSO Amanda Wooster.
The circulated minutes of the Meeting of Shute Parish Council held on 16th January 2014 were approved and duly signed as correct.
Tony Gosling – Acknowledgement of the £20 for auditing the accounts, thanking the Council and donating this to the Church Flower Fund.
Mervyn Pridiaux – Acknowledgement of the £20 for auditing the accounts, thanking the Council and donating this to the Church Flower Fund.
Hitchcock Trust Land. A letter has been received from Mr Seward stating he has no definite maps giving details of the boundaries and Mr Lovegrove, Kilmington British Legion wishes for trees to be planted in memory of those lost in Wordl War l. Cllr Carol Miltenburg reported details could probably found from the Land Registry at a cost of £92.50. After lengthy discussion if was agreed for Cllr Miltenburg to go ahead providing Kilmington Parish Council accept 50% of the cost, to plant trees in principle but to discuss this further with Mr Lovegrove and a meeting to be arranged.
Cllr Miltenburg also reported the Parishes Together Grant has been approved but still awaiting a decision regarding the Grow Wild Grant.
A meeting of the Axminster DALC was hosted by Shute Parish Council at Whitford when all those who assisted with refreshments were thanked. At this meeting Cllr P Rugg was presented with a certificate for 58 years of service on Shute Parish Council as well as serving many years with the Devon & Cornwall Constabulary. Other matters raised included auditing of Parish Council accounts. The Clerk circulated Standing Orders prior the meeting and asked for it to be recorded Shute Parish Council’s assets include land at Whitford Green, land which Umborne Hall stands upon, 3 seats, filing cabinet and a laptop & printer.
The Clerk reported no reply has been received from Mr Brown regarding highway matters. Agreed to chase this up with a copy to C Cllr A Moulding.
The Chairman reported he has been in contact with Dalwood Parish Council and work has commenced at Moorcox with further work planned for the drainage at Smiters Pitt and Umborne. It was proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr R Wood and agreed invoices up to the grant allowance of £896.50 can be paid prior to the next meeting.
Cllr Carol Miltenburg reported the grant application of £1,320.00 working with Kilmington Parish Council to improve the Hitchcock Land has been approved and to be spent by 30th January 2015.
Footpaths – Jenny Ford Footpath Warden Report received stating further footpaths have been walked but no action to be taken.
EDDC – Parliamentary Outreach Service. Invitation to attend a special event at Sidmouth to discuss local authority engagement with Parliament, the importance of being enrolled on the electoral reigister and the role of councillors by standing for election. No councillors available.
Neil Parish MP – War memorial. Request for information on the state of the Shute Parish War Memorial. The Clerk to report Shute’s War memorial is in a good state of repair.
DCC – Accommodation Strategy for Adults . It is reported there will be no change to eligibility for social care support and for those in need of support the process and threshold for access will remain the same. A proposal that Devon County Council to formally cease providing residential care services at its residential care homes and to arrange and purchase alternative services for residents in the independent sector is for consultation. Agreed no action to be taken.
EDDC – Cotleigh and Upottery Neighbourhood Plans. Maps of both Parishes together with details on how further information can be obtained at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/planning-neighbourhood plans. Noted.
Shute School – Orchard Windfalls. The Tree Council has funds available to assist schools and community groups proposing to undertake well-planned orchard planting projects A request is made for land to plant some trees. After much discussion it was agreed the Parish Council have no land available.
Following the last meeting the Clerk to look into all the issues raised and to look into the following matters:-
Pothole/drain cover outside Ferndale, Seaton Junction
Blind Lane, road closure out of date
Roman Road, Shute Hill additional travellers, caravans + boat. Noted Councillors are very upset no action has been taken to prevent this.
Patches Bridge. Work has been carried out on the railway line and vehicles from Balfour Beatty have parked on the verge making a mess and leaving litter. Asked they be informed to make good the damage caused.
Hampton Lane, Whitfrod – Ford pipe needs clearing
Whitford/Kilmington Road. Bad potholes especially outside Woodhayne Farm
Blind Lane. More stones entering highway as work not finished. Question if Colyton Parish Council has carried out any work in their Parish.
Cllr Peter Rugg informed the Council he is still looking into the re-opening of Seaton Junction Station and has contacted many authorities, he will keep the Council updated on this matter.
It was questioned if new notice boards will be erected at Bakers Mead and Seaton Junction. It was reported this matter is being looked into to see if there are any funds that can be sourced.
Planning Applications
14/0256/FUL Saddleback Cottage, Hampton Court, Whitford. First floor extension. Agreed to support.
14/0283/LBC 5 The Stables, Shute. Garden room extension. Agreed to support.
*14/0426/FUL Solway Cottage, Whitford. Conversion of outbuilding to form ancillary living accommodation to include construction of interconnecting link and replacement rear extension. A site meeting arranged to determine decision.
*Cllr D Loud declared an interest.
14/0342/MFUL The Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction. Construction of extension to winery and storage warehouse. Agreed to strongly objects to this proposal mainly as it is felt to be overdevelopment of this site, the scale of the building to totally inappropriate in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Consideration must be given to the following:-
1. It is not development of land formerly occupied by Express Dairies but that of an agricultural field where an artificial bank has been built (Design & Access Statement 1.5)
2. The highway network approaching the site is inadequate. (Design & Access Statement 1.7 The site is approached via the LANE leading from Seaton Junction to Whitford……………).
3. Further inappropriate building in an AONB leading to a detrimental visual effect looking across the valley especially from the public footpaths which travel near Shute House besides encroaching on neighbouring properties. The area surrounding the site comprises of open coutryside. (See Design & Access Statement 1.8)
4. Policies E5 Rural Diversification, EDLP Policy E6 Small Scale Development in Rural Areas, EDLP Policy TA7 Adequacy of Road Network and Site Access and EDLP Policy TA9 Parking Provision in New Development have not been taken into consideration and addressed. (Design & Access Statement 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 & 2.6)
5. The highway passing the site frequently floods and any further surface water created will only increase the problem.
6. No details given regarding the change of use of land.
7. Landscaping for past applications not completed.
Planning Applications Granted
DCC/3601/2013 Shute Primary School, Shute. Retention of one exsiting modular classroom block for a further fifteen years.
13/2564/LBC 1 The Stables, Shute. Replacement conservatory.
13/2712/FUL and 13/2713/FUL Land south of Hill Farm, Dalwood. Barn and silage pit.
13/2733/LBC 6 Shute House, Shute. Rebuilding of chimney stack. .
13/2789/FUL Shute Marsh House, Shute. Replacement storage building (retrospective).
13/2790/FUL Shute Marsh Farm, Shute. Erection of building to house chickens (retrospective).
14/0076/FUL Green Acres, Old Taunton Road, Dalwood. Retrospective application for construction of 3 bay open-fronted storage building. Agreed for a site meeting to be held to determine comments to be returned.
Further Planning Matters
EDDC – Consultation on Draft Villages Development Plan Document. Views are sought prior to 10th March. Agreed no comments to be returned.
Hampton Farm, Hampton, Whitford. It has been noted how large the approved new building is at this site. It has been requested for the light pollution and landscaping to be looked into. The Clerk to investigate.
No matters brought forward.
It was reported Mr D White is retiring from looking after the graveyard at Shute Church. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland and agreed to send him £25.00 to thank him for keeping the area so tidy for the past few years.
The next Parish Council meeting together with the Annual Parish Meeting take place on 10th April 2014 at Whitford Village Hall, 7.00pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm