Shute Parish Council meeting 12.12.13



AT 7.30PM.

Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, W Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,

Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, C Cllr A Moulding (for part of the meeting) and

Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).

The Vice-Chairman, Cllr Carol Miltenburg opened the meeting by welcoming everyone present and explained she will be taking the meeting due to the Chairman, Cllr P Rugg being in hospital having had a heart by-pass operation. It was reported he is doing well and everyone wishes him a speedy recovery.


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr P Rugg, Dist Cllr I Chubb and

PCSO Amanda Wooster.


The circulated minutes of the Meeting of Shute Parish Council held on 7th November 2013 were approved and duly signed as correct after a small amendment was made and initialled. (Words “has collapsed deleted” page 101).


Hitchcock Trust Land. This matter of the recently erected fence to be put on hold until after Christmas.

EA – Whitford Bridge. Reported the information board has now been erected which is full of interesting local facts. Trevor Cronin to be again thanked for all the time and effort he put into this project.


EDDC Planning Seminar. Cllrs W Marshall gave a brief report on this meeting where many new planning regulations were explained. However, these new regulations do not apply to any applications within an AONB and therefore do not affect the Parish of Shute. Basic planning considerations were detailed.

East Devon AONB. Cllr R Orsman reported the meeting held at Umborne was well attended by various different agencies. One point of interest raised was the area to be made a National Park. However it was thought the AONB status is already implemented so therefore there would be little or no benefits.


Cllr Carol Miltenbug reported she has sent an application for the next Working Together Grant which is on behalf of Kilmington and Shute Parish Councils for clearance and improving the amenity value of land at Shute Woods which is under the ownership of Hitchcock Trust. She is also working on a new Lottery Grant, Grow Wild which has to be submitted by 6th January. It was questioned if the dead oak tree on the site has been removed. This to be checked.

It was reported Dalwood Parish Council will be chased regarding the previous grant received as the money has to be spent by 20th March 2014 or returned.


The Clerk circulated e-mails since the last meeting but there were no matters Councillors wished to raise.

DALC – Axminster Committee. The next meeting to take place on 28th January and Shute Parish Council is requested to be hosts supplying tea/coffee & biscuits at the beginning. It was agreed to be the hosts organising the meeting at Whitford Village Hall.

DCC – Devon Waste Plan. Details previously e-mailed, agreed no comments to be returned.

EDDC – Development Management Committee. The Parish Council is invited to make a 3 minute presentation in respect of the Development Plan Document on 17th December. Agreed no action to be taken.


Following the last meeting an-email has been received from DCC Highway Officer addressing issues raised.

Road from Easy Bridge to Three Sycamores. This road is in a diabolical state and is unsuitable for use, people are using detours. I have put a job on the system to get the safety defect potholes along this section repaired, the reference for which is: RMS13631128. Other minor defects will not be repaired at this time as there is no funding available to do so.
C Cllr Andrew Moulding reported DCC have agreed the new budget where £6-7m will be coming out of the highway budget, work will be carried out to keep the main network clear but C roads will only have safety repairs carried out. However, as there is an order no. hopefully work will be carried out more than just repairing potholes but as it is the main road from Colyton to Umborne and a school bus route he will take this matter up. Cllr R Wood reported he has written to Hugo Swire, MP but as the local MP is Neil Parish he will write again.

In the village of Shute, by the Old Post Office a conifer tree is overhanging the highway leading to buses, lorries and cars being hit if two vehicles try to pass at the same time. I have instructed a letter to be sent to the owner of this tree requesting that it is cut back. If no action after a period of time DCC will conduct works and recharge. Noted.

At Shute Piers a bollard has been hit and needs replacing to try to protect the Pier. As you can see from the attached photograph there is currently an undamaged bollard in place at this location. These bollards are only in place to highlight a hazard to drivers, they will not stop a vehicle from hitting the bollard if there is a loss of control as they deform easily. Agreed to ask again for another bollard as it does help safety measures visually.

Bollards are needed to mark the edge of the road by the stream at UmborneCottages/Colhayne. I’m not entirely sure where this is. Verge markers are in short supply and we do not really have enough funding to purchase more. I could let the Parish have one or two and they could decide the best place to put them. Agreed this offer is better than nothing but water is undermining the road which needs supporting.

Blocked culvert on north side of the road by Ferndale, Umborne. Wasn’t able to locate a culvert other than the gully at this location. At this time we are unable to commission any jetting or drainage repair unless it is affecting the strategic main road network or multiple properties are experiencing major flooding. Agreed to hopefully to employ a lengthsman from the Parishes Together grant .

A BT pole has been replaced at Colhayne Lane in the wrong position meaning it is on the highway causing problems. I do not feel it is causing a significant obstruction as it is on the verge and in line with the hedge back just behind it. If the parish wish it to be moved they may have to approach BT, but past experience tells me they will be very reluctant to move it unless there is a significant safety issue, and as this lane is signed as unsuitable for motor vehicles I don’t think this presents a hazard.

Lastly a blue waste bin is on the side of the highway at Redgate. At times it is on the highway and is also causing concern of its unsightly appearance in an AONB perhaps you could advise who to contact regarding this matter or if there is any action you could take. Refuse collection bins are generally controlled by the district council. I have sent them a report asking that they get the owners to move these bins or remove them all together. If no action in a couple of weeks I would suggest that the Parish follow this up with EDDC. Cllr A Moulding suggested Cllr I Chubb be contacted after Christmas if the bin is still in situ.

At a meeting of the Axminster Committee of the DALC it was reported DCC would provide a parish map giving details of road classifications. This map has never been received, the Clerk to look into the matter as it was reported roads cannot be closed unless permission is granted by the Parish Council. Again the Clerk to chase this matter. Cllr A Moulding recommended the Clerk to contact

Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported the drain cover opposite Fernleigh, Seaton Junction is still causing problems. The Clerk agreed to look into the matter.


No matters were brought forward.


Planning Applications

13/2564/LBC 1 The Stables, Shute. Replacement conservatory. Amended plans also received. Agreed no objection providing Listed Building Regulations are adhered.

DCC/3601/2013 Shute Primary School. Retention of one existing modular classroom, block no 02, for a further fifteen years. Agreed to support.

Planning Decisions – Refusal of Planning Permission

13/1271/FUL Land Opposite Shute Garage. Retention of agricultural machinery and equipment storage building. Reason: Insufficient justification has been submitted to support the retention of the building for agricultural purposes in connection with the surrounding land or other land in the applicant’s ownership as such the application is considered to represent an unnecessary and unsustainable form of development in the open countryside.


A letter has been sent to Mr Letheren from EDDC regarding the unauthorised works at the rear of the property known as Green Acres, Old Taunton Road, Dalwood. He must either apply for planning permission or remove the building and return the land to its previous state. Noted.

FINANCE – No matters raised.


Reported following the circular sent out on behalf of the Church there has been some positive feedback.

Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported she will be organising a meeting in the New Year to discuss possible fund raising for the Church.

Cllr R Wood was thanked for all the time and effort he takes in running the Umborne Website which includes news from the Parish Council besides other events within the Parish plus the round robins giving information to all.


The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 16th January 2014 at Umborne Hall, 7.30pm.

There being no further business the Vice-Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm