AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, PCSO Amanda Wooster (for part of the meeting), Mrs M Thomas (Clerk) plus 6 members of the public
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr J Pearce, Dist Cllr I Chubb and C Cllr A Moulding.
The circulated minutes of the Meeting held on 27th June 2013 were approved and duly signed as correct.
Hitchcock Trust A meeting to be organised. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Shute CP School The Headmistress, Amanda Graham, writes she apologises for not attending recent meetings but this is due to workload. Regarding the position of Shute School this is looking positive with the number of pupils steadily rising. As for the parking this is still a concern, the issue of giving up a section of the school field is muted, parents and residents of Haddon Lane felt this is not appropriate. They remain open to suggestions and do encourage lift sharing and have set up various before and after school initiatives to try to ease the issue and stagger drop off and collection. Noted.
Blind Lane The Clerk reported a meeting is being organised with County Councillors, DCC Highways, Footpath representative and Shute/Colyton Parish Council.
Lyme Bay Winery Councillors visited the Winery for a tour of the winery and its building. This was found to be very informative and a Parish Map was presented to the Winery in way of a thank you for their hospitality.
Tree Warden List EDDC Countryside Team are currently updating their Tree Warden List. The Clerk is awaiting a reply from Peter Easton.
Environment Agency The EA are currently investigating the water abstraction at Umborne. They are also continuing to look into supplying a sign at Whitford Bridge, funding has been difficult which has delayed the project but now the design has gone to the printers.
PCSO Amanda Wooster apologised for missing meetings but was not available through other work commitments, however she is always available by e-mail or tel 101 for non-emergencies. Another PCSO has been appointed and it is hoped there will be more police presence. Speed issues are still on-going and results form speed checks are forwarded to the road safety officer. Although better equipment is used findings have not warranted extra measures. Regarding crimes there have been four since the last meeting, a theft of motor vehicle, theft/damage to vehicle, dog bit another dog and a burglary in Whitford. Parishioners are warned about leaving doors and windows open during hot weather.
Cllr Marshall asked for road diversions to be given better consideration as diverted traffic through Whitford caused chaos. This will be looked into.
PCSO Amanda Wooster was thanked for attending the meeting and she left the room.
DALC – AXMINSTER COMMITTEE This was well attended and a member of the DCC Highways gave a very informative talk on highway maters. It was reported maps will be sent out to all parishes giving road classification and no roads can be permanently closed without the permission of the Parish Council.
EDDC – CHANGE OF LOCATION The Chairman attended a meeting when it was agreed EDDC has to move form its present location through costs of old buildings. Two locations were put forward Cranberry near Exeter and Honiton. It was agreed Honiton would be the first choice and a letter should be sent to EDDC for this to be noted.
The Clerk reported no action has taken place since the last meeting but will chase this matter. A cheque for £896.50 has been received for this project.
DCC – Rural Connection Programme Brochures were circulated detailing the current satellite broadband scheme on offers to the community until the end of the year. In addition to the satellite broadband offer free IT training and support is available. Further details can be obtained from http://www.europasap.com/product-shooser/regional-offers/devon-somerset-rural-connection.
East Devon AONB – Annual Forum This will take place on 20th September at from 6.00pm at Bicton College. Noted.
Jubilee Sailing Trust A request for a grant. As this is a national organisation it was agreed no grant is available as only local organisations are financially supported.
Natural England – Sites of Special Scientific Interest. As the Parish Council is the owner of a SSI at Whitford a guide for land owners and occupiers has been received. Cllr Marshall agreed to read the guide to check if any action should be taken.
Various Highway Matters were reported at the last meeting Richard Brown, DCC replied:-
Umborne Hall – debris left on the highway following repair to the bridge over the culvert on the footpath. Has been inspected but could find no debris, the Public Rights of Way Team has probably returned to clear up.
Road from Easy Bridge to Three Sycamores – road in bad state of repair. Due to the low category of the lane it is unlikely any large scale maintenance will take place.
The part of the road within Colyton Parish will have highway safety defects repaired.
Lodge Lane – action needs to be taken to prevent flooding in the winter. Currently no funds but will keep any existing facilities as clear as possible.
Untidy signs – following resurfacing many sign have been left in Shute. These need to be removed. The works team may have to return to add some more grit therefore the signs must remain in situ until the whole process is completed. They will be removed as soon as all the works are completed and the site signed off.
Willow Tree Cottage – telephone wires down could cause a highway problem.. Advise BT.
Christopher Pole-Carew raised the uncertainty of the future of St Michael’s Church; Shute To this end a brief report has been drafted and circulated. (Copy attached to these minutes) He reported the Church is not heading for financial collapse but notes there are simply too few people doing too many jobs with the average age of people carrying out duties being over 70years.
Brian Eddy, Lay Chair of the Mission Community reported these issues are not unique to Shute and all five communities must help each other.
Ted Townsend, Treasurer to Shute reported Shute is the smallest regarding worshippers and this leads to if the possibility of Shute Community not being successful then we could merge with the other Communities.
After further discussion it was proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland the circulated document to be ‘tweaked’ and presented to the Parish Council with the view of this being approved by the Mission Community and circulated to all parishioners.
Reported a blue waste bin is positioned on the road edge at Redgate Farm which not only looks unsightly but could be hazardous to road users. As this bin has been in positions for some time the clerk to look into the matter.
Planning Applications
13/1271/FUL Land opposite Shute Garage, Shute. Retention of agricultural machinery and equipment storage building. Following a site meeting the following comments were returned:-
Shute Parish Council strongly objects to this application.
The proposed agricultural building was built to be a replacement of a building which was destroyed by fire in 2010 but the building which was replaced was a fraction of the size not only in area but also in height.
If this building is therefore taken as a new build there is no justification for an agricultural machinery and equipment building the emphasis being on agricultural as the site is only 2 1/4 acres. Other land owned by the application should not be considered as the distance for agricultural machinery to travel would be unviable. It is also noted the present building is built to full industrial specifications which seems unjustified for an agricultural need.
Whilst it is accepted there is already an entrance to this site it should be noted this is a very dangerous entrance onto the busy A35. Any vehicles parked on this entrance block the view for other road users when entering the A35 from the Shute Junction and any long agricultural vehicles entering or leaving the site would partially block the A35 causing hazardous conditions.
This application should also be refused on the grounds it is creating an unjustified building in an AONB and therefore setting a precedent for other building to be erected.
13/1481/LBC 4 Beagles Row, Shute. Re-roof lean-to extension. Following consultation agreed no objection.
Grant Thornton – Audit for the year ended 31st March 2013. The Audited Annual Return for Shute Parish Council has been received with no problems identified. As the income and expenditure are both less than £10,000 there is no fee. The Clerk will carry out the legal requirements. Noted.
Clerk’s Salary. The NALC recommend an increase to all Clerk’s Salaries. It was proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and seconded by Cllr W Marshall for the Clerk to be paid SCP 24 recommended rate of £10.95 All were in favour noting this to be back dated to 1st April.
Reported the damaged BT wire at Umborne is still slack. The Clerk to look into the matter.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 19th September 2013 at Whitford Village Hall, 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm