Autumn Supper report 2013

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We had just about a full house of all ages for our annual Autumn Supper in Umborne Hall on Saturday 26th of October. It would appear that everyone had a most enjoyable evening.
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Our special thanks to Liz Gosling for sorting out the main meal and for many others for making those delicious puddings.
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Tony and Antonia organised the raffle and raised the most impressive sum of £178.
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Pentax Digital Camera
Eleanor ran the “guess the weight of the pumpkin” competition and Bernard was spot on with 7.4k – which in real money is about 16 lbs 3oz.
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Three tables got top marks with the table quiz/game scoring 24/24 – how clever are we in the valley!!
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We had some delightful entertainment with Stacey singing 2 beautiful songs unaccompanied in front of 74 people – well done and thank you. 
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It would appear that we raised about £600 for our hall funds. What a community we live in. Thank you.