Umborne trustees meeting minutes 01.05.13



At Umborne Hall


Wednesday 1st May 2013 7pm



Present: Neville Cheeseman, Paul Galloway, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Rob Summers, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood


  1. Apologies



Jan Coman, Kimmo Evans, Peter Rugg



  1. Minutes of previous meeting



These were agreed and signed off



  1. Matters arising from previous minutes


We discussed the issue of the roads around the Hall. A letter to the Parish Council had been drafted but not sent, as there had been some repairs done recently. However we felt that we should still speak with the Council to see if/when further work was planned. The issue of reflective posts was also raised as these have been put in some places where the sides of the road fall away, but not all.


Action: John to find out


Carried forward from last meeting: Paul raised the issue of the heating, as it would be a good idea to fix before we think about a possible extension. Various options were discussed, Sue will email to find out what options other similar Halls may have chosen, and Rob will look into other ideas


Action: Sue, Rob


Display boards had been suggested. Teresa had looked into these. It was thought that there may be some spare from Symonds and Sampson? – Rob agreed to find out.


Action: Rob


Lottery sign – Sue is following this up with Kimmo


Action: Sue



  1. Treasurer’s report


Paul updated the trustees with the latest figures. Paid in recently: £394.78 from the theme night, £25 Stag donation (Lorna has written to thank them), and £108 from Hall hires. We are due £75 from the Axe Valley Hunt. No out-goings recently. We need to update the signatories (we need three) and remove Geoff Elliott, Sue needs to sign to move money across to the Charities account. Paul is also chasing up any cheques for Umborne Bond repayment, which have not been cashed. Some people are kindly donating theirs to the Hall funds. Eleanor also reported that we have received £1500 from the Grizzly Run from the Axe Valley Runners, and a donation towards Hall use. Lorna will write to thank them


Action: Paul and Sue, Lorna


  1. Entertainment



The Spanish theme night took nearly £400; also the recent Woody’s 8 charity event (with Axe Valley Runners) raised £432 to be split between Karenaid and Help For Heroes. Thank you to all the helpers.



Future events planned:



  • The Umborne Ug and barbecue night, on June 8th. The times will be 5pm for the walkers, 6pm for the 10K run and 6:15pm for the fun run. Helpers – Neville will do the barbecue and Sue agreed to help co-ordinate this. Eleanor will try to borrow some barbecues, so that we have three. Liz agreed to organise the teas, Teresa agreed to help with cakes and to ask Geraldine, Lorna also agreed to make some cakes. Any other help with cakes welcome. Sue agreed to sort out the drinks licence and Teresa will help with the bar after the walk. There will also be a raffle



Action: Neville/Sue/Eleanor/Liz/Teresa/Lorna/All



  • The Steam Up (initially decided on 13th July, but changed after the meeting to 6th July)



  • There is also a music night planned for later in the year, possibly at a ‘Free Friday’



  1. Building/works


The issue of the kitchen lights being on a timer has been raised by a user of the Hall. Apparently there is a key which can be used to keep the lights on, but this needs to be sorted out. Also it was noted that the water heater seems to be on all the time. It was thought that there had been a set of instructions for Hall users but these appear to have been moved. These points will be looked into by Rob and John


Action: Rob and John


Rob brought along a few ideas for plans for a possible extension, and it was decided that of these the most suitable included an idea to extend the current kitchen and add a store room. There was a discussion about finance and whether we needed to spend money on heating for the Hall first. Rob agreed to get some idea of potential costings for the plan, so that we could look at this in more detail at a future meeting


Action: Rob


  1. AOB


Stag donation and kitchen lights – already covered earlier


Offwell preschool – they had contacted us looking for a new venue, but Rob reported that they have now settled on an alternative


Windows – they need cleaning! It was agreed that various Trustees would each clean the outside of a window (numbered anticlockwise from the window on the right when entering door to main hall room which is no. 1)


No. 1 – Teresa


No. 2 – Eleanor


No. 3 – Lorna


No. 4 – Paul


No. 5 – Neville


No. 6 (fire doors) – Rob


No. 7 –Sue


No. 8 – Liz


Kitchen window – John


Front door – Rob


We agreed to try to get these done by the end of the weekend of 11th/12th May if possible



  1. Next meeting – Wednesday 3rd July 2013, at 7:30pm, at the Hall