AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, and R Wood, C Cllr A Moulding and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from C Cllr A Moulding Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster. PCSO Amanda Wooster in her absence sent a breakdown of crimes for the past year. Nineteen crimes were committed, five at Seaton Junction, six at Whitford and eight at Shute. She has carried out speed checks in Shute and has managed to obtain a speed detector which she intends to use over the next few weeks and will be sending a report to PC Mark Goulding, Road Casualty Reduction Officer who liaises with Highways.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 21st February 2013 were approved and duly signed as correct.
E-mails have been received from A Gosling and M Prideaux thanking the Parish Council for their payments which in turn will be donated to the Church Flower Fund. Noted.
Hitchcock Trust – Bettys Ground Following the report of damage being carried out at Bettys Ground DCC have now carried out remedial work. In carrying out the work it was noted there is a dead oak tree which needs removing. Agreed the Chairman to investigate this matter as DCC will charge £350 + VAT per day and it is thought a local contractor would carry out this work for less. Regarding the work carried out suggested a site meeting to be arranged of Hictchcock Trustees. This to be arranged.
Jubilee Celebrations. The Clerk reported pictures of the celebrations held at Shute School are available to view. As for planting the Jubilee Oak Tree agreed to carry this out on Monday 15th April at 2.30pm at Bettys Ground with details to be sent to Shute School and other interested parties.
The Clerk reported the grant of £896.50 has been awarded although with conditions. Funds to be spent by 20th March 2014, work will be as described in the application, details of progress, completion and community benefit to be sent to EDDC on request, monies unspent to be returned. This was noted and agreed a meeting to be organised between Shute and Dalwood Parish Council.
DALC Finance Update. It has been confirmed by the Department for Communities and Local Government that the appropriate sum for Parish Councils for the purpose of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 is £6.98 per electorate. Noted.
Shute Woods Fiona Nicholls writes to inform the Parish Council they are now no longer owners of the woodland. Noted.
Devon Wildlife Trust 2102 Glow-worm Survey. Throughout the summer of 2012 people of Devon were asked to report details of sightings of glow-worms and nearly 400 responses were made with some reported within the local parish. It is important to help this dwindling species and therefore a glow worm fact sheet is available which can be downloaded at www.devonwildlifetrust.org. If further sightings of glow worm in the area are made it is asked for details to be sent to Devon Biodiversity Records Centre at www.dbrc.org.uk via e-mail to DBRC@dbrc.org.uk or call 01392 274128. Noted as was that Cllr W Marshall has made sitings at the Pound, Whitford and will investigate this further.
Another declining species is being investigated; bumble bees with the official launch the Great Devon Buzzing campaign at the Wildlife Festival in Plymouth on 27th April. Noted
East Devon Volunteer Support Agency – Axe Valley Visiting Scheme This scheme trains volunteers to use their skills to support others (60+) who are socially isolated for various reasons. All volunteers are fully supported by the project coordinators and all agreed expenses are reimbursed. A coffee morning is arranged on 27th April at Axminster Senior Citizens Centre to drop in and find out how to get involved as a volunteer. Noted.
EDDC – Community Safety and Anti Social Behaviour Coordinator. All of East Devon is covered by one of the 4 multi agency Local Action Groups which meet every six weeks and discuss issues around crime, disorder, anti social behaviour and general community safety. If any issues that the Parish Council would like to be discussed they ask for details to be forwarded or if minutes of the meetings are required they can be e-mailed. Also, it is asked if the Parish Council would like to identify a member who could act as the Community Safety Champion.
Due to the rural locations of Shute Parish it was agreed the only action to take is to request minutes of their meeting to be forwarded.
Blackdown Hills – Members to Partnership Management Group 2013-2015. The Parish is invited to nominate a representative to the Blackdown Management Group which acts on behalf of the Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership. Nominations to be returned by 10th May 2013. Agreed to raise this matter at the next Parish Council Meeting for anyone interested.
Richard Brown, Neighbourhood Highway Officer e-mails he carried out a speed survey in Shute on the morning of 27th February starting shortly before 8.00am. Although there were a few vehicles travelling at inappropriate speeds the survey results showed an average speed of 30mph across the survey period with the 85th percentile travelling at 34mph. Using these results and placing then into priority ranking system it is indicated that there will most likely to be no further actions at this time. These results will of course be presented to the next Spped Compliance and Review Forum (SCARF) at which point the course of action, if any, will be confirmed and documented. Noted.
Richard Brown, DCC writes the next round of visits from the Parish Lengthsman as of April visiting Shute Parish on 6th June and 2nd September. If any specific work is required then they need to be passed onto him at least 2 weeks in advance. Noted.
It was agreed to request work to be carried out from Berrywood Corner to Pennyhayes as this work is necessitated due to the road frequently flooding following any rain. It was also agreed to thank Mr Brown for the work carried out at Umborne.
Blind Lane. The Chairman reported meeting have been held with Colyton Parish Council and this matter needs to be followed up with a letter asking for an update. The Clerk to look into the matter. It was revealed Cllr J Pearce has some old maps regarding this area which he will photocopy for the Council.
Shute Woods – Travellers. Cllr Peace reported he travelled the road from Shute Piers to Kilmington when he found 9 or 10 caravans, 3 vans, 2 cars and dogs. It was agreed to forward details to C Cllrs A Moulding together with a copy of a document drawn up by a friendly barrister stating the Parish Council are concerned an established site will be formed.
Sumarai Boatyard. Following David Crocker stating no further actions will be taken the Chairman has spoken to a previous EDDC Enforcement Officer who reported work was prepared for actions to be taken before she left. It was agreed for the Chairman to contact Dist Cllr I Chubb regarding taken this matter further.
PUBLIC FORUM –No matters were brought forward.
Planning Applications
13/0286/FUL Land to the rear of Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction. Construction of extension to store and production unit. Following consulting all Councillors it was agreed to return the following comments:-
It is felt there has already been overdevelopment of this site within an AONB, with the lack of thought and acceptable landscaping the original small tidy and in-keeping industrial site has now become a total eyesore and no more expansion can be accepted and therefore this application is strongly refused. In the application it states that the building cannot be seen from a public road, footpath etc this is incorrect. The positioning of the septic tank is not acceptable in the adjacent field as it constitutes an unwarranted development of an agricultural field and it is questioned why it has not been placed within the curtilage of the proposal and existing buildings allowing maintenance to be on hard core. Landscaping from past applications has not been carried out and additional landscaping is needed (the Parish Council to be consulted).
Attention is drawn to a mobile home situated in the adjoining field.
13/0125/FUL Land north east of Dyers Green, Shute. Construction of stables and tack/feed room. After consulting Councillors it has been returned to support this application.
13/0426/OUT Holm Lea, Wilmington (Adjoining Parish) Construction of dwelling (outline with all matters reserved). Following consultation agreed to support this application. It has been submitted on behalf of local people who have lived and work locally supporting the local economy. It also should be noted the proposal should be classified as infill and therefore will not be detrimental to the area in any way.
Planning Decisions
Grant of Planning Permission
13/0220/FUL Lambrook, Whitford. Widening of access. After consulting Councillors it has been returned to support this application.
13/0125/FUL Land North East of Dyers Green, Shute. Construction of stables and tack/feed room. Condition: There shall be no burning of manure or other waste from the stables.
12/2429/FUL Land South of Hill Farm, Dalwood. Construction of agricultural livestock building. Amended plans showing change of location. Further copy of a letter sent to EDDC received expressing opposition. No action taken as comments already returned.
Land opposite Shute Garage. A copy of a letter sent to Mr Hiscox by EDDC has been received which states he must either remove the barn or apply retrospectively for planning permission by 25th March. Noted and agreed to question actions taken and to also ask actions taken regarding the unauthorised caravan on the same site.
Monies Received
Precept of £1,936.50 plus £113.50 £2,050.00
Cheques to be paid
DALC – Annual subscription £132.76
Mrs M Thomas, Clerks salary Jan/March £415.99 plus internet/phone £30.00 plus ink £18.01 plus postage £6.00 plus Jubilee pictures £19.04 £489.04
HMRC – PAY E £104.00
Payment proposed by Cllr C Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr W Marshall and agreed.
Parish Plan. Cllr Wood asked for a small amendment to be made to the minutes of the Parish Plan Steering Committee held 13th February 2013 which will be appendixed to these minutes for reference. Regarding notices these can be placed on the barn door of Pump Farm courtesy of the Louds not on a stone wall. Noted.
Jubilee Pictures. Agreed for the Clerk to order a further 10 copies of the group photo and to place details on the notice boards to make them available at cost to parishioners.
The Annual Parish Council meeting to take place on 9th May at Whitford Village Hall, 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm