At Umborne Hall
Wednesday 6th March 2013 7pm
Present: Paul Galloway, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Rob Summers, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood
Neville Cheeseman, Jan Coman, Kimmo Evans, Peter Rugg
Minutes of previous meeting
These were agreed and signed off
Matters arising from previous minutes
There were no matters arising that were not already included on the agenda. Rob informed the trustees that as it was the first meeting after the AGM, we needed to re-elect a chairperson, treasurer and secretary. Rob, Paul and Lorna agreed to stand again and were re-elected for another year by the remaining trustees (proposed by Eleanor, seconded by John)
Any matters arising from the AGM
Renaming of the Hall. We need to inform the bank (Paul has obtained relevant paperwork and will do this), Charities Commission (Lorna will do this when completing annual return and updating trustees details), Insurance Company? (Paul will check and do this if necessary), Website? (Lorna will check with Rick if anything needs changing on the community website), Community Council of Devon? (Sue will email and find out if we need to inform them) Action: Paul, Lorna, Sue
Feedback forms from hall users. This was suggested at the AGM, and it was decided to get a suggestions/comments book to be kept at the hall, where users could provide feedback to us. Eleanor agreed to arrange this. We have also received some feedback from STAG that they will not be using the Hall for meetings in the immediate future due to the condition of the roads leading to the Hall. It was decided that we should write to the council to express concern and point out that we are now losing income as a result of this. Lorna agreed to draft a letter and forward to Rob to be sent out
Action: Eleanor, Lorna, Rob
Extension ideas. This was discussed, and various suggestions put forward to improve storage and the kitchen area. At the moment we don’t have the funds to proceed but some of the trustees felt we should still be thinking about designs and costings. It was suggested that a smaller working group could be set up to look at this, but it was also felt that we should all still be thinking of new ideas and these will be discussed at a future meeting
Treasurer’s report
Paul updated the trustees with the latest figures. No cheques have been paid in recently, there have been some recent expenses: £78 cleaning bill, £49 AGM food/drinks, £163 children’s party, TENS licence £21. It was discussed and agreed that Paul will move some money into the Charities account which will earn a little interest Action:Paul
The details for the forthcoming theme night on Saturday 23rd March (which will be a Spanish theme) were discussed. We will be serving tortillas (Lorna and Sue agreed to make these, and John will ask Angela), choice of 2 paellas, veg or chicken/chorizo, and bread (Eleanor and Neville to make), crème caramel (Eleanor to make, and Rob will ask Fran) or fruit salad (Teresa to make). Teresa will also make a cottage pie. The games will be ‘ring the bull’s nose’ (John Pearce will organise) and wine tasting (Eleanor/Rick will organise, and Rob will lead), there will also be a small table quiz and Eleanor will run a ‘true/false’ game. It will be £8 adults and £5 teens.
Action: Lorna/Sue/John/Eleanor/Neville/Rob/Teresa
The next ‘Free Friday’ will be on 19th April at 7pm. A ‘run for your breakfast’ event may be planned later in the year, in conjunction with Axe Valley Runners, to raise some money for Karenaid.
Paul raised the issue of the heating, as it would be a good idea to fix before we think about a possible extension. Various options were discussed, Sue will email to find out what options other similar Halls may have chosen, and Rob will look into other ideas Action: Sue, Rob
Liz raised the issue of the sensor for the light switch in the ladies toilet as it seems to go off too quickly! John will try to adjust Action: John
Sue told the trustees thatRita& Dick Gillingham have donated lots of sets of cutlery to the hall including some plastic cutlery. Sue has already thanked them and told them they can borrow them in future if needed. Lorna will write to thank them.
Action: Lorna
Teresa asked about paper towels. Sue will find out and order
Action: Sue
Display boards were suggested. Teresa will enquire about these
A coat rack was suggested. John and Rob will look into this
Action: John/Rob
Jan has considered resigning as a trustee – Rob will speak with her and see if would still be willing to help Action:Rob
Sue asked whether we should have a plaque to acknowledge that we received lottery funding for the hall, as she has seen one elsewhere, but we don’t have one. She will speak to Kimmo to see if he would be willing to find out about it Action:Sue
Sue also said that we had received comments about the slippery floor and whether it had been polished. Teresa confirmed that we did not use polish. It was discussed and we agreed to try using an alternative floor cleaner. Action: Teresa
Next meeting
Wednesday 1st May 2013, at 7pm, at the Hall