AT 7.30PM.
The Chairman welcomed everyone present including the member of the public, Christopher Pole-Carew.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, and R Wood, C Cllr A Moulding and one member of the public plus
Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from Mrs E Sweetland, Dist Cllr I Chubb and PCSO Amanda Wooster. It was reported PCSO Amanda Wooster has carried out a speed check but was not wearing a high visibility jacket. This to be questioned..
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 10th January 2013 were approved and duly signed as correct after 3 tons was changed to 30 tons (Highways page 67)
Blackdown Hills AONB Apple trees. An apple tree is available for collection on 23rd March. Cllr Carol Miltenburg agreed to collect the tree ready for planting at the same time as the Jubilee Oak tree at Bettys Ground.
Wildscapes – Shute Churchyard The Clerk reported she had contacted the Church regarding the suggested management plan and received replies giving a positive feedback but with concerns raised that on balance it is fine as it is. Suggested a pamphlet/briefing sheet giving details of the flora and fawna is printed and made available at the school, church and church porch. The Clerk to look into this matter.
Jubilee Celebrations Regarding the planting of the Oak Tree at Bettys Ground the School Headmistress has not arranged a date. This matter to be followed up.
Notice Board at Easy Bridge, Umborne. Cllr Wood reported this matter is in hand.
Parish Plan A meeting was held last week, minutes and proposed actions will be forwarded.
The Clerk reported the decision making panel were impressed by the application which showed Parishes working together. However, before deciding on the application they wish to find out if this sort of project would be provided by DCC with new flood prevention. If it is not work that DCC will be providing then the application will be approved. Noted.
Devon & Somerset County Councils – Rural Connections An initiative offering faster satellite broadband to residents in Shute Parish with immediate effect is on offer. Areas of high rurality suffering from poor connectivity have been identified and residents and businesses are eligible for free installation of satellite broadband including equipment funded by DEFRA. Free IT training and support is also available. For further information visit http://www.toowaydirect.com/regional-offers/devon-somerset-rural-connection. Agreed details to be circulated on the website and posters to be erected.
Best Village Competition. Entries to be submitted by 26th April. Agreed no entry to be made this year but Cllr Orsman took details to give it some thought for the future.
DALC – Axminster Committee – Details which were circulated at a recent meeting of the Committee of concerns raised by Northleigh Parish Council regarding the amount of water running along the rural roads together with blocked ditches causing highway maintenance problems which the Parish Lengthsman service can no longer cope with and a wish to engage with DCC Highways to see how better returns can be achieved were read out. As it is considered if Parish Councils work together a better service will be obtained. Agreed to support this initiative.
C Cllr Andrew Moulding reported on a meeting he attended whereby this issue is being looked into whereby DCC will work together with Parish Councils.
Environment Agency – Whitford Gauging Station Sign The EA has agreed to provide some signage for the Whitford Bridge gauging station hut which is due for replacement during the first half of February. The latest version of this sign was circulated and space is available for some words regarding Whitford. It was agreed the proposed sign was well designed and Cllrs R Orsman and W Marshall would provide the wording using the piece written in the Parish Plan as a template.
Community South West. An exciting new campaign is being launched in February 2013 to recognise, celebrate and encourage community spirit within towns and villages of Devon. Cornish Mutual if offering a prize of £1,500, one in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset towards a community event or project. Agreed as the likelihood of winning is so small no action to be taken.
EDDC – Community Infrastructure. EDDC has prepared a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for consultation. C Cllr A Moulding explained this is more important for larger communities as it replaced the Section 106 whereby monies obtained will go into a central pot and only 15% will be used for local projects although if a Neighbourhood Plan is produced this will rise to 25%. Agreed the Parish Council will take no action but if Councillors wish to make a comment is available at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/cil
It had been reported to the Clerk heaps of dirt and rubbish had been dumped on the roadside at Shute Woods on Hitchcock Trust land which was believed to be road sweepings etc and she had immediately contacted R Brown, DCC Highways who in turn replied he had identified the source of the material and had spoken to SWH who advised that they will be getting a machine to level the mounds and build up the verges which should restore the look of the area. This has been done but after discussion it was agreed the Council are still not happy with this as actions taken could lead to the trees dying and wild flora being lost. It was agreed a site meeting with Mr Brown, DCC should be organised and an apology should have been received. It was also noted permission should have been granted before any tipping occurred.
Cllr A Moulding reported the bad potholes on Haddon Road should be filled within the next week. He also reported Worhams Lane was closed due to structural problems. The Chairman commented if DCC had listened and large lorries prevented from using this lane the problems would never have occurred.
Regarding the Travellers at Shute Woods Cllr Moulding reported on 7th February the site was visited when it was agreed 2 vehicles would remain, 2 removed and 1 leaving in next 8 weeks. On 15th February there were 8 caravans on site whereas only 3 are tolerated. Cllr Moulding is asking for further action to be taken.
Blind Lane. The Chairman reported a meeting has been held with Colyton Parish Council, Colyton County Councillor and Councillors from Shute. It was thought this meeting was helpful to view the problems of flooding/stones being washed onto the highway and County Councillors A Moulding and Sarah Randell-Johnson will press for work to be carried out. It is hoped action will be carried out.
A35 dualling. C Cllr A Moulding reported he is supporting proposals for the dualling of this carriageway as is Neil Parish,MP.
No matters were brought forward.
Planning Applications
13/0125/FUL Land north east of Dyers Green, Shute. Construction of stables and tack/feed room. After consulting Councillors it has been returned to support this application.
13/0220/FUL Lambrook, Whitford. Widening of access. After consulting Councillors it has been returned to support this application.
12/2429/FUL Land South of Hill Farm, Dalwood. Construction of agricultural livestock building. Amended plans showing change of location. Agreed to support.
Planning Decisions – Grant of Listed Building Consent
12/2376/LBC Redgate Farm, Shute. Replacement roof structure and covering. Installation of guttering, new windows and doors. New concrete floor surface. Conditions: New roof trusses shall be fitted in the position alongside the existing trusses and the existing trusses shall be retained in situ. Details of replacement and new rainwater goods and finishes to be submitted and approved. All stonework/brickwork repointing and rendering shall be carried out using a lime based mix and samples of proposed roofing materials shall be submitted and approved.
Following the question of part of the building at Sumaria Boatyard being used for residential Mr D Cocker, Planning Enforcement Officer was contacted again. He replied:-
Thank you for your letter dated 31st January 2013. I understand you would like more information as to why I cannot Enforce some issues. Please let me clarify.
1. The residential use of part of the building has been banded ‘D’ for the last seven years and the Council tax for domestic rates has been paid for the last seven years. I can only Enforce up to a period of four years for domestic dwellings without planning permission unless an Enforcement Notice has been issued. No previous Enforcement Officer has issued a notice for this particular breach so therefore no planning application or Lawful Development Certificate can be expected in order to regularise the situation.
2. With regard to the landscaping condition 2 of 05/2538/FUL. This has not been followed up in the past and a meeting with the Principle Planning officer has concluded that it is not expedient to investigate. This is because it was only designed to be implemented for a period of five years and since 8 years has passed the owner of the building could have removed the scheme anyway.
I understand that the time constraints with which I can operate on your behalf are frustrating and you can expect that any future complaints that you have will be dealt with urgently and timorously
This was noted and with disappointment accepted no further action can be taken.
Shute Garage. Following Mr Capon, EDDC being contacted yet again regarding the unsatisfactory replies received stating Shute Parish Council feel the conditions relate to the planning application conditions not being implemented a reply has been received stating:-
I acknowledge that the conditions were attached to the planning permission ref. 09/0995/FUL for the change of use of a garage, petrol filling station and car breakers to use for car sales, however, the application site included additional land forming the paddock area at the eastern end of the site which was not formerly used in connection with the garage, filling station or car breaking.
The use of this additional land resulted in an intensification of the previous use of the site and also resulted in an extension of the site into open countryside and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Conditions were imposed in respect of road improvements to cater for the additional traffic generated as a result of the use of the additional land. Landscaping conditions were also attached to the permission in order to screen the additional land to be used for the sale and storage of vehicles.
As previously stated, the use of the additional land has now ceased and the land has been reinstated. It would not therefore be expedient for the Council to pursue enforcement action under these circumstances.
This was discussed and it was agreed the Council is still not happy with this response and to contact David Cocker, Enforcement Officer for his views.
Cheques to be paid
M Prideaux, War Memorial care 2012/2013 £25.00
A Gosling, Auditing of accounts 2011/2012 £20.00
Whitford Hall, annual hall hire charge £50.00
Umborne Institute, annual hall hire charge £50.00
Payment proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr C Miltenburg and agreed.
C Cllr A Moulding reported Devon and Somerset Councils had 94m people register for BT to provide superfast broadband. County Councillors are pressing for work to be ruled out in this area.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 4th April when it will be held in conjunction with the Annual Parish Meeting at Umborne Hall, 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm