Umborne Hall Trustees meeting 29.1.2013



At Umborne Village Hall

Tuesday 29th January 2013


Present: Neville Cheeseman, Paul Galloway, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Lorna Ockenden, John Pearce, Peter Rugg, Rob Summers, Teresa Wilmington-Wills, Eleanor Wood


  1. Apologies

Jan Coman, Lynne Craig, Kimmo Evans


  1. Minutes of previous meeting, and
  2. Matters arising from previous minutes

This had been an informal meeting and no minutes were taken.

  1. Any issues to discuss before AGM

Renaming of the Hall – This needs to be approved by the AGM, so the trustees discussed several names for the Hall and agreed to suggest ‘Umborne Hall’ to be put to the AGM.

Numbers of trustees – Rob confirmed that no more than 12 trustees were allowed under the terms of the constitution. Lorna was co-opted as secretary and with Lynne standing down and Liz, Sue and Peter standing for re-election this made up the full number.

  1. Treasurer’s report

Paul presented the income and expenditure figures for the year ending 31st October 2012, which have been audited by John Buse. The balance carried forward is £12,133.08. Since then he has also paid insurance (£829) and for the new chairs (£2400). He has received a letter from Karenaid thanking us for our donation of £146, as a result of the 12th Night party raffle.

  1. Entertainment

Eleanor told us about some planned events in the next few months:

23rd March – theme night. This will probably be a Spanish theme. 12th April – Peter and Gilly will kindly be hosting another organ recital evening. There is also a plan to have another music night, date not confirmed yet. Eleanor has received a letter from Cancer Research thanking us for our donation of £235, as a result of our New Year’s Eve party.

  1. Building/works

There was nothing particular to report, this is still on-going. The issue of whether to think about an extension, particularly for the kitchen and to provide more storage will be discussed at the AGM. It is hoped to be able to remove the lock-up storage outside at some point when there is alternative storage for the items currently there.

  1. AOB

There was no other business raised

  1. Next meeting

Wednesday 6th March 2013, at 7pm, at the Hall