24th January 2012
1 Your Trustees:
Rob Summers (Chairman), Paul Galloway (Hon Treasurer), Ted Townsend (Hon Secretary), Eleanor Wood, Peter Rugg, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Paul Forster, Neville Cheeseman, and Janet Coman attended the meeting.
Kimmo Evans sent his apologies, due to illness.
In Attendance
Teresa Wilmington-Wills, John Pearce, Andy Bowman, Rick Wood, Antonia Cheeseman, John Buse, and Carolyn Selley were in attendance
Apologies were received from Cherryl and Michael Wingham, and Gilly and Peter Lee-Cox.
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Secretary apologised for omitting to bring a copy of the minutes from a year ago to the meeting. As no-one else had a copy either, they had to be taken as read. A copy is attached to these minutes and will be posted on the website when signed off.
3. Matters Arising
4. Annual Report – Year to 30th October 2011 Rob Summers (Chairman)
Rob Summers presented his annual report. Copies will be filed with the charity commissioners and posted on the website.
5. Annual Accounts 2010 -2011 Paul Galloway (Hon Treasurer)
Paul Galloway presented the audited accounts. Income of £4,213 included an extraordinary item – a refund of £800 from EDF. Nevertheless, expenditure of £3,090 was exceeded by income from fundraising and lettings.
Building fund income of £6,508 exceeded the final expenditure during the year required to complete the hall and left a surplus for the year of £ 2,180.
Overall, including surpluses brought forward, the Umborne Institute has funds of £15,221 which, after repayment of the remaining Umborne Bonds, will leave a cash surplus carried forward of £9,471. This represents 38% of the estimated funds needed to build the proposed extension to the hall; providing a larger kitchen and in-building storage facilities for such items as furniture and skittle alley equipment.
7. Elections
The following retired as trustees and, being willing to stand again, were re-elected
Janet Coman, Paul Galloway (Hon Treasurer)
In addition, with completion of the hall, Paul Forster, Ted Townsend (Hon Secretary) retired and are not standing again. Both were thanked for their work on the project.
The following new names were proposed, seconded and elected as trustees:
Name | Proposed | Seconded |
John Pearce | Eleanor Wood | Rob Summers |
Lynn Craig | Eleanor Wood | Sue Gush |
Teresa Wilmington-Wills | Eleanor Wood | Rob Summers |
8. Officers
The role of Hon Secretary is now vacant.
Rosemary Hewson stood down as Bookings Secretary and been replaced by Sheila Townsend. Thanks were expressed to Rosemary for her excellent work.
9. Umborne Bonds
Paul Galloway announced the interest on the remaining Umborne Bonds. The draw winners were:
- Bond 118 – interest of £72
- Bond 132 – £43
- Bond 73 – £29
All outstanding bonds will be repaid during the next month. Anyone not wishing to accept repayment can gift their amount due (under the HMRC Gift Aid Scheme) using the form which will accompany the cheques.
10. Events 2012
Eleanor Wood thanked everyone who has helped with the fund-raising events of the last year. This year’s programme will be posted and updated on the website.
11. AOB
There being no other business and with cheese and wine available, the meeting broke up in the usual disarray.