AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb, three members of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from C Cllr A Moulding, Dist. Cllr I Chubb Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster. In her absence PCSO Amanda Wooster sent a report stating five crimes have been reported since the last meeting. 2 x complaints reference dogs (dogs chasing sheep & reported for a bite on aggrieved) 1 x criminal damage to vehicle, 1 x burglary dwelling and *1 x theft of vehicle.
* Cllr Mrs E Sweetland declared an interest. The Clerk read an e-mail which asks dog owners to be reminded it is dog owners, or those in charge of the dog, are responsible to make sure that the dog is under control at all times.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 27th September 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.
Closed Green Lanes. Following the Clerk sending details of the classification of roads, Blind Lane – 12 Track, Big to Little Umborne – 12 Track, and Worhams Lane – 10 Service Track, the Ramblers Association suggest contacting the Rights of Way section (mike.jenkins@devon.gov.uk) as they recently took over the responsibility for maintenance etc of ‘green lanes’. The Clerk to follow up this matter.
Sandbags. These have been delivered to Cllr D Loud who brought a number to be distributed at this meeting.
Jubilee Oak Tree. The Clerk has ordered and received an oak tree which is now ready for planting. It was questioned if the graveyard is too small an area for it to be planted at this site. It was proposed, seconded and agreed for it to be planted at Bettys Ground. The Chairman to contact the school regarding this matter.
Wildscapes. Cllr R Orsman reported a meeting has been held and the Environment Agency contacted asking if it would be possible for it to be explained what the gauging station does, would there be any objection to a notice being placed on the gauging station and would there be a contribution towards this notice. A reply has been received replying:-
a) This structure provides river level and flow information on the river Axe at Whitford. It is used in conjunction with other similar gauge sites for the purpose of assessing flood water levels and to allow flood warnings to be issued. Drought conditions may also be identified using this structure, along with other long term hydrological characteristics of the river.
b) I would like to avoid fixing anything to the new kiosk (when installed) to maintain its water tightness and appearance, and to prevent people entering the compound to read it. I am more than happy to provide a purpose made notice board at a suitable location adjacent to the river and gauge structure.
c) I am happy to have a sign made with the details of the river level gauge details as per a) above. Perhaps a similar type of sign might be used for your other information which I would be happy to help towards. The reason I suggest this is that perhaps all of the information in one place might be a little overpowering to the public?
Agreed to reply thanking them for this offer which would be greatly appreciated.
Jubilee Celebrations Photographs. After contacting Amanda Graham it has been agreed for the Clerk to obtain a copy of the photographs with a view of looking into this matter further after Christmas.
Notice Board – Umborne. After seeking advice the Clerk has contacted Mr Vickers regarding his offer to erect a notice board at Easy Bridge. He was thanked for keeping this area tidy and his offer of erecting a notice board which DCC states can be erected without a license providing it is erected back in the hedge. Noted.
It has been brought to the attention of the Clerk each councillor must apply for a dispensation to enable them to deal with the budget and precept because the new Code of Conduct no longer has an automatic dispensation. It was proposed by Cllr R Wood seconded by Cllr R Orsman and agreed by all to apply for this dispensation and each Councillor signed an application for dispensation in relation to a Pecuniary Interest which will be in force until the end of April 2015.
The Clerk reported a meeting of representatives from Dalwood Parish Council, the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Clerk of Shute Parish Council was held to take this matter forward. After discussion it was agreed to apply for the grant jointly to enhance the present lengths man service in the two parishes with the possibility of taking over full responsibility in future years. The Clerk of Shute Parish Council to submit a grant application. Noted.
DCC – Mobile Library. An e-mail has been received and circulated that at present the mobile library stops at Shute Barton on alternate Thursdays from 11.15 – 12.00. . Each year Devon Libraries review the mobile library timetable to ensure that each village’s stop is safe, well used and that the vehicle has enough time between stops to reach their borrowers. Following consultation with borrowers it is proposed to reduce the time by 5 minutes to 10.55 – 11.35 with timetables being distributed as soon as possible. One members of the public questioned if it would be possible for the mobile library to stop at Shute from 3 – 3.15 to 3.45 in order parents when collecting children from school could use the service. Agreed to forward this e-mail to Devon Libraries.
EDDC – Community Infrastructure Levy. The CIL is a new levy that local authorities in England and Wales in theory choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhood wants. As a District Council they have to identify strategic infrastructure required and ask the Parish Council to supply details of requirements within the parish. Agreed the first priority would be car parking in Shute Village and secondly to re-open Seaton Junction Station linking it with Colyton/Seaton (sustainalble transport with connections to London).
Whitford Village Hall Management Committee – Appointment of Member. As a regular user Shute Parish Council is entitled to appoint a person to become a representative with effect from the AGM on 27th November. Agreed to nominate Cllr W Marshall as the previous year.
Following the last meeting an e-mail from Richard Brown, Neighbourhood Highway Officer has been received regarding Easy Bridge. He writes unfortunately when the gang arrived to try and clear the cross drain that runs under the road they found that the areas they need to dig out were filled with water. The reason for this is that some ditches that run into farmland and then into the river that DCC will do this on their behalf. Therefore they are looking to re programme the work for when the resources are again available.
He has since spoken to the land owner and although it is normally their responsibility to clear these ditches it has been agreed are also blocked up which means the water from the road has nowhere to go. As these ditches are on private land there was nothing further that could be done at the time and the gang moved on to another job.
Although this information was greeted with some enthusiasm since the last heavy rain when the village hall and members of the community were cut off due to floods this matter was discussed further. It was questioned if there is a minimum standard roads should be maintained to as it is felt fundamental standards must be broken and it is questioned if there is an accident who would be liable? Cllr J Pearce provide pictures of the road outside of Lyndhurst, bottom of Blind Lane and the road between Easy Bridge and Umborne Hall which are quickly becoming impassable.
It was agreed this to be reported to the Neighbourhood Highway officer with copies being sent to C Cllr A Moulding and Neil Parish, MP. It was also reported the Chairman will be meeting with the Neighbourhood Officer to travel around the parish to identify problems. A report to be requested of actions to be taken.
Other matters reported to be reported were culvert at Dyers Green is still blocked, Lodge Lane flooding, potholes at Haddon Lane by the Church gate, potholes near Redgate Farm, vehicles parked inconsiderately blocking the road to emergency vehicles at Shalford Terrace, water running onto the A35 near Worhams Farm, and water running onto the highway from Shute Arms, Seaton Junction.
Snow Warden. Mr Sweetland questioned how to organise using the salt supply. It was agreed for Mr Sweetland to use his own initiative remembering salt is for the highway or for those who are incapacitated and it was agreed he would keep records. Mr Sweetland to be contacted on 01297 553357. The Council to write a letter of thanks to Mr Sweetland.
A committee meeting has been held and minutes and proposed actions are :-
Parish Plan – Steering Committee. Meeting at Westwater on Monday 26th November 2012Present: R. Wood, Christopher Pole-Carew, Phil Wilson, Peter Easton – also in attendance Gill Pole-Carew. Apologies were received from Carol Miltenburg and Peter Rugg.RW reported that Judith Evans had decided not to continue on the committee due to other commitments. PC councillors would be approached to see if anyone would like to join this committee.The Parish Plan: everyone commented that the plan had been very well received by most people in the parish. The committee would try and meet 3 or 4 times a year to look at the Action Plans for the 6 sections. It was decided that initially we would look at those with High Priority. Several of the points raised would inevitable lead to the Clerk being asked to write letters to various bodies and this would involve extra expense.
A): traffic speed and noise between Shute Piers and Whitford: Action: reduce speed and noise by increased monitoring. RW said something had come up at a recent PC meeting about a speed restriction at Seaton Junction (this was taken from the minutes of the PC meeting on 27th September: from Brian Hoare DCC i) a speed restriction would not be appropriate at such a rural location with minimum frontages and would not meet DCC criteria. ii) there has to be a speed relative casualty collision history for such a location to be considered for a speed restriction. iii) then there is the cost implication in that a new “traffic order” will be necessary so that the speed limit is enforceable by the police, the currant cost of such an order is between £3000 & £5000. ….. In order to assess issues of safety, The CC undertake an annual cluster review of all recorded accidents so that funds directed towards providing schemes at locations where there is an existing recorded problem and where a measurable benefit can be justified through the saving of accidents….. I would advise that this site does not show up in the review as being a location where the introduction of safety measures needs to be prioritised at this time. ) Regarding the monitoring of speed in Shute by the police, it was agreed to ask the Clerk if a solar “slow down sign” could be erected. We would ask the police for advice.
B) parking at Shute School and Church – also at Whitford Hall: Action: procure parking spaces by purchase of land. PE said that this had been investigated before at considerable depth without success. The committee agreed that it should be visited again – and mentioned land at the bottom of Mrs James’s plot, land at the top of the new graveyard plot and NT land for a lay-by. PE agreed to look at past details and contact Ian Chubb and Peter Rugg for help. Regarding parking at Whitford Hall, PE agreed to look again at using the “Pound” for parking.
C) Poor quality of roads: Action: ensure potholes and edgings are attended to more regularly: we felt that because of a worsening situation, parishioners should be encouraged to complain to DCC. Lodge Lane and Easy Bridge in Umborne were mentioned again. Notices could be put on notice boards telling people who to contact about road conditions. The clerk would be asked to write to DCC.
2. Housing:
Lack of affordable housing: Action: conduct a full housing needs survey in the parish. It was felt that this had already been started in the East Devon Village Local Plan and the clerk would be asked to fill us in with the details or we could consult: www.eastdevon.gov.uk/localplan.htm – see minutes of PC meeting on 16th August 2012 – pages 49 & 50. The villages plan will: 1. Show built-up area boundaries. 2. Allocate land for development. 3. Designate land for protection or safeguarding where specific policies apply. 4. Contain settlement specific “development Management” policies that will be used to determine whether planning applications submitted to the council should be granted planning permission. Comments about the plan could have been made to localplan@eastdevon.gov.uk Help could also come from the Community Council of Devon (Devon Communities in Action) re. Affordable housing projects, grant schemes etc.
3. Communications:
A) Lack of high speed broadband Action: encourage providers to improve the service – RW agreed to research this matter more. At a PC meeting on 19th April 2012, County Councillor Andrew Moulding reported that he has been assisting with the roll out of super fast broadband in order to provide the infrastructure needed in hard to reach areas. DCC has £50 million to invest but needs to attract investment from broadband suppliers. Over 15,000 people have already registered their support for this initiative through the DCC campaign. Further information can be seen at www.connectingdevonandsomerset.co.uk
B) poor quality of mobile phone reception : Action: encourage providers to improve their service. RW agreed to look into this matter more.
C) Need for more notice boards in the parish: Action: provide more notice boards in specific locations. After discussion, it was agreed that we should have boards at Pump Farm (PE to discuss with the Louds), Seaton Junction (RW to discuss with the Sweetlands) and Bakers Mead in Shute.
Next Meeting: Wed. 30th January 6.30 at Pear Tree Cottage.
No matters were brought forward.
Planning Applications
12/2135/FUL Janus, Shute, Axminster. Retention of 16no solar panels to west end of south west facing roof at rear of property. Following consultation it had been agreed to support this application.
12/2376/LBC Redgate Farm, Shute, Axminster. Replacement roof structure and covering. Installation of guttering, new windows and doors. New floor surface. Following consultation of councillors agreed to support this application.
12/2429/FUL Consturction of agricultural livestock building at land south of Hill Farm, Dalwood. Cllrs Miltenburg, Orsman and Wood attended a site meeting . Cllr Rugg was present but declared an interest and took no part in any discussions, Cllr Loud declared an interest and did not attend.
Agreed this application not to be supported.
It was thought that the location of the proposed building with its ridge height being over 7.5m and roof colouring placed on what is a prominent spur of land would be very detrimental to the landscape in 2 AONBs. The site can be viewed from the surrounding hills in all directions for several miles. The buildings height would dominate the immediate area and the roof colouration would reflect sunlight increasing its prominence in the wider landscape. It was felt that a less prominent location would be more suitable.
Planning Decisions – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
12/2135/FUL Janus, Shute, Axminster. Retention of 16no solar panels to west end of south west facing roof at rear of property. Condition: In the event that the installation becomes inoperative and does not provide electricity for a period of six months the solar pave panels and associated equipment shall be removed and the roof of the building shall be restored to its former condition.
12/1848/MFUL Higher Hampton Farm, Shute. Livestock housing for dairy cows with cubicles, calving pens, straw yard and an area for routine vet checks for cows. Conditions: The site shall be drained on a separate system of foul and surface water drainage with all clean roof and surface water being kept separate from foul drainage, all foul drainage, including foul surface water run-off, shall be disposed of in such a way as to prevent any discharge to a well, borehole or spring or any watercourse including dry ditches with a connection to a watercourse, slurry shall be stored within a sealed system which should be isolated from the main drainage system, the landscaping and planting scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season after commencement of the development unless otherwise agreed.
Shute Garage. The EDDC Enforcement Officer e-mails the conditions relating to road improvements and signage on planning permission re 09/0995/COU were imposed due to concerns in respect of the increased volume of traffic movements resulting from the use of the additional land forming the compound area at the eastern end of the site. At the time of the further application and subsequent refusal for the removal of these conditions ref 11/1928/VAR this land was still in use for the sale and storage of vehicles. However, as the additional land is no longer being used for that purpose EDDC cannot reasonably enforce conditions relating to a use of the land which has now ceased.
After discussion it was agreed a reply should be sent stating Councillor do not feel the use of this piece of land is not what is in question. The change of use from the original use to the selling and storage of vehicles with many lorries loading and unloading one the A35 forms part of the o planning application and the conditions were part of this approval and therefore should be enforced and as soon as possible for highway safety.
Land opposite Square Acres, Shute. EDDC Planning Officer writes he has visited the site and had a meeting with Mr Mark Hiscox and Bob Capon and is now closing the case because there are no cars being stored on the agricultural side of the land and there are no cars that are directly connected with the “Land Rover Garage”
Opposite. The two Cars for Cash vans move on a regular basis and are taxed and MOT and have insurance are situated on hard standing which has been there for a long time.
After noting these comments agreed the matter in question is that of a building and mobile office and to inform the Enforcement Officer.
Cheques to be paid
Trees Direct, Jubilee Oak Tree £40.64 plus VAT £8.13 £48.75
RBL Poppy Appeal, poppy wreath £15.00
Shute CP School, re-issue of Jubilee Cheque £300.00
Payment proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland and agreed.
Cllr R Wood questioned the situation regarding the travellers at Shute Woods. The Clerk reported C Cllr A Moulding was looking into the matter. The Clerk to chase this matter.
Cllr D Loud reported the concrete block has been replaced at Whitford Green to prevent vehicle entering the property. Noted.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 10th January at Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, wished everyone a Happy Christmas and declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm