AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs D Loud, Ms C Miltenburg (for part of the meeting), R Orsman,
P Rugg, and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb, one members of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs B Marshall, J Pearce,
Mrs E Sweetland, C Cllr A Moulding, Dist Cllr I Chubb, Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster.
Lottie Young, Outreach Manager for Leisure East Devon is commissioned to promote activities in villages of East Devon and phase three includes the parish of Shute with a fund of £2,000. This fund is to provide support and set up fees not infrastructure. In the past such programmes as cricket, tennis, zumba, bowls, line dancing have been supported in near-by villages. Contact details for Whitford, Umborne and Shute School were passed on and post cards to be completed with posters to advertise this were provided. Her contact details are lyoung@ledleisure.co.uk tel 01395 562500
The Council thanked her for attending and agreed this would be well worth supporting
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 16th August 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.
A letter from Umborne Institute has been received thanking the Parish Council for their kind donation in respect of the Jubilee Event. Noted.
Devon Association of Local Councils. The AGM will be held on 16th October at WestPoint, Exeter. No Councillor is available to attend.
The Environment Agency thanks the Parish Council for supporting the replacement kiosk at Whitford Bridge and now is looking to carry out minor repairs to the access steps. The steps have been undercut by the high river flows. Agreed this work needs to be carried out and therefore no objections are to be raised.
Regarding the repair of the perimeter wall at Shute Churchyard EDDC are waiting for permission from the Diocese. The Clerk announced she has also reported the paths are very slippery with a gentleman falling, EDDC have taken remedial action.
Closed Green Lanes. The Clerk has contacted the Ramblers Association who replied
Requesting location and classification of Blind Lane, Worhams Lane and the lane from Big to Little Umborne. It should be noted the responsibility for looking after “green lanes” in Devon in the last year or so moved from the Highways section of DCC to the Public Rights of Way Section (whose main responsibility is footpaths and bridleways). Ramblers in Devon have a good relationship with DCC’s Public rights of way section and there is a generally accepted understanding that Green Lanes would be a useful addition to the public footpath and bridleway network for recreational uses. Green lanes under the Highways wing are the poor relation and did not get the public money and maintenance they rightly deserve.
Agreed for the Clerk to check details and reply.
Jubilee Celebration Photographs. The Clerk contacted Amanda Graham, Head Teacher Shute School regarding the availability of the photographs who in turn provided the e-mail address of bill.corr@btinternet.com who will help anyone have difficulties in assessing the photographs. After further discussion regarding those who have no access to the internet it was agreed to hold an evening at Shute School with the aim of displaying the photographs for orders and the possibility of the Parish Council purchasing a copy of them all as well as a picture for the school as previously agreed. Amanda Graham agreed to contact Mr Corr with the view of arranging this.
Jubilee Oak Tree. The Clerk has not received quotes for a tree but is still looking into the matter.
Easy Bridge – Mr Vickers. A letter of gratitude for the work carried out at this location has not yet been sent as an offer to supply, erect and maintain a notice board has been made. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Cllr Orsman reported there will be a meeting at Whitford on October 3rd regarding Wildscapes when those Councillors who agreed at a previous meeting will attend.
A meeting was held with other parishes Meg Booth, DCC, Brian Hoare, DCC, C Cllr A Moulding and representatives from Shute to discuss the possibility of taking forward the initiative of using the Parishes Together funding to provide a local lengthsman. However, Cllr Rugg reported no figures have still been gained regarding costs.
E-mails have been received, Kilmington Parish Council asking if the opportunity of the funding would be an opportunity for Kilmington and Shute to co-operate and use the fund for works needed to the Hitchcock Trust and Dalwood asking the possibility of co-operating to supplement the existing lengthsman.
After discussion it was agreed to turn down Kilmington’s offer for this year but to keep it in mind but to go ahead with Dalwood and a meeting to be organised.
At this point of the meeting Cllr Rugg reported Mr Wareham has been working on the Hitchcock land and progress as been made with tidying the woods. Although, the budget allowed he will not be able to complete the work.
Cllr Carol Miltenburg left the meeting
Axe Valley and West Dorset Ring & Ride Service. This service continues to offer door-to-door journeys for all parishioners who are unable to use public transport due to mobility or other problems or because they live in a rural area where little transport is available and they ask for a donation. Cllr D Loud proposed and Cllr P Rugg seconded a proposal to donate £40.00 as in previous years. All agreed.
Rough Sleepers Partnership. This is a new project that has been set up to assist people rough sleeping in the community. Services in Devon and Cornwall are working together to ensure that people who find themselves without a roof receive help as soon as possible. In March 2012 a 24 hour phone line was launched tel 0800 151 3441 enabling any member of the public who sees someone rough sleeping to report their concerns. A member of the nearest outreach service will then endeavour to make contact with the rough sleeper within 48 hours and begin the work of helping them into accommodation or to recommend them to an area where they have friends and family. Agreed to promote this service by distributing postcards and erecting the enclosed posters.
DCC – Devon Heritage Service. From October 2012 DCC will be providing an integrated Devon Heritage Service combining the holdings of the county archives service with those of the county local studies collections (formerly Westcountry Studies Library), historic registers of Devon Registration Service and selected archaeological records. These collections will be housed at Great Moor House, Sowton Business Park, Exeter which will be known as the Devon Heritage Centre. Tours of the office are offered to the public free of charge twice a week, details are available on their website devrec@devon.gov.uk or contact the Community Education Development Officer, Brian Carpenter on 01392 380573. Noted.
East Devon Citizens Advice Bureau. Citizens Advice provides its service free at point of contact to the general public and whilst they have been successful in coming to a 3 year Service Legal agreement with DCC this does not include inflation. However they are more than ever in need of financial support in order to deliver a basic service. Cllr R Wood proposed and Cllr D Loud seconded a proposal to donate £30.00 as in previous years. All agreed.
Blackdown Hills AONB. Copies of the new Blackdown Hills AONB Design guide have been received. Agreed to leave copies at Whitford Village Hall, Umborne Hall and a copy for the Chairman.
Making It Local Forum and Funding Fair, An agenda and booking form for the Fair to be held at Bicton Earth Centre on 23rd October at 6.00pm has been received. Cllr R Orsman to try to attend with another representative from Whitford. It was also noted a workshop for the creative sector has moved to a larger venue and places are still available. This to be held on 2nd October 10.00am to 12 noon at Kennaway House, Sidmouth.
EDDC – Sandbag Distribution 2012. Empty sandbags are offered by the District Council. It was agreed to request 200 with delivery to Cllr D Loud.
DCC – Your Community, Your Choice invite. Your Community Your Choice will start visiting towns across Devon in September and will be led by John Hart, Leader of the Council. They want people to go along to tell them their priorities and what is important to their community. They no longer have the resources to do everything they would like to but can help communities who wish to take action themselves. The nearest meeting to be held are on 23rd November 6.30pm at Honiton Mackarness Hall and on 26th November at Seaton Town Hall also 6.30pm.
WWD – Concept, Construction and Completion. WWD supports the Central Government changes to Planning legislation and the recently introduced National Planning Policy Framework which sets out to encourage a local and community driven mandate for development. They are offering their services to help identify and formalise community plans and offer to meet with the Parish Council for an initial no obligation consultation in the hope that a relationship could be formed. Noted.
Following the reported issues from the last meeting Brian Hoare, DCC replies:-
1.Old Taunton Road, ‘no overtaking signs’
The temporary traffic order that prohibits overtaking along the section of Stockland Hill road, between the A30 and the junction known as Ridge Cross has been introduced as the edges of the road, including the road markings, are prone to damage and it is considered necessary to discourage vehicles from travelling at the edge of the road at high speed.
The measure is temporary pending remedial works being carried out, which is fairly large scaled, and has been programmed for the current financial year.
2.Shute corner, hedge cutting.
SWH have been instructed to cut the top of the hedge on their next Urban Grass Cut visit. This I’m afraid won’t be before the schools go back! Please note, that the top of the hedge cutting is not strictly within the remit of Dcc & does not comply with policy.
It would be prudent if the Parish Council liaise directly with the adjacent land owner to get the hedge cut on a more frequently as there might be a time that I will have to comply strictly with policy in such matters!
3.Irish Ford at Dyers Green.
Has been cleared/jetted as part of the ‘storm clearance’ works.
4.Whitford to Musbury, Flood Signs.
The existing advance warning signs (double signs at each end) plus the depth gauges are/should be ample to warn the general public of the flooding.
Dcc would not wish to provide any more signs on this basis & costs of new signs which are restricted due to budget reductions at this time & in the near future.
5. Seaton Junction, speed restriction.
I) a speed restriction would not be appropriate at such a rural location with minimum frontages & would not met DCC criteria.
ii) There has to be a speed relative casualty collision history for such a location to be considered for a speed reduction.
iii) Then there is the cost implication in that a new ‘traffic order’ will be necessary so that the speed limit is enforceable by the police, the currant cost of such an order is between £3000 & £5000.
It is often viewed by Mop’s :- Does there really have to be an accident before the County Council do something? Does an innocent person have to die, or be disabled?
The following official reply should help to explain:-
As you can appreciate, road safety is an emotive issue and one sentiment expressed regularly in the many letters that the County Council receive is the point that each individual site is an accident waiting to happen.
In order to assess issues of safety, the County Council undertake an annual cluster review of all recorded accidents so that funds are directed towards providing schemes at locations where there is an existing recorded problem and where a measurable benefit can be justified through the savings of accidents.
Improvements that are identified relate to the savings that can be made in the number of injury accidents that occur. The review covers all degrees of severity, namely fatal, serious or slight.
I would advise that this site does not show up in the review as being a location where the introduction of safety measures needs to be prioritised at this time.
I understand the concerns you have expressed, but trust you will accept that the County Council need to adopt a holistic approach in dealing with this issue.
6. Bakers Mead to Shute.
When I carried out an inspection on the 4th. Sept.the pot holes had been reinstated.he Clerk to report the Irish Ford at Dyres Green is still blocked.
These comments were noted with some disappointment.
Road Closure: May Gurney write to complete SWW Utility works at Crosslands, Seaton Junction a road closure will take place from 26th November to 30th November. Noted.
Agreed a meeting to be organised of an Action Plan Committee in the autumn.
Amanda Graham, Head Teacher of Shute School reported a lot of work has been carried out at the school, a new roof, a disabled access & toilet, replacement coping stones and repointing which has been paif or by the County Council for a considerable amount of money, £150,000 upwards. It is hoped the work will be completed by the end of October. Also, as they are in partnership with other primary schools they are succeeding in gaining more funding with 58 pupils at present.
Planning Applications
12/1733/TRE 5 Shute House, Shute, Axminster. Holm Oak – Crown reduction by approx 1/3rd. Following consultation with Councillors prior to the meeting it was agreed to support this application with the view of the EDDC Arboricultural report to be supported.
*12/1848/FUL Higher Hampton Farm, Shute, Axminster. Livestock housing for dairy cows with cubicles, calving pens, straw yard and an area for routine vet checks for cows. Following consultation with Councillors prior to this meeting it was agreed after having taken into account the additional information and amended plans this application to be supported noting as this is a large building it is felt the visual impact must be kept to a minimum and the landscaping scheme proposed is welcomed. It is suggested the proposed floor level could be lowered by at least a metre although this may not be practical when taking into consideration the floor levels of the current buildings but providing visual amenity from across the valley is kept to a minimum there are no reasons to object to this planning application
* Cllr D Loud declared an interest.
12/1831/FUL Woodend Farm, Shute, Axminster. Agricultural building to cover open yard. Following consultation with Councillors prior to this meeting it was agreed to support this planning application.
Shute Garage Following e-mails sent to the Enforcement Officer regarding Shute Garage a reply has been received which states:-
I have recently visited the site and note that the hard surfacing in the compound area at the eastern end of the site has been removed and the use of this area of land for parking/sale of vehicles has now ceased.
The conditions imposed on the planning permission were imposed in respect of the use of this additional land and as the use has now been discontinued and the land reinstated, it is not necessary to comply with those conditions, nor can they be enforced.
Any issues with regard to parking of vehicles on the adjacent highways which may be causing highway safety issues would need to be addressed by the relevant Highway Authority (Highways Agency or Devon County Highways).
Enforcement matters in respect of the land opposite the garage, adjoining Square Acres, were being dealt with by Andy West who no longer works for this Authority. David Cocker is now dealing with the enforcement cases in East Devon and I have passed this information on to him for investigation.
It was reported Cllr Rugg, Chairman has contacted the Highway Authority with regard to this matter.
After discussion it was agreed the Clerk to again contact EDDC stating Shute Parish Council do not accept the view the problems are not planning issues as there were conditions implemented to prevent unloading on the highway and still require EDDC to take action.
Wrens Nest, Whitford Following the last meeting the Clerk asked EDDC to look into the work being carried out and EDDC replied stating they have taken an initial assessment and decided that it warrants further investigation through a site visit.
Local Plan -Village Boundaries Following the last meeting EDDC were contacted regarding this matter and reply:-
The Local Plan Panel (and later the Development Management Committee) considered all the responses to the Local Plan consultation and took the view that, with the exception of Alfington, no additional Built-Up Area Boundaries should be designated (and some of the existing ones have been removed). Unfortunately, this means that no Boundaries have been designated around the developments in Shute Parish. The Local Plan will be available for consultation again next month so your Parish Council will have a further opportunity to make a representation then if they wish to object.
The workshops referred to are intended to help those Parishes with housing allocated to them, under Strategy 27 of the Local Plan, to find sites which are supported by the local community. Shute doesn’t need to meet Strategy 27 and so Councillors have not been invited to the workshops as it is felt that it wouldn’t be very relevant to them.
This was noted.
Copies of the Accounts from 1st April 2012 to 3rd September were circulated. It was noted after having excluding balances held for the Parish Map fund and Jubilee Fund the balance is on course remembering as the Precept was not raised no grants were provided for.
Cheques to be paid
Audit Commission, auditing account 2011/2012 £120.00 plus VAT £24.00 £144.00
Mrs M Thomas, Clark’s salary July/Sept £415.99 + internet/tel £30.00 + postage & packaging £10.60 + printing costs £11.97 £468.46
HMRC – PAYE July to September £104.00
Axe Valley Ring & Ride, donation £40.00
East Devon Citizens’ Advice Bureau £30.00
Payment proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr D Loud and agreed.
It was reported the number of gypsies/travellers at Shute Woods has again increased. The Clerk to investigate the matter.
The next Parish Council meetings to take place on:-
29th November 2012 Umborne Village Hall 7.30pm
10th January 2013 Whitford Village Hall 7.30pm
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm