AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,
P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb, two members of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from C Cllr A Moulding, Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 5th July 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.
Regarding the stolen chevrons at Shute Pillars which was not included in the police report PCSO Wooster states this was not reported through the proper method and therefore no crime number was registered.
Letters of thanks for the cheques sent re the Jubilee Celebrations have been received from Shute Parochial Council and Whitford Village Hall Management Committee.
The Environment Agency has forwarded pictures of a different design for the Whitford Gauge Kiosk whereby the finish is of wood effect. This proposal was accepted.
It was questioned if any action has been taken regarding the cutting of the grass at Shute Churchyard and the state of the perimeter wall. The Clerk reported the grass has been cut but no action has been taken regarding the wall as yet. This to be followed up.
Some Councillors attended the meeting organised by the Axminster DALC. The new Code of Conduct was discussed as was the proposals for the Parishes Together projects.
The Members’ Code of Conduct was circulated to all Councillors which in turn to be completed and returned to the Clerk who will forward them to East Devon District Council.
Devon County Council and East Devon District Council have allocated a sum of money to be given in grants. This equates to £1.10 per elector. The Parishes Together Fund is to be used by towns and parishes working together and involving their communities to try to solve local issues.
Following the meeting held by Axminster DALC it was suggested Dalwood, Kilmington and Shute to work together with supplying a local lengthsman. This was agreed to in principle and for further information to be sought from the County Councillor Andrew Moulding.
EDDC – Council Tax Benefit Consultation. The Government is abolishing Council Tax Benefit and instead each Council will have to replace it with their own scheme called Council Tax Support. At the same time the Government is cutting the amount of money they will receive tio fund it. This means EDDC will have about £1milion pensioners who receive Council Tax Benefit will have to pay something towards their Council Tax Bill. The shortage in funding will lead to difficult decisions and views are sought . A questionnaire can be completed on line at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/ctssupport-questionnaire or there is a roadshow to be held at Axminster Guildhall on 5th September 9am to 12 noon. Noted.
EDDC – Working Together. Following the success of the Working Together for the Future of East Devon event last year this will become an annual event with the next scheduled for 14th September from 9.30am and ending 3.00pm. Cllr R Orsman to try to attend.
Devon Community Council of Devon – Parish Magazine. Details are requested of parish magazines and newsletters. Agreed to forward details of the Parishes Paper, Umborne website and Whitford site.
Devon & Cornwall Police Authority. Following a change in which policing services are governed on 15th November 2012 there will be a national election in which everyone can elect the first ever Police and Crime Commissioner for their area. Noted.
Devon Association of Local Councils. The AGM will be held on 16th October at WestPoint Conference Centre, Exeter at a cost of £20 per delegate. Agreed to raise this matter at the next meeting.
Following the last meeting Brian Hoare, Neighbourhood Highway Officer has written the status of all three lanes, Worhams Lane, Blind Lane and Little to Big Umborne will remain officially closed for the foreseeable future. There is no funding for these routes which are maintenance category 10, 12 & 12 respectively. Cllr Rugg stated he is not happy regarding this situation and it was suggested the Ramblers Association and BHS should be contacted. The Clerk to look into the matter.
It was reported new ‘No Overtaking’ signs have been erected along the Old Taunton Road, 36 in total. Councillors question the costs to this initiative. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Cllr Rugg reported concern over the overgrown hedges along the A35. The Highway Agency has agreed to look into the matter if names of landowners in question are supplied. He will look into the matter.
It was reported the verges need cutting on the corner at Shute Village and the verge at Seaton Junction. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Reported a culvert is blocked at Dyers Green. The Clerk to report.
Reported the area around the seat at Easy Bridge is kept tidy by David Vickers of Marsh Farm. Agreed a letter of thanks should be sent. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Following the recent bad weather with heavy rainfall and flooding and vehicles becoming trapped in water new flood signs are requested for the Whitford/Musbury road.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland (who declared an interest) following being contacted by residents asked again if there is any way forward to gain a speed restriction for Seaton Junction. The Clerk to seek information.
Devon Community Council of Devon thank the Parish Council for sending a copy of the Parish Plan and offer assistance with many matters raised in the action plan. Agreed a meeting to be organised of an Action Plan Committee in the autumn but to keep details on file.
The Clerk reported she has been contacted regarding the availability to purchase photographs of the Jubilee Celebrations at Shute School. Agreed the Clerk to seek information regarding this matter. It was questioned if the planting of an oak tree at Shute Church had been looked into. Once again agreed for the Clerk to seek information regarding prices of an oak sapling.
It was reported Jubilee Olympics were held at Whitford on Sunday following the Whitford Flower Show being held on the Saturday. This was a great success, an excellent family occasion which will be repeated.
No matters were brought forward.
Planning Decision – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
*12/1267/FUL The Granary (land Adj) Shute, Axminster EX13 7QA Retention of change of use of former workshop and yard for storage of cars. Conditions included the use permitted shall be for the storage and display of vehicles only and not for any direct sales or display to members of the public without prior appointment.
* Cllr P Rugg declared an interest.
Following e-mails sent to the Enforcement Officer regarding Shute Garage a reply has been received which states:-
As you are aware, the Council was pursuing enforcement action because of the non-compliance with the conditions on the planning permission for the change of use of the land.
After the preparation of the Enforcement Notice we realised that the Notice was flawed in respect of the land that is outside of the application site, as this land is not in the control of the applicant. Some of this land is within the ownership of The Highways Agency and some is owned by the Highway Authority (DCC).
Any enforcement action the Council take would have to be against the owner of the land. The grass verge outside of the application site and fronting the A35 Trunk Road is within the ownership of the Highways Agency and enforcement action against a Government Agency, acting as a responsible Authority, should not be necessary. The Highways Agency is concerned with regard to the parking of vehicles in this area, for highway safety reasons. Under these circumstances it would be expedient for the Highways Agency to take action to ensure that the unauthorised use of the land ceases.
Having regard to the remaining enforcement issues in respect of the site, the applicant has informed the Council, in writing, that he will reinstate the secure compound area at the eastern end of the site to grassland and cease using this area for the parking and sale of vehicles. If this is the case, it is likely that it would not be necessary for the Council to pursue further enforcement action.
I have copied this email to The Highways Agency and Devon County Council for their information.
Councillors agreed they are not satisfied with this reply as there are several outstanding issues including the unloading of cars on the highway and the re-instatement of the land adjacent to Square Acres. The Clerk was instructed to follow up this matter sending details to Dist Cllr I Chubb and R Capon & Andy West EDDC Enforcement Officers.
Local Plan East Devon Village – Planning Development Document
Copy of the e-mail received was read:-
East Devon Village – Planning Development Document
I am writing to let you know that East Devon District Council is carrying out consultation as part of the preparation of a new planning policy document for villages and would like to hear your views on what the document should contain.
The main East Devon Local Plan will contain strategic and development management Policies relevant to the whole District. It will also contain detailed policies for the seven main towns of the District and that part of the District abutting Exeter (our ‘West End’). For more information see:
The Villages plan will be specifically concerned with the small towns and villages of East Devon and it will need to be consistent with strategic policy in the main Local Plan. We envisage the village’s document will or could:
- Show Built-up Area Boundaries (or development boundary);
- Allocate land for new development;
- Designate land for ‘protection’ or safeguarding or show where specific policies apply;
- Contain settlement specific ‘development management’ policies that will be used to determine whether planning applications submitted to the Council should be granted planning permission.
At this stage we are particularly interested to know what alternative or additional issues you think should be addressed in this plan and what factors you consider should be taken into account in plan production.
We intend to work closely with Parish Councils in East Devon to produce the villages plan and we are planning to hold a series of workshops early in September with Parish Council’s to discuss the plan process and explain how we anticipate site assessment work being undertaken, we would like parish council’s to play a lead role in assessment work.
Please pass this communication on to anyone else you think might be interested and please send any comments to:
localplan@eastdevon.gov.uk or post to: Planning Policy, East Devon District Council, Knowle, Station Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL
If you require any further information or wish to discuss this consultation please contact the Policy Team on 01395 – 571533.
The deadline for comments is Midday on Monday 3rdSeptember 2012.
After discussion it was agreed the Parish Council would like to make comments but after they have attended a workshop. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Enforcement Issue
Cllr Marshall raised concern over works being carried out at Wrens Nest, Whitford. It was agreed to Clerk to check valid planning consent for this property and if none exists to ask the Enforcement Officer to look into the matter.
Annual Return for the year ending 31st March 2012. The Audit Commission has certified the Annual Return and the Clerk has taken the appropriate action. Noted.
Cheques to be paid
Axminster DAPC – annual subscription £10.00
Payment proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland and agreed.
The Chairman reported Roy Wareham has started clearing work at the Hitchcock woodland and future volunteers will be welcome when he has finished.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 27th September at Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.55pm