AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman, P Rugg,
Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb, one member of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr D Loud, C Cllr A Moulding, Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster who reported the small van at the garage has been moved back from the highway so hopefully problems caused will be helped and there has been one crime reported since the last meeting whereby a catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle parked at Bakers Mead.
It was questioned why the stolen chevrons at Shute Pillars was not included in this report. Agreed to ask PCSO Wooster why not and details of actions taken by the police.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 24th May 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.
First Aid Courses. The Clerk reported the local Division of St John’s Ambulance organise 3 hour courses for £25.00. Agreed to place this in the Parishes Paper to see if there is any interest.
Cllr R Wood reported copies have been distributed to most households in the parish and all the people concerned were thanked. A list of bodies for the Parish Plan to be sent was presented to the Council and it was agreed for the Clerk organise this giving any copies left over to Cllr Wood in order to present them to any newcomers to the parish.
It was reported the grant of £360.00 from Cllr A Moulding, Locality Awards, has been received. The payment of £25.00 to pay for expenses occurred by Cllr Wood, Cllr Miltenburg and P Easton was proposed, seconded and agreed.
It was agreed a Steering Committee to be set up to discuss the action plan. A separate meeting to be organised in the future.
A new Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests are to be approved and completed by Shute Parish Council. It was proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland and approved the circulated Code of Conduct to be approved. (Appendixed to the Minutes) The Members’ Code of Conduct to be downloaded and completed by Councillors.
The Axminster DALC has organised a meeting on the 18th July, Axminster Methodist Church Hall at 7.30 to address any concerns. This meeting replaces that organised for July 31st. Councillors to try to attend.
EDDC – Working Together. Following the success of the Working Together for the Future of East Devon event last year this will become an annual event with the next scheduled for 14th September from 9.30am and ending 3.00pm. Noted.
Axminster Town Council – Parishes Together. Following the launch at the recent East Devon Jubilee Awards evening the County Councillor. Cllr Moulding, would like to get the consultation process underway and to this end invites the Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk to a meeting on 12th July to identify projects in the area which would meet the criteria for drawing down this funding so that bids could be submitted in September. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Cllr Marshall to attend. (The Clerk being unable to attend)
DCC – Devon Waste Plan Consultation. Details were circulated to all councillors via e-mail and it was agreed to make no comment. Dist Cllr Chubb reported EDDC collect the rubbish and DCC dispose of it. There is the proposal of a new plant for disposal that will produce energy and there are to be many changes in the future.
DCC – Winter Service Review 2012. DCC seeks to provide the best possible winter service within available resources and is currently reviewing the winter of 2011/12. Feedback is essential and it is asked for a questionnaire to be completed and returned. Agreed for the Clerk to take the appropriate action.
EDDC – Chairman’s Garden Party. An invitation for the Chairman and guest to attend the summer garden party to be held at East Devon District Council on 18th August, 3pm – 5pm together with an invitation to someone from the parish who is considered as an unsung hero together with guest. As the Chairman cannot attend agreed for Vice-Chairman Carol Miltenburg and guestt to attend together with Cllr D Loud and guest as the unsung hero.
Whitford Village Hall – Toilet Relocation. The management committee is proposing to add an extension to the front of the hall to allow relocation of the ladies and disabled toilets from the rear of the building to the front next to the gents’ toilets. They are applying for a Devon County Community Grant and need assistance from the parish council. It was agreed the Parish Council supports this project and to send the cheque from the Jubilee Celebrations as its contribution.
Road Closures from July 2012 to January 2014 noted:
Road from Little Umborne to Big Umborne
Worhams lane, from junction with A35 Honiton Road to Junction with Stockland Road.
After noting these closures it was agreed to question the closure of Blind Lane. The Clerk to look into the matter.
Regarding the theft of the chevrons at Shute Pillars it was reported new chevrons have been ordered by DCC for replacements.
Hitchcock Trust – Cllr Rugg reported following many letters written a meeting was organise to meet Mr Nicholls, owner of Shute Woods, relating to debris being deposited across the road onto land owned by the Hitchcock Trust of which Shute Parish Council has Trustees. Mr Nicholls agreed to send a cheque for £500 towards clearing costs. A meeting then followed of Kilmington and Shute Trustees when it was agreed for the Trust to add £200 and for Mr Wareham to clear as much as he can for the payment of £700. When Mr Wareham has completed his work another meeting to be held in the meantime an article to be placed in the Parishes Paper asking for volunteers to assist with further clearance of rubbish. Cllr Carol Miltenburg, Trustee suggested Shute Parish Council should take over 100% control of this Trust. Noted.
It was also noted there is a seat at Haddon Corner which needs attention. Agreed to place this in the Parishes Paper asking if there is anyone who would like to ‘adopt-a-seat’.
The celebrations were held and well supported with the weather holding for the event held at Shute School where a successful afternoon was enjoyed by all those attending. The Clerk gave a brief breakdown of income and expenditure which showed a profit of £979.51 being held noting £24 is still owed for paperweights and all costs exclude VAT as this has to be reclaimed. A meeting of the committee has been held and it is proposed donations should be made to parish organisations of:-
Whitford Produce Association £25.00
Whitford Hall £150.00
Umborne Hall £150.00
Shute School £300.00
Shute Church £150.00
This would leave a balance of £204.51 to purchase a photo of the Celebrations for the school and to plant a tree (the committee proposed an oak tree at the new burial ground, Shute) and to bank the balance for any future events.
All those who assisted with the organising and attending the events were thanked.
Mr Brian Gardner reported the stone wall between the closed churchyard and new burial ground at Shute Church needs attention. He has reported this matter to EDDC Street Scene and asks the Parish Council to look into this matter. Agreed for the Clerk to look into the matter.
Reported the grass needs cutting at the Churchyard. The Clerk to investigate as to when action will be taken.
Reported Christopher Pole-Carew is organising an event at Shute Church on September 8-9th entitled Your Church, Your History, Your Future (Christenings, weddings, funerals). This event is open to everyone and every monument in the church will be explained besides refreshments available. It is hoped as many as possible will visit the church over this weekend.
It is revealed the Church is struggling financially, at present there is a deficit of £2,500 per annum.
It was reported every Tuesday rubbish from a business premise is being left at an empty house at Seaton Junction for collection by EDDC. Dist Cllr Chubb agreed to look into this matter.
Planning Applications
*12/1267/FUL The Granary (land Adj) Shute, Axminster EX13 7QA Retention of change of use of former workshop and yard for storage of cars. After consulting councillors agreed to support.
* Cllr P Rugg declared an interest.
12/0157/LBC The Forge, Shute. Installation of satellite dish on barn (retrospective). Amended plans. Agreed no change from previous comments, concern over foul water and water run-off disposal and car parking.
12/1230/FUL Samurai Buildings, Seaton Junction, Axminster EX13 7PW. Construction of workshop and store. A site meeting was held and the following comments returned:-
This application cannot be supported due to overdevelopment of the site creating further detriment to the visual amenity especially when viewed from the north, north-west in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (As written as a condition of 10/1400/FUL, In the interest of amenity and to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area.)
However, if this application is approved strict conditions MUST be applied and implemented:-
1 No parking on the highway (increase to work force) to ensure highway safety for all other road users including emergency vehicles travelling to the village of Whitford as this is main entrance for the village. (Suggest yellow lines)
2 No vehicles to be loaded or unloaded on highway (see No 1). Noted the entrance to the site does not lend itself for the activity due to its camber.
3 Number of vehicles to be brought on site limited to 6 to ensure number of delivery vehicles limited on a minor highway
4 Working hours to be limited to prevent noise pollution in unacceptable hours to avoid nuisance to nearby household.
5 Further details to be submitted and approved for disposal of waste and surface water. Highway floods at present and no disposal onto other property (railway)
6 No further external lighting to prevent an increase to existing light pollution already created in an AONB
7 Yard area to be kept clear, no storage, as location prominent.
8 Adequate fire escape needs to be submitted and approved as none apparent.
(Health & Safety as Work)
A letter has been received regarding a complaint, additional mobile home on land without planning permission at The Crest, Wilmington, Honiton. EDDC have undertaken an initial assessment of this case and decided that it warrants further investigation through a site visit. They will deal with this as quickly as possible but have to prioritise their work. Noted.
Cheques to be paid
Axminster Printing Ltd, draw tickets £60.00 + VAT £12.00 £72.00*
Devon County Council, bouncy castle £60.00*
J Wheeler, photographer £50.00*
A Graham, children’s medals £85.50 + VAT £16.10 £96.60*
Whitford Produce Association £25.00*
Whitford Village Hall £150.00*
Umborne Hall Trustees £150.00*
Shute School £300.00*
Shute Church £150.00*
HMRC, PAYE & NI for clerk, April/June £103.80
Mrs M Thomas, clerk’s salary April/June £416.19 + expenses £53.06 £469.25
R Wood, parish plan £25.00
P Easton, parish plan £25.00
C Miltenburg, parish plan £25.00
Noted payments made for Diamond Jubilee expenses and donations.
Payment proposed by Cllr R Orsman, seconded by Cllr Mrs E Sweetland and agreed.
The Clerk questioned if the Parish Council would support using a Coat of Arms. Agreed this would be a good idea and for the Clerk to look further into the matter.
The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 16th August at Umborne Hall at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.10pm