Shute Parish Council Minutes of 24.5.12


AT 7.30PM.

Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman, J Pearce

P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Cllr P Halse (Chairman of EDDC),

Dist Cllr I Chubb and C Cllr A Moulding, 3 members of the public and

Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).

Cllr P Rugg welcomed everyone present including Cllr P Halse, Chairman of East Devon District Council. Cllr Halse reported he was re-elected as Chairman to EDDC last evening. He went on to congratulate all those involved with the building of Umborne Hall, a wonderful building. He was sorry this initiative did not win the Community Award recently but there were many entries but he was impressed with a photograph which included parishioners of all ages. Cllr Halse went on to say the District Council should not be thought of as the lord of the manor and we must all work together especially during this difficult financial time. East Devon’s capital funds are very low, lower than he has known. He concluded by stating he felt it was a privilege to be invited to the meeting and meeting everyone present.


PCSO Amanda Wooster sent her apologies and reported there have been two crimes since the last meeting, burglary in the Whitford area and an assault at Seaton Junction. She also advised that there have been breaks into vehicles in rural areas, Trinity Hill being one of them.


Cllr Carol Miltenburg proposed Cllr P Rugg to continue as Chairman, Cllr D Loud seconded this proposal. All Councillors supported this proposal and Cllr P Rugg was duly elected.


Cllr D Loud proposed Cllr Carol Miltenburg to continue as Vice-Chairman, Cllr R Wood seconded this proposal. All Councillors supported this proposal and Cllr Carol Miltenburg was duly elected.


(A) Hitchcock Trustees

Cllr R Wood proposed, Cllr J Pearce seconded the nomination the Chairman and Vice-Chairman remain as the two Trustees to the Hitchcock Trust. All agreed.

(B) Planning Committee

Agreed Councillors in the various areas to be consulted and comments returned unless contentious then all Councillors to be consulted.


The circulated minutes of meeting held on 19th April 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.

GUEST SPEAKER – Peter Youngman, Wildscapes

Peter Youngman gave a brief resume of the aim of Wildscapes, to help visitors and residents learn more about wildlife in the area involving the local communities. This could be done in such manners as carved wooden furniture, information boards, there are no fixed ideas providing they connect with the parish. Regarding funding there are two potential sources the AONB Sustainable Fund and the Wildscapes Projects grant.

After discussion it was agreed to take this forward at Shute and Whitford. To see who attends the event organised at Shute Churchyard with the view of taking something forward at this site. As for Whitford perhaps a rustic picnic site with information. Councillors in the area agreed to arrange a meeting to gain public support. These being Derek Loud, Bill Marshshall, Richard Orsman and Ella Sweetland plus the Headmistress at Shute School to involve the children.


First Aid Course. The Clerk reported through St John Ambulance an Essential All Ages course can be arranged for 14 people lasting 3 hours and costing £30 per person on a Saturday or an evening. After discussion agreed to firstly look into others providing the training or contacting EDDC regarding funding.

Highway Matters. Brian Hoare, DCC writes regarding the damaged marker posts he has yet to inspect them but hopes he will be able to renew them himself. Potholes continually develop between Woodend and Boarscroft Cross and they will be temporarily reinstated and funding has been allocated to carry out patching the carriageway and the sign/post for the new road layout near Bakers Mead will be re-erected in due course. Noted.


Cllr R Wood reported the EDDC Planning Policy Manager has received a copy which will be presented before EDDC on 12th June for endorsement prior to it being delivered to every household in the parish.


Environment Agency – Hut replacement at Whitford Bridge. The EA ask if it would be permissible to replace the wooden gauging station at Whitford with a new glass-fibre re-enforced plastic hut of the same size. After discussion it was thought the hut should be replaced, if necessary, with another wooden hut due to its location in an AONB and near the picnic site.

EDDC – Tree Walks The EDDC Arboriculture Officers’ Tree walks commence on Monday 28th May. Details were circulated to all Councillors who are to reply themselves if they are interested in attending.

DCC – Waste Plan Consultation Devon County Council is required to identify a planning strategy for the sorting, recycling and disposal of waste in an environmentally friendly way over the next 20 years to reduce the reliance on landfill. As a result DCC is currently producing A Devon Waste Plan. Details have been circulated to all Councillors but none wished to make a comment.

EDDC – Review of Rural Area Policy. An update on the Local Plan progress. Two documents will be produced. Local Plan Document. This will set out strategic policy for development across East Devon and full suite policies for the seven main towns. It should be noted as the parish does not contain any villages with Built-up Area Boundaries the countryside policies in this document will apply.

The second document, Village Development Boundaries Document will be specifically concerned with development boundaries around villages, allocations of land for development and other spatially defined policies that may be applicable. It is asked if the Parish Council would like to discuss affordable housing needs to contact EDDC. Agreed the Clerk to register an interest.


Reported the culvert from Umborne Hall car park which carries on under the highway was blocked causing flooding. The Clerk to report.

Reported the A35 will be closed from 8.00pm until Tuesday morning 6.00am. Noted


Reported organisation for the celebrations are ongoing with another meeting to be held on May 29th at Shute School. At present there is an event organised at Whitford Village Hall on Sunday 3rd June lunch time and a Church Family Service followed by light refreshments starting at 4.00pm. Celebrations are also arranged for the afternoon of 4th June with maypole dancing, children’s races/games, music and a bring your own food tea party.


No matters were brought forward.


Planning Applications

12/08/LBC and 12/0812/FUL The Forge, Shute, Axminster. Conversion of existing storage barn to annexe/holiday accommodation and thatching of part of roof. After consultation agreed to reply stating Shute Parish Council supports these applications providing the disposal of foul sewage is investigated and there is concern regarding the parking of extra vehicles.

Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

12/0877/FUL Picton Cottage, Shute. Construction of side extension including dormers to east and west elevations (revised design to 11/1578/FUL). Condition: The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces shall match in type, colour and texture of existing.


The Clerk reported the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2012 have been audited by Mr A Gosling and will now be sent to the Audit Commission with all the relevant documents.

Cheques to be paid

Insignia, Diamond Jubilee Paperweights £280.94 plus £56.19 VAT £337.13

Broker Network Ltd, annual insurance £288.50

Axminster Printing, Parish Plan £400.00

Payment proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and agreed.


No matters were brought forward.


The next Parish Council meeting to take place on 5th July at Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm