From 6pm on Friday 6th July 2012 to 6pm on Saturday 7th July we had a deluge of 4 inches of non-stop rain. Rivers burst their banks, roads became impassable, livestock was in danger and properties were under threat all over the region. ( Incidentally, the highest recorded rainfall in the UK in 24 hrs was on 18th July 1955 at Martinstown ( Dorset) when 11 inches of rain fell ! )
The following photos capture this natural disaster. By left clicking once on the photos, they can be enlarged – click again and they become even bigger. If you have any photos of flooding, please send them to me.
Coxley Lane from near Marsh Farm to Easy Bridge, Umborne (David Vickers):
The road by the entrances to Dyers Green and Pear Tree Cottage, Umborne (RW)
The Umborne Valley between The Watchcombes and Colhayne (Steph Evans):
The same area (Neville Cheeseman):
Marsh Farm area (Phillip & David):
Umborne valley viewed from Janus (Guy):
Umborne valley near Easy Bridge (David Trenchard):
Impassable roads: (Phil Wilson):
How deep is your flood? The Pearces at Easy Bridge:
Umborne Hall and Valley (Helene Buse):
Around Colyton (Tony Booth):
and Axminster (Tony Booth):
Rick Wood