AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, P Rugg,
Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb and C Cllr A Moulding, 1 member of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Apologies were received and accepted from Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster who reported there have been two crimes reported since the last meeting. Break into a caravan at Shute Woods, enquiries are ongoing and report of fraud over the interned affecting a local resident, again enquiries ongoing. More padlocks are available and it was reported Cllr J Pearce still has some for sale.
Following the vacancy for a Parish Councillor being advertised one application has been received. Richard Orsman from Long Mynd, Whitford sent a written application. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr D Loud, seconded by Cllr W Marshall and unanimously agreed Mr Orsman should be co-opted to Shute Parish Council. The Clerk to take the relevant actions.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 19th January 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.
Shute Garage It was reported a van is parked on the verge blocking visibility for other road users when entering the A35 from Shute This to be reported to the Highways Authority and police.
Regarding the broken fence at Whitford Bridge remedial work will be commissioned to SWH and carried out in due course.
As far as speed restrictions at Seaton Junction this has to be justified which will cost £3,000 and DCC will not finance this matter. The SLOW sign is felt to be is clear at present but the bollards have been replaced. Noted.
Cllr R Wood reported copies of the final documents have been printed following a technical problem which meant the Parish Plan had to be re-printed. However, costs will still be within budget. A copy will be sent to EDDC before it can be officially adopted and then circulated. The committee of six were thanked for their continuous hard work over a period of two years.
The Chairman stated this took an enormous amount of work especially by Cllrs R Wood and Carol Miltenburg. He thanked all for their hard work.
Wildscapes – Shute Churchyard Patricia Farrell writes if the Parish Council is in agreement an event at Shute Church to include a session looking out for bats. Fiona Richards from Exeter University has agreed to lead an evening session on 10th May. The first part of the evening to involve a general look at the wildlife around the Churchyard starting at 7.45pm and the bat session to commence at approximately 8.15pm. It was agreed to support this event.
Chairman of EDDC – Peter Halse Councillor Halse would like to attend a meeting of Shute Parish Council to meet attendees, attend as an observer and to answer questions (to be supplied in advance) and asks for meetings dates. Agreed the next meeting to be held on April 19th which will include the Annual Parish Meeting and May 24th which will be the Annual General Meeting. The Clerk to inform Cllr Halse stating further meetings are to be arranged nearer the time.
2013 National Bus Pass Renewals In line with Government requirements all National Bus Passes issued in 2008 by DCC will expire on 31st March 2013. DCC are therefore making preparations to replace approximately 170,000 Passes to eligible Devon residents. The process being new passes sent directly to registered addresses without the need to re-apply, a publicity and promotion campaign will start in April 2012 and they are asking pass holders with out of date pictures to contact DCC, eligibility under disability categories to be re-checked and first time passes being issued from the beginning of March 2012. For further information on the re-issue of the National Concessionary Bus Pass or any matters relating to concessionary travel Mark Wilson, Transport Co-ordination Service, DCC, tel 01392 383045 to be contacted.
Neighbourhood Plans EDDC write to advise on the current position regarding Neighbourhood Plans. On 6th March the Development Management Committee, EDDC considered and agreed recommendations. This provides an overview of the process and further, more detailed information relating to the process for production of Neighbourhood Plans is available in Section 3 of the East Devon Local Plan. All Neighbourhood Plans must meet the criteria of being prepared and discussed in co-operation with the local planning authorities, housing numbers proposed must match or exceed the identified growth within the local planning authority’s local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan cannot be formally adopted until the Local Plan has been formally adopted. EDDC are keen to support council’s wishing to produce plans but they have very little resources available although the will carry out their statutory requirements. They have received £20,000 from DCC and intend to use this to produce a standard template. They propose to hold consultations with Parish Councils later this year to discuss potential development sites and amendments to Built-up Area Boundaries.
C Cllr Andrew Moulding reported Neighbourhood Plans are only necessary if the Council wish to promote a particular issue, to promote a particular issue not to restrict it. The Parish Plan produced means a lot of the ground work is already done.
Shute Woods Fiona Nicholls, Operations Manager for W A Nicholls & Sons Ltd writes to give up-to-date contact details for Nicholls the owners of Shute Woods. The Clerk reported she has contacted them regarding the lighting of a beacon for the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the mess workers at Shute Woods have left the land belonging to the Hitchcock Trust in.
Hi-Line A request has been made by H-Line to be able to prune trees affecting electricity lines. Agreed.
H M Lord-Lieutenant of Devon – Invitation to a Special Service for The Diamond Jubilee Of Queen Elisabeth II at Exeter Cathedral on Sunday 27th May. Each parish council is asked to nominate someone to attend from within the community who is an “unsung hero” and who has shown similar traits of selflessness over a period of time during the last 60 years. Cllr Peter Rugg was nominated and unanimously agreed by those present.
DCC – New Resource and Funding Opportunity – There is a new Devon Community Directory at www.directory.devon.gov.uk which gives online access to thousands of services and community groups across Devon. It can be a resource but it relies upon members of the public and community groups populating the information.
DCC – Locality Funding. Devon County Councillors have £40,000 each available to support community projects. It is noted C Cllr A Moulding has already donated funds to Shute Parish Council re the road safety issues at Shute Pillars and at the War Memorial. He announced he will be carrying some funds over to the next year as in the next financial year funds will be reduced.
DALC – Business Rates. Following ongoing debate at national level regarding councils receiving a share of business rates DALC ask why would it be useful to receive a share of business rates and how would it be used. After discussion agreed within the parish of Shute the amount would be so little it felt no comment could be made.
Travellers in Shute Woods. Communications have been received, Cllr A Moulding gave a brief report. DCC highway team have now confirmed that all of the travellers camped at Shute Woods are on DCC land. Having therefore considered individual circumstances they have asked 6 individuals to vacate the encampment within 4-6 week period. DCC are also endeavouring to make contact with 2 new travellers on site and have formally asked them to contact the Liaison Service but they have not yet been in touch. When more information is gained an appropriate course of action will be decided upon. Depending on the outcome and assuming that all the travellers served with notice to comply to vacate the encampment the number of travellers on site will be reduced. The only 3 units agreed to tolerate to date for a longer period are the 2 originally tolerated and one further family unit that have been on site for over a year and who’s daughter attends the local school. Councillors agreed positive actions are now being taken but all travellers should move on. Cllr Moulding will still look into this matter.
EDDC Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – Parish and Town Awards 17th May. To mark the Queen’s Jubilee Year an awards evening will be held with 3 awards being made, Community Award, Youth Award and Future Project Award and entries are requested. Agreed to enter the Community Award – Umborne Hall
Network Rail – Railway Communications System. Network Rail plan to roll out a nationwide Railway Communications System across the entire rail network. This new radio system will allow direct and continuous communication between train drivers and signallers which will improve safety, reliability and punctuality on the rail network. Implementing the new system involves the siting of a number of communication masts trackside and an additional mast, an antenna mounted on a 5m pole, will be required at Seaton Junction. Noted.
Yarcombe Welcoming Pack. An envelope consisting of a parish information leaflet, a walking guide and a card from the Church has been received as requested. It is also noted the Parish Magazine is usually placed in the envelope. After discussion Councillors felt this is a good idea and for it to be discussed further at the next meeting.
Website Ahoy – A letter has been received stating they are unable to find a website for Shute Parish Council and offer their surfaces to provide a good looking and good value website. After discussion it was thought this may be a possibility and further thought to be given to the matter.
Reported a pothole on the bend at Shute Pillars. The Clerk to report.
Reported pictures of a car transporter lorry parked on the A35 have been received. The Clerk reported these have been forwarded to the EDDC Enforcement Officer and police.
Reported 100yds from the top of Colhayne Lane towards the garage a manhole cover has sunk also reported at the end of Wilmington Straight hedges are overgrown and a dead tree To be reported to the Highway Agency.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported she is progressing with organising a wedding dress exhibition to raise funds. A meeting was held at Shute School when a committee was formed to organise an event on Monday 4th June with celebrations in the afternoon for the children and an evening get together for the adults.
Mr Brian Gardner thanked the Parish Council for their £1,000 donation and now toilet facilities have been installed in the Church. Further funds still have to be raised to re-pay their reserved.
It was reported cars are being driven onto Whitford Green making it a mess. After discussion agreed for the entrance to be temporarily blocked to vehicles.
C Cllr Andrew Moulding reported there has been a positive report from Ofsted for Shute Primary School. Noted a letter of congratulations has already been sent from the Parish Council. DCC has agreed to allocate funding of £104,000 to Shute School for replacement doors and windows.
Noted the Community Council of Devon has additional funding for community buildings. Details already circulated.
Planning Applications
11/2512/FUL Old Post Office, Shute. Construction of lean-to extension on front elevation (Amended Plans). Agreed to approve although concern still remains regarding the water run-off onto the highway.
12/0157/LBC The Forge, Shute. Installation of satellite dish on barn (retrospective). Agreed to support.
Enforcement Case – 12/0065, Bank at Lyme Bay Winery. David Cocker writes he has investigated the matter which concerns the hedge in the field next to the winery. The bank has permission under the application 11/1879/FUL . Regarding the bank next to junction and building being used for breaking cars following an initial assessment it has been decided that it warrants further investigation.
Shute Garage. Bob Capon, Senior Technical Officer writes enforcement matters at this site are being dealt with and although parking of the car transporter on the verge adjacent to the A35 on 13th January is of some concern for action to be taken from a planning enforcement point of view they would need to be provided with evidence that a breach of control is occurring on a regular basis. It is also confirmed EDDC have delegated authority to serve an enforcement notice in respect of the non-compliance with various conditions on planning permission 09/0995/FUL.
Cheques to be paid
East Devon District Council, Parish Council Election fees £186.18
*Devon County Council, 2 tonnes of rocksalt £256.40
* Delivery to be checked prior to payment
Payment proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and agreed.
The question arose of the price for Parish Maps. Agreed for it to remain at £7.50.
The next Parish Council meeting together with the Annual Parish Meeting to take place on 19th April with the Annual Parish Council Meeting on May 24th, both at Umborne Hall
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm