Shute Parish Council Minutes – meeting 19.4.12


AT 7.40PM.

Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, B Marshall, J Pearce, Ms C Miltenburg, R Orsman,

P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland and R Wood, Dist Cllr I Chubb and C Cllr A Moulding, 1 member of the public and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).


Apologies were received and accepted from Christopher Pole-Carew and PCSO Amanda Wooster who reported she has been advised there is a new temporary Neighbourhood Beat Manager who is PC Simon Rodgers. There is one crime since the last meeting whereby a business premises was broken into although nothing was reported stolen.


The circulated minutes of meeting held on 8th March 2012were approved and duly signed as correct.


Parish Council Website Cllrs were asked to give some thought of a website for the Parish Council at the previous meeting. After discussion it was agreed to look into adding Shute to the Umborne/Whitford sites on order the Parish Council could be googled from there as information such as the minutes are already available.

Welcoming Pack. Agreed the majority of information is available on line and if the above goes ahead there would be no need for a welcoming pack.


Cllr R Wood reported a copy has been sent to DCC and a copy will be sent to EDDC for their endorsement prior to distribution. Expenses for publication were higher than anticipated due to a technical problem. C Cllr Andrew Moulding offered to support additional costs under the Locality Budget and this to be applied for.

The Chairman expressed appreciation for all the hard work carried out by Cllrs Carol Miltenburg, Rick Wood and the committee.

C Cllr A Moulding reported Neighbourhood Plans, which will be part of the Local Plan process will be the next project due to new house allocation. EDDC will be organising meetings to take this forward at the latter end of the summer.


Wildscapes – Patricia Farrell asks if the Parish Council would like to set up a Wildscapes Project as she is happy to give this support. After discussion agreed to reply stating finances are very low but if grants are available the parish council would like to look into the matter with the view of her attending the next meeting.

St John Ambulance defibulator and training. It is suggested the parish council purchase a defibulator to be placed within the parish, it was agreed this would not be viable due to the parish landscape. However it was agreed a training course in emergency first aid could be beneficial. The clerk to look into this matter.

DALC – Axminster Committee. The next meeting will take place on 24th April at Dalwood 7.30pm when training sessions will be presented. Agreed anyone available will try to attend.


Reported potholes along Colhayne Lane were repaired only 2 days after being reported. Other problems reported will be kept in mind.

Further highways problems to be reported are damaged marker posts at Marsh Farm, marker post at Bakers Mead, potholes and damage to road from Woodend to Boarscroft Cross and the 30mph sign is bent by Redgate Farm. The Clerk to report.

Regarding the vans parked near the A35 to Shute junction Connect write they have spoken to the garage asking for the vans to be removed but there is no further action available to them.


Cllr Mrs Sweetland and team were thanked for organising a successful Wedding Dress Exhibition which raised £687.35. A meeting of the committee was held last evening when further details such as medals for the children, toilets and other issues were agreed. Agreed to hold a raffle with draw tickets and a licence to be applied for. A coffee evening to be held on 1st May at Whitford when CD’s of the wedding exhibition will be available to purchase. A Church Service followed by light refreshments to be arranged for Sunday 3rd June at 4.00pm.

A further meeting is arranged for May 14th May at Shute School.


Cllr Mrs Sweetland, who declared an interest, questioned on behalf of parishioners if any action could be taken regarding the mess at Seaton Junction. It was thought as building work had commenced no action could be taken but Dist. Cllr Chubb offered to look into the matter.


Planning Applications

12/0877/FUL Picton Cottage, Shute. Construction of side extension including dormers to east and west elevations (revised design to 11/1578/FUL). Agreed to support.

Planning Decisions – Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

11/2512/FUL Old Post Office, Shute. Construction of lean-to extension on front elevation (Amended Plans). Conditions include tiles to be used for the roof of the building shall be Jutland Fibre Cement coloured blue back.

12/0157/LBC The Forge, Shute. Installation of satellite dish on barn (retrospective).

11/2056/FUL Higher Hampton Farm, Shute. Installation of solar pv panels on agricultural building. Condition: The photovoltaic panels shall be removed within 6 months of the panels ceasing to be used.

11/2813/COU The Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction, Axminster. Change of use of land, construction of industrial building for winery and storage/warehousing, associated works including car parking and alterations to access (revision to 11/1879/FUL to alter siting of building). Conditions include no developments to be brought into use until access, parking facilities, commercial vehicle loading/unloading area, visibility splays, turning area, access drainage have been provided. No development shall take place until details of the specification and means of operation of all external lighting have been submitted and approved.

Agreed details to be circulated to all councillors and concerns over lighting pollution to be sent to EDDC.


Accounts ending 31st March 2012

The Accounting Governance Statement together with the Bank Reconciliation for the Year ending 31st March was circulated. Cllr Carol Miltenburg proposed and Cllr D Loud seconded these to be approved. All were in favour.

The Annual Governance Statement was circulated and Cllrs proposed seconded and agreed to be approved.

It was proposed, seconded and agreed for Mr A Gosling to carry out the Internal Audit.

Cheques to be paid

East Devon District Council, Lottery Registration (Jubilee Celebrations) £40.00 Devon Association of Local Councils, Annual Subscription £132.15 Mrs M Thomas, Clerk’s salary Dec- April £554.72 plus expenses £112.97 £667.69 HMRC – PAYE £138.60 Axminster Printing, Parish Plan £525.00

Payment proposed by Cllr R Wood, seconded by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and agreed.


Dist Cllr I Chubb proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Councillors for all the work they carry out as volunteers for the Parish Council. C Cllr A Moulding supported this vote of thanks.


The next Parish Council meeting which is the Annual General Meeting to take place on 24th May Whitford Village Hall.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm