AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. Ms C Miltenburg, B Marshall, J Pearce, P Rugg,
Mrs E Sweetland, and R Wood, guest speakers Kimmo Evans & Patricia Farrell (East Devon AONB) and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).
Kimmo Evans following his presentation this time last year East Devon AONB has assisted with further work within the parish including the Parish Biodiversity Audit which is a snapshot of the wildlife within the parish on public land and he introduced Patricia Farrell to explain this further.
Ms Farrell explained the aims are to help visitors and residents to find out more about wildlife in their parish greenspaces, to be a starting point for encouraging involvement in the local area. Examples for different areas were given such as Whitford: carved wooden furniture and images of wildlife printed on laminated plastic, Shute Churchyard: posters highlighting the ecology of the stone walls, an annotated plan highlighting areas of wildlife interest, Umborne Hall: Carved wooden furniture, willow sculptures. The emphasis is on locally relevant ideas and feedback would be grateful.
A short question and answer session followed when it was asked a project such as protecting the wild fauna at Shute Church as EDDC just cut the complete area without consideration to wild plants. It was agreed this could be taken forward and the AONB could act as a broker.
It was agreed ideas would be given consideration prior to the next meeting.
Kimmo Evans gave a brief report that Cosmic’s Digital Mentors are supporting the Devon and Cornwall County Council’s Rural Connection programme to introduce fast broadband to digitally deprived rural areas with the aim of providing free satellite broadband installation. To check out if parishioners are in the eligible areas, they should contact Tooway Direct Website.
Kimmo Evans and Patricia Farrell were thanked for attending the meeting and wished a Happy Christmas before they left.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs D Loud, Dist Cllr I Chubb,
C Cllr A Moulding, PCSO Amanda Wooster and C Pole-Carew.
The circulated minutes of meeting held on 3rd November 2011were approved and duly signed as correct .
Blackdown Hills Community Plan Following the response from the previous meeting a reply has been received stating they will keep the Parish Council informed of the development of the Community Plan and would like it noted that the AONB boundary is not an exclusive one, merely a convenient way of describing and collecting the Blackdown Hills parishes together and parishes partially within the area will receive the same attention as a parish with 100% footprint inside the boundary. It is hoped that all parishes could consider some sort of contribution in order to move the Plan forward and bring parishes together in appropriate common aims. Noted.
Sandbags Reported in the Parish Magazine some empty sand bags are stored at Seaton Junction. Agreed Cllr Carol Miltenburg to supply some to Cllr Ella Sweetland.
Cllr Rick Wood announced the report has been sent to the printers where six copies will be produced for proof reading and a meeting will be held in the new year. All were again thanked for their hard work especially Carol Miltenburg for revamping the charts and all her hard work.
EDDC – Locality, offer or workshop. At a recent “Working together for the Future of East Devon” organised by EDDC Locality were invited to speak about the new Localism Act. At this event Locality made an offer to run a workshop event in late January for those wanting to know more. Agreed Shute Parish Council would be interested depending on date and time.
EDDC – Shaping the Future EDDC wants to keep East Devon an outstanding place to live, work and enjoy leisure time and have set out how they can make this happen in a document Shaping the Future. To take part in the consultation it is asked for replies to be returned by 13th January. Details to be circulated to Councillors for them to reply as an individual and Cllr wood to reply on behalf to the Parish Council.
Shute Hill Woods Brian Lavander sent a copy of his e-mail to Silviculture, Managers of Shute Woods. It is pleasing to see that the view from Shute Hill Woods Armada Beacon has been opened up and one can now see the Axe valley and estuary clearly even though Seaton Bay is still rather obscured. It is asked appreciation is passed onto W A Nicholls. Noted.
The Oaks, Umborne DCC state they have no finances to provide any measures for protecting the building form damage caused by passing vehicles and can only suggest the proprietors erect some warning posts on their property (not the highway). Noted.
Snow Warden/salt. A request has been received form DCC stating they need further information as to where the salt will be distributed before this matter can be taken forward. Agreed to Clerk to consult with DCC to seek clarification as to facts needed although Councillors are not happy with this as it is felt the ‘Snow Warden’ should be left to use his own common sense.
Potholes to be reported are at Lower Woodhayne Cottages and on the road from Haddon Corner to Kilmington. The Clerk to take appropriate action. Also agreed to place details of where to report potholes on the notice boards i.e tel 08451551004 or e-mail cfc.roads@devon.gov.uk
The Chairman reported the lengthsman has been working within the parish. Also, a wall at Little Umborne is leaning towards the highway and he has reported this matter.
Mr B Gardner reported Yarcombe Parish Council send ‘welcome packs’ to newcomers to the area giving local information. After discussion it was felt this is a good idea and the Clerk to contact Yarcombe Parish Council seeking further information together with costs.
A report for the new proposed Local Plan has been received for consultation. It was agreed for the Chairman to look into this matter further circulating the ‘Plan’ to other councillors on request or for information to be sought on-line with the aim to give comments at the next meeting.
Report of meeting held with EDDC Enforcement Officers
A brief report was given when it was explained two EDDC officers met with Councillors. They explained delays have occurred in enforcement due to the lack of officers at EDDC but now one is back from sick leave and another employed which should assist with the delays. Mr David Cocker will be the new officer for this area. Matters regarding the Samurai Boatyard and Shute Garage were discussed and it was agreed EDD will look into the locations and send an update as to the situation is at present.
Planning Applications
11/2512/FUL Old Post Office, Shute. Construction of lean-to extension on front elevation. As this is a retrospective application and an objection has been received form a parishioner it was agreed a site meeting should be held prior to observations being returned.
11/2680/FUL Bridge Meadow, Whitford Road. Construction of single storey timber barn. (Adjacent parish). As no details received, to investigate prior the next meeting.
Planning Decisions
Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
11/1920/FUL Shute Garage, Shute. Retention of extension to sales office.
11/2110/FUL Berkshire House, Hampton Court, Whitford. Single-storey garden room extension.
Notice of Refusal to Issue a Certificate of Lawful Use
EDDC refuses a Certificate of Lawful Use of Development in respect of the use of land and buildings at a site east of Square Acres, Shute (opposite Shute Garage) because it is not satisfied on a balance of possibilities that there has been such a use continuous and interrupted for a period in excess of ten years before the date of the application.
EDDC – Report on present situation and actions to be TAKEN AT Sumarai Boatyard, Seaton Junction. (appendixed to these minutes)
EDDC – Shute Garage, Enforcement Action
EDDC are aware of the outstanding conditions re permission 09/0995/FUL that have still not been complied with. Prior to the submission of the current application of the variation of conditions on that application they were in the process of seeking authority to take enforcement action in respect of the non compliance with the conditions on the permission. Following communications with the Highway Agency it was decided that any further action would be halted until the outcome of the current application. Enforcement action will be pursued to secure the implementation of the outstanding conditions and they are preparing a report seeking authority to serve an Enforcement Notice.
Cheques to be paid
Whitford Village Hall , annual hall hire £50.00
Umborne Hall, annual hall hire £50.00
M Prideaux, tidying War Memorial, annual payment £25.00
A Gosling, Auditing accounts 2010/2011 £20.00
R B Lawrence, highway work £1,935.00 + VAT £387.00 £2,322.00
HMRC – PAYE £ 138.60
Mrs M Thomas Clerk’s salary Aug- Nov £554.72 plus 4 months expenses for internet/tel £40.00, postage £22.00. paprer/envelopes £25.50 £642.22
Shute PCC grant (budgeted Feb 2011) £1,000.00
Payment proposed by Cllr C Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr Mrs Sweetland and agreed.
Reported on the news Devon & Cornwall crime figures have increased by 66% . It was agreed to ask PCSO Amanda Wooster to attend the next meeting to explain these figures and actions that will be taken.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland reported there was a nasty accident at Seaton Junction recently and asked for a speed limit together with new bollards and repainting of the SLOW sign. Agreed to make a request to DCC.
The next Parish Council meetings to take place on 19th January 2012 at Umborne Hall at 7.30pm.