Shute Parish Council Minutes 3.11.11


AT 7.30PM.

The Chairman opened the meeting by stating this is the first meeting since the sad passing away of Gail Nunan who as past councillor had always been willing to assist not only the council but parishioners in any way, she will be sadly missed. A minutes silence was held in her memory.

Those present: Cllrs. Ms C Miltenburg, B Marshall, J Pearce, P Rugg,

Mrs E Sweetland, and R Wood and Mrs M Thomas (Clerk).


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs D Loud, Dist Cllr I Chubb,

C Cllr A Moulding.


The circulated minutes of meeting held on 22nd September 2011were approved and duly signed as correct after noting under Public Forum a CCTV has already been erected with more to be installed.


Letter to the Devon & Cornwall Police Authority – Non action to crime reported. No reply as yet.

Sandbags Empty sand bags have been delivered and are now available from Cllr P Rugg or Cllr D Loud

Litter signs – Whitford The Clerk had obtained some and Cllr W Marshall agreed to take them and arrange for erection.


Cllr Rick Wood reported a meeting has been arranged for next week when it is hoped the report will be completed. The proof will be finalised and then go to print. Cllr Carol Miltenburg questioned purchasing ‘Parish on line’ which supplies details of the parish on-line at a cost of £36 set-up and a further £10 per year. Agreed to give this some consideration.

Cllrs Carol Miltenburg & R Wood and Christopher Pole-Carew were thanked for all their hard work.


Salt bin – Nether Haddon A letter has been received from Mr Blackwood, 4 The Stables, Shute which was signed by 12 other signatories questioning the re-siting of the grit bin from Nether Haddon. After discussion it was agreed a letter to be returned Councillors are sorry the removal of this grit bin had caused some distress and to you and others who live within the vicinity. However, the Parish Council are limited to the number of grit bins within the parish and it is their policy to place these where the highway has a gradient. It was also agreed there was a greater demand at the new position as it is placed on the only road for residents of Umborne to exit this area. The number of residents using the road being taken into consideration.

Agreed to reply Councillors understand the concerns and only took the decision after considering numbers using the highway, highway safety and the policy of placing grit bins on a hill. The Parish Council are in the process of appointing a ‘snow warden’ and obtaining bags of salt to assist parishioners who have highway problems.

EDDC – Localism & The Big Society. A meeting was organised for 1st November to explore Neighbourhood Planning in East Devon. No –one was available to attend.

DALC -Axminster Area Committee – A meeting was held on 25th October. Cllr P Rugg attended and the item discussed was mainly the ‘Snow Warden’. This issue to be discussed under Highways.

Blackdown Hills Community Plan A request is made for a financial pledge to steer action in priorities identified, planning & the localism bill, community and public transport, winter roads and broadband coverage. Agreed as only a tiny proportion of the parish is within the Blackdown Hill to send no contribution but to ask to be kept informed.

DSFRS Fire Alarm Response Consultation. Views are asked on the proposed changes to the way it responds to calls resulting from automatic fire alarm activities. The changes are intended to reduce the impact of false alarms on the Service. Agreed not applicable to this parish.

EDDC – Invitation to an event find out more about the health, wellbeing and welfare reforms that are happening in East Devon and find out more about the Coalition Government’s Localism agenda. Cllr Carol Miltenburg to attend.

EDDC – South West Localism in Action Guide. Agreed this has been circulated and noted.

East Devon AONB. Copies of the Annual Review has been received which highlights how grants have supported the local communities. Cllr Bob Collier continues to be the DALC representative whilst Cllr Graham Godbeer and Cllr Geoff Pook are the EDDC elected members and the new Chairman is John Welding. Kimmo Evans requests he attends the next meeting to give an update on the Biodiversity Audit. Agreed to invite him to attend the meeting to be held on 15th December.

Axe Valley and West Dorset Ring and Ride Service. Request for financial assistance. Agreed to forward £40.00 as in the past.

Devon & Cornwall Police Authority – Engagement with the Authority. Over the last twelve months they have piloted new ways of engaging with communities across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in order to help inform them of their strategic decision making. They no longer host meetings but will now endeavour to come to meetings , Fir input contact Jennifer.townsend@devonand To find information about and contact your neighbourhood policing team at or call 101. A free newsletter which is circulated every eight to ten weeks is available to join the mailing list contact with subscribe in the subject box

Whitford Village Hall Management Committee. The Parish Council is entitled to appoint a person to become a representative on the Village Hall Committee. Agreed Cllr W Marshall to be the representative.

EDDC – Open Space, Recreation and sport. Questionnaire. Agreed the Clerk to complete and return.

EDDC Recycling Waste Champion Cllr J Pearce reported a meeting will be held on 16th November but he is unavailable. Agreed he would apologise and ask for any information to be forwarded.


The Clerk reported the property known as The Oaks, Umborne which stands on the edge of the highway has been hit by large vehicles passing by. Agreed to ask DCC for bollards.

Shute Pier. Reported reconstruction should start in a few weeks time. The Chairman questioned if the Council are happy to continue with kerbs on the safety work to be carried out. Agreed unanimously.

Quotes have been received for the purchase of salt and Mr K Sweetland has agreed to provide storage. After discussion agreed to purchase 2 tons of bagged de-icing salt at a cost of £256.00 with the Parish Council making up the difference from the grant of £200.00.

Snow Warden. Mr Keith Sweetland agreed to be the Snow Warden for the Parish of Shute. Mr Sweetland to be thanked.

Road Closure. DCC give notice from 7th December to 8th December the road will be closed at Lodge Lane, Shute. Noted.


The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is to be celebrated on 4th June. A meeting was organised for the 20th October when the following was agreed. To ask the Parish Council to underwrite the cost up to £250. To organise a ‘street party’ at Shute either on the green or school on 4th June with bring and share food and a b-b-q in the evening. Entertainment for the children and music to be organised. Other ideas were a picture of all the parishioners of Shute, a wedding dress exhibition (to be organised by Ella Sweetland) A leaflet to be distributed to all parishioners and another meeting to be arranged. Agreed for another meeting to be arranged after Christmas. The Chairman has contacted the ’community choir’ to provide music.


Cllr Mrs E Sweetland questioned finance for the Church to have water installed. Reported the Council is waiting for costs to be submitted to the Council.


Report of meeting held with EDDC Enforcement Officers

A brief report was given when it was explained two EDDC officers met with Councillors. They explained delays have occurred in enforcement due to the lack of officers at EDDC but now one is back from sick leave and another employed which should assist with the delays. Mr David Cocker will be the new officer for this area. Matters regarding the Samurai Boatyard and Shute Garage were discussed and it was agreed EDD will look into the locations and send an update as to the situation is at present.

Planning Applications

11/1897/FUL The Lyme Bay Winery, Seaton Junction. Change of use of land, construction of industrial building for winery and storage/warehouse, associated works including car parking and alterations to access. Amended plans.

On the amended plans there are no details of the positioning of the drainage tank (Entec Biotec 3) which is of great importance and must be a condition. This area would be prone to flooding and foul water together with surface water could cause future problems. Regarding other details previous comments remain with the greatest concern being highway matters.

11/1928/VAR Shute Garage, Shute. Retention of existension to sales office. Shute Parish Council objects to this application. It is felt the extension prevents 10.85m car delivery lorries being able to turn on site and therefore not be able to enter and

Planning Application 11/1920/FUL Shute Garage, Shute. Planning Application 11/1928/Var Shute Garage, Shute. Removal of conditions 2, 3 and 5 of application 09/0995/FUL relating to closure of access to A35, improvement of access to Stockland.Hill.and.signage.
Shute Parish Council objects to this application. It is felt these conditions were imposed for highway safety measures and should remain and be implemented as should the other conditions imposed.

Following the lengthy discussion to determine this application it was agreed the Enforcement Officer, EDDC should be asked when other conditions relating to Shute Garage will be implements and actions to be taken relating to the unauthorised work/buildings in the field opposite.

11/1800/FUL 1 Shalford Terrace, Whitford. Removal of singles storey and construction of two storey extension. Agreed no objection but should be noted 2 new roof lights in original house are not mentioned in the application.

11/2056/FUL Higher Hampton Farm, Shute. Installation of solar pv panels on agricultural building. Agreed no objection.

Cllr D Loud declared an interest.

11/2110/FUL Berkshire House, Hampton Court, Whitford. Single storey garden room extension. Agreed no objection.

Planning Decisions

Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

11/1183/FUL Land adjacent Colhayne Cottages, Shute. Retention of timber chicken house. Conditions: The premises (including the entrance, highway pull-in area and verge) shall not be used for the sale of food, the building permitted shall be used for agricultural purposes only and shall not be used for any other purposes, within 2 months the existing roller shutter door shall be painted in a dark green, brown or grey colour.

11/1800/FUL 1 Shalford Terrace, Whitford. Removal of singles storey and construction of two storey extension.

11/1801/FUL Bridge Meadow, Whitford Road, Kilmington. Construction of agricultural building and stable and tack room. Withdrawn.

Agricultural Notification Approval

11/2043/AGR Pennyhayes Farm, Shute. Proposed agricultural building.


Copy of a letter written by EDDC to Mr Newsholme, The Granary, Shute regarding site being used for car sales and storage. An Enforcement Notice was served which took effect from 23rd December 2009 regarding the sale and storage of cars. Under the circumstances there is only one option to remove the cars from the property and cease storing and selling the cars from The Granary. However an application can be made to apply for change of use for the agricultural barn next door.

Cllr P Rugg decalred an interest.


The Clerk reported the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2011 has been approved by the Audit Commission and the appropriate actions taken.

Cheques to be paid

Audit Commission, Audit fee 2010/2011 £120 + VAT £24.00 £144.00

Hitchcock Trust, 50% of ground maintenance Betty’s Ground £27.00

RBL Poppy Appeal, poppy wreath £15.00

Axe Valley Ring & Ride, donation as previously agreed £40.00

Payment proposed by Cllr C Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr Mrs Sweetalnd and agreed.


Reported light industry activity is being carried out at Greenhayes, Shute. The Clerk to report to EDDC.

The speed of traffic by Redgate, Shute was questioned. Agreed to check the speed limit signs.


The next Parish Council meetings to take place on 15th December 2011 at Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.00pm