Shute Parish Council Minutes 22.9.11


AT 7.30PM.

Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, Ms C Miltenburg, B Marshall, J Pearce, P Rugg,

Mrs E Sweetland, and R Wood plus Mrs M Thomas (Clerk), and 3 members of the public.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting.


Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Ms G Nunan, Dist Cllr I Chubb, C Cllr A Moulding and PCSO Amanda Wooster


The circulated minutes of meeting held on 11th August 2011 and Planning Committee Meeting on 5th September were approved and duly signed as correct.


Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations – Beacon. Clerk reported no response has been received from the owners of Shute Woods as yet.

Netherhaddon Spinney It was reported the Primary School feel it would not be a viable proposition to undertake leasing.


Cllr Rick Wood reported the committee have commenced the action plan section and further meetings are organised. Carol Miltenburg asked for it to be noted through new legislation section 106 monies will be placed in a central pot for bids to apply for funding and requests should be minuted.

Cllrs Carol Miltenburg & R Wood and Christopher Pole-Carew were thanked for all there hard work.


East Devon Citizens Advice Service East Devon CAB is a small charity working across East Devon District with 5 offices and over 50 volunteers working and governed by a Board of Trustees who are all Directors. They are looking to add to their Board. Agreed to place the letter on the notice board for information.

East Devon Citizens Advice Service Citizens Advice provides its services free at a point of contact to the general public and cuts in their core funding can have dramatic effects on their ability to deliver the service. For 2011/12 they have had a cut of 11% to their DCC funding, an actual cut of £6,000. With this in mind they ask for assistance to their funding. Proposed, seconded and agreed to forward £30.00

Parish Maps A request has been received for the purchase of a Parish Plan. After discussion it was revealed maps are still available, the Chairman has some in store, and for these to be sold at £7.50 per map. The Clerk to look into the matter.

It was also explained the Clerk has managed to track down the Parish Map bank account which had a balance of £257.71 and has now been transferred to Shute Parish Council.

DALC – Conference A conference Communities Leading the Way: Localism and You is to be held on 8th October at Exeter Racecourse. Agreed no interest.

EDDC –Side Waste EDDC write that since they have introduced the new waste and recycling scheme they have had some occurrences of side waste (waste not contained in the wheeled bin/gull sack) being put out and causing littering. In order to address this they will be placing stickers on the wheeled bins informing resident bins must be closed or the waste will not be collected.

EDDC – RecyclingWaste Champion They are looking for someone in the parish for the role of recycling/waste champion whose role will be to assist householders on how and why there is a need to further improve recycling and to keep residents informed of waste and recycling services during bad weather. Cllr J Pearce undertook to be the Shute Parish representative.

EDDC – Surface Water Flooding, sandbags. The District Council ask if an adequate supply of sandbags for the impending season is held or a further supply of empty sandbags are needed. After discussion it was agreed to apply for a further 150 bags to be delivered to Cllr D Loud of Pump Farm, Whitford for further distribution.

EDDC – Future Levels of Development in East Devon. The Local Development Framework (LDF) Panel of the District Council is actively considering future development issues in East Devon and ask for input. They recognise some communities may want to grow by a greater level and therefore welcome comments. This was discussed at some length and agreed the Parish of Shute needs development especially for young families. In order to address this problem it is proposes:-
1. The villages of Shute and Whitford and possibly Seaton Junction should be given Built-Up Area Boundaries to allow in-filling. This would protect the AONB and provide small areas where construction of houses could be allowed.
2. A provision for 6 low-cost houses within each settlement
3. Action to be taken on houses which have been allowed to sand empty for a considerable time. These houses could provide housing and would be brought back into a tidy manner in an AONB


DCC – Changes to the Primary Highway Salting Network. Following yet another winter of extended freezing and heavy snow DCC has undertaken a review ot its entire highway salting network and has been required to find financial savings for this service. Criteria has not changes but some roads currently salted do not meet the criteria and others that do are not slated. Generally the criteria relates tot eh size of the town or village. All routes removed from the primary highway network will still be salted as part of the secondary network so that during episodes of severe winter weather the routes they salt will increase, however, the routine treatment, salting in advanced of ecpected low temperatures, will reduce. Routes within the parish which are to be removed from the primary network are:-

From Mounthill Cross through Whitford to Kilmington

Whitford to Seaton Junctin, and added to the primary network

Kilmington loop through village to include Whitford Road+The Street+The Hill.

After discussion agreed a letter to be sent requesting the road from Musbury to Whitford (main bus route) and Whitford to Colyton to be salted.

Shute Pier – The Chairman reported work should commence to build to verge and erect a chevron sign at Shute Pier within the next 2 weeks. Regarding re-building the Pier DCC have obtained further estimates and it is hoped action will soon be taken.

DCC – Highway Maintenance. Meg Booth writes she apologises for not replying to a letter written in April and it is correct DCC was awarded an additional £9.3 million to assist in repairing roads damaged by the severe weather of the winter of 2010/11. However it is made very clear that the money could be used for this purpose and not for repairing damaged roads that predate the winter. Unfortunately therefore the works on Colhayne Lane will not qualify for this grant funding as the damage predates the last winter. Noted.

Road Closure. DCC give notice from Monday 10th October to 14th October the road will be closed from Seaton Junction Railway Bridge to Mounthill Cross for resurfacing work. Noted.

Reported verges on the A35 where entrances branch off from Colhayne Lane to Shute Car sales need cutting. Clerk to report.


The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is to be celebrated on 4th June. A meeting was organised at Whitford when Whitford Produce Association offered the use of the marquee after the Flower Show but it was though the Parish Council would like to organise an event on the actual date. After discussions it was agreed the Parish Council support Whitford Produce Association in their suggestion and will go ahead in trying to arrange an event for the 4th June. With this in mind a meeting to be arranged for 20th October at Shute Primary School, 7.30pm when all are invited. This to be advertised on the notice boards, e-mails and letters.


Cllr e Sweetland reported a van was parked outside Station Yard, Seaton Junction when persons were acting suspiciously and the police were contacted. The police reported there were none working in the rea and suggested a CCTV should be installed for future events. It was agreed a letter should be written to the police registering the Parish Council’s concern.


Planning Applications

11/2043/AGR Pennyhayes Farm, Shute. Proposed agricultural building. As no plans have been received agreed to request plans before a decision can be made.

Planning Decisions

Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

11/1578/fUL Picton Cottage, Shute. Construction of side extension.


Accounts from 23rd June to 1st September 2011 were circulated and approved.

Cheques to be paid

HMRC – PAYE for clerk £138.60

East Devon CAB, donation (as previously ageed) £ 30.00

Offwell Parish Council, new councillor training £ 37.84

Payment proposed by Cllr C Miltenburg, seconded by Cllr D Loud and agreed.


Reported the footpath from Seaton Junction to Lexhayne overgrown. Clerk to report.

Reported unauthorised car sales at The Granary, Shute. Clerk to report.

Prices for litter signs have not been obtained. The Clerk to look into the matter.

The salt box at Seaton Junction has been moved making it obtrude onto the highway. Clerk to report.

Reported the Tythe Map presented to the Parish Council has now been erected in Umborne Hall. Noted.


The next Parish Council meetings to take place on 3rd November 2011 at Umborne Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm