AT 7.30PM.
Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, Ms C Miltenburg, B Marshall, J Pearce, P Rugg,
Mrs E Sweetland, and plus Mrs M Thomas (Clerk), Dist Cllr I Chubb and 3 members of the public.
The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Ms G Nunan and R Wood & C Cllr A Moulding.
The circulated minutes of meetings held on 23rd June 2011 were approved and duly signed as correct.
Allotments – The Clerk reported no further interest has been show and it was agreed not to take this matter forward.
EDDC _ Cardboard/Recycling Facilities A letter has been received stating the original proposal will not be taken forward but it has been agreed that a time-limited trial will be carried out in a defined area to offer both kerbside collection of cardboard and mixed plastics.
Dist Cllr Chubb reported the defined area has been agreed to commence on 12th September to 28th October.
Axminster DAPC Annual General Meeting Cllr Carol Miltenburg attended and reported Cllr Mike Green has been elected Chairman. The Council thanked her for attending.
Netherhaddon Spinney The Clerk reported the present council insurers can include this area at no extra cost. After lengthy discussion it was agreed the area is too small to be of significance and the Council not to take this matter forward but to write to the Primary School to see if they would be interested.
Cllr Carol Miltenburg reported she is 50% in typing the report and checking the general layout. A further meeting to be held on 24th August.
Those involved in the Parish Plan and actions following were thanked.
DALC – Election to County Committee 2011-2015 The result s of the ballot for places on the Committee were Cllrs Bob Collier and Mike Green were elected plus other councillors from Rockbeare, Ottery St Mary, Honiton, Seaton, Sidmouth and Lymstone.
DALC – Affordable Housing Workshop An e-mail has been received asking if the parish council would be interested in attending a workshop. Agreed to reply the council would be interested depending on the date and time.
Roman Road Travellers – Shute Road. Cllr A Moulding sent a report. I had a meeting at County Hall this morning with Sabrina Thomas, Meg Booth and Julie Richards (who has a similar role to Sue Craythorne, who has now left DCC)
Sabrina had visited Shute Woods earlier this morning and had spoken to the “travellers” who were in “residence” at the time.
She has identified (though we could have told her!) that three of them are NOT travellers. She is hoping to move them on “by negotiation”. These are Chris (living at the top end adjacent to two of the tolerated group), Mike (the former Kilmington resident) and Jim (who is a friend of the re-located grandparents)
If negotiation does not prove successful, then it would be down to “formal eviction” and we wouldn’t stand a chance in court without evidence of misdemeanours.
She is also looking to identify the redundant caravans and vehicles and suggest to the tolerated group that they may wish to break them up and dispose of as scrap (as there is some value there). She will also look at the tax position on the vehicles on site. She will report those out of date to DVLA.
Of those remaining, the daughter of the grandparents will not be moved on at present, as there are difficult welfare issues and her father is spending 50% of his time back at the Woods with her. Dave has mentioned that he is now seeking council accommodation!
After discussion agreed to monitor this situation.
DCC – Snow Warden Scheme 2011. Following the review of the winter service DCC offer 5 tonnes of salt but with various conditions. After lengthy discussion agreed to leave this matter as previously agreed, for the Parish Council to purchase £200 worth of salt to be stored at Seaton Junction. To place a notice in the Parishes Paper asking for residents to monitor salt bins in their area.
DALC _ Axminster Area – Survey This was completed giving the general view four meetings a year to be held inviting guest speakers and making meetings more social.
Cllr Moulding – Number of actual houses in each parish Regarding house numbers these figures are important for the LDF process and the figures required differ considerably from those houses listed on the electoral roll. It is questioned if the parish council are able to inform him of the house numbers within the parish. After discussion agreed accurate numbers are unknown but it is felt EDDC should know from the rating list.
The following road closures were reported and noted:-
From Colhayne Cross to Pennyhayes 30th to 31st August
Boarscroft Cross to Lexhayne Mill 5th September to 9th September
Colyton Road (Seaton Junction) to Mounthill Cross
Highway problems reported were:-
A dead/dangerous tree along the A35 by Worhams Farm entrance
Tree branches need cutting at Saeton Junction (hitting buses)
Shute Pier – The Chairman reported the re-build is not going ahead at present as the loss adjusters do not agree with the cost and now DCC are going to ask for three estimates. Cllr Carol Miltenburg also reported a chevron sign cold be purchased for £155.20. After discussion proposed, seconded and agreed the Parish Council should request copies of the three estimates, for the work on the bend to be carried out by R Lawrence to go ahead and to check the matter of the sign with Cllr Moulding and Brian Hoare (DCC).
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is to be celebrated on 4th June and it is questioned by the Lieutenancy in Devon the possibility of lighting a beacon. After discussion agreed to seek permission from the owners of Shute Woods. Various celebration events were discussed and it was agreed an event of some sort should be organised and funds need to be raised. A notice to be placed in the Parish Magazine and on the notice board asking for ideas and assistance.
Reported the hedgerow opposite Beagles, Shute is overgrown. The Clerk to report.
Planning Applications
11/0879/FUL Meadowland Farm Colyton. Construction of 2no stock ponds. Following a site meeting agreed no objection although landscaping should be agreed.
11/1578/FUL Picton Cottage, Shute. Construction of side extension. Agreed to support.
Planning Decisions
Grant of Conditinal Planning Permission
11/0879/FUL Meadowland Farm Colyton. Construction of 2no stock ponds.
Conditions: No development shall take place until a landscaping scheme has been submitted and approved.
A copy of letters sent to Mr Hiscox relating to Shute Garage from EDDC .
Following a letters sent on 18th March with regard to the non-compliance with various conditions relating to the planning permission if no action is taken within 7 days EDDC will be pursuing legal action. Regarding the timber office/car sales building being extended the extension needs planning permission and either a retrospective application is needed or the extension removed.
Regarding the chicken shed by the A35 Cllr I Chubb explained the situation and e-mails he has sent were circulated. He explained a planning application had been submitted but with no payment however it was agreed to sign this application off and it is felt this is unacceptable as no-one has been given the chance to make comments. He is still chasing this matter. The Parish Council thanked Cllr Chubb for all his efforts and agreed to support him in any way they can.
The Clerk reported on the recommended pay scale by NALC with scale 21 being £9.941 and scale 22 being £10.198 per hour and due to the amount of work through downloading information etc the workload has increased. After discussion proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and sconded by Cllr W Marshall to pay the clerk £10 per hour for 4 hours per week. Agreed unanimously and the Clerk accepted this proposal.
Cllr Mrs Sweetland asked for a pay review to be held every six months. Agreed.
The Clerk reported £1,000 has been received from the County Councillor’s funds for road improvements.
Cheques to be paid
Axminster DAPC, annual subscription £10.00
Mrs M Thomas, clerk’s salary April/July £693.32 less PAYE £138.60, £554.72 plus paper/envelopes/folder £20.00 plus printer cartridge £13.37 plus tel/internet £40.00 £638.09
No matters brought forward.
The next Parish Council meetings to take place on 22nd September 2011 at Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm