September Weather in Umborne.
The abiding memory of September 2011 will be the
final few days with their remarkable warmth and unbroken sunshine. On
the 29th, the maximum temperature of 26.6C made this the third highest
value of the year. The next highest (26.0C) occurred on September 2nd,
and in this way September mirrored the entire summer season; two
wonderful days to start, rather in the way that March and April were.
Then, just the occasional good day surrounded by fairly average to less
so conditions, just like the ‘summer’ months, and then building to a
crescendo at the end. And the nights were generally not very cold, with
the result that September’s average temperature was about 0.2C warmer
than August’s! However, there was a reminder that Autumn was here, when
a minimum of 2.5C occured on the 15th. All in all, September was much
warmer than any September since 2006, for which, unfortunately, my
records are incomplete.
The rainfall pattern in September rather reflected
the months that have preceeded it. Thirteen days with measurable rain
(the same as last year, which had much more rain falling), but only
twelve rainless ones, yielding a low overall total of 44.3mm. This is
probably about 2/3rds. of what we could normal expect in September, and
the bulk of the month seemed to echo the rather cloudy, unsettled theme
that has prevailed this summer. However September 2009 was a drier
month, and 2008 had just about the same in total.
Peter at Pottlelake