At Village Hall
Wednesday 6th July 2011 at 8.00
Rob Summers (Chairman), Ted Townsend (Hon Secretary), Paul Galloway (Hon Treasurer) Eleanor Wood, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush, Janet Coman, Peter Rugg, Neville Cheeseman,
Kimmo Evans, Paul Forster
- Draft minutes of the meeting on 25th May 2011
Outstanding amendment to AGM minutes
Matters Arising:
Email from Rick, progress chasing various outstanding tasks
Letter from Devon Association of Community Buildings – suppliers’ meeting
Performing Rights Society want contact details – Paul Galloway
As reminded by Rick, all of the tasks on the outstanding list remain outstanding. Appropriate promises made (with fingers crossed behind backs).
Certification of Occupancy – Paul Forster has done a great job and the paperwork is now almost complete. We still require a simple briefing document for would-be occupiers. (How to…)
Sub-Committee reports:
- Out of £13,100 initially borrowed through Umborne Bonds, £6,850 has been repaid
That leaves £6,250 still outstanding
- As at 1st July, the cash balance was £15,000
EDF Energy have agreed to refund £800 of overpayment and thereafter the monthly direct debit will be reduced to £15.00
Hall Building Project
No progress on outstanding tasks.
New Hall Management and Maintenance
Jan has found a cleaner
- It was agreed to appoint her, initially on the basis of a weekly visit of 11/2 hrs a week + specials as required after / before major events
Agreed we will ask her to invoice us. It is not intended to create an employee relationship with associated implied commitments for holiday pay and / or accrual for potential redundancy.
Agreed to ask John Hewson’s advice about how best to clean the floor.
Problem reporting
On-call contractors
The guideline budget for the new design proposals is £25,000
- Agreed not to proceed until we have:
(i) re-paid all outstanding bonds from Phase 1
(ii) clarified the budgeted running costs of the hall in its new form, the likely magnitude of future fund-raising income and therefore the annual surplus (if any) which can form the basis of a funding plan
(iii) put together and agreed a funding proposal on this basis
No conclusions were agreed about the interim solution to storage
Entertainment and Fundraising:
Thanks to Liz and Tony for all the hard work creating this year’s Steam Up. £570 was raised. The Fat Controller was commended for his control of the children as well as the trains.
Thanks to all concerned for the UG / BBQ which raised £970. Once again there was good feedback from Axe Valley Runners
Forthcoming events
- Saturday 20th August – Cider Festival – Gerrard Arms
- Sunday 4th September – Duck Race – Village Hall (with additional games for children)
Any Other Business:
Next Meeting:
- Wednesday 24th August 2011