Shute Parish Council minutes 23.6.11


Those present: Cllrs. D Loud, Ms C Miltenburg, B Marshall, Ms G Nunan, J Pearce,P Rugg, Mrs E Sweetland, and R Wood plus Mrs M Thomas (Clerk), C Pole-Carew, P Wilson and 2 further members of the public.

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting especially Cllr Gail Nunan and everyone is pleased her treatment is going well. Congratulations go to C & Dist Cllr Andrew Moulding on being elected Deputy Leader of East Devon District Council and Dist. Cllr I Chubb being the new Environment Portfolio Holder.

APOLOGIES Apologies were received and accepted from PCSO Amanda Jones who forwarded a report that 2 crimes have been committed within the parish since the last meeting, the theft of some tools and a vehicle. Cllr Pearce reported unsolicited scrap merchants have been in the area which the police are looking into.

MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The circulated minutes of meetings held on 13th May 2011 were approved and duly signed as correct.


Allotments – The Clerk reported one letter of interest has been received. Agreed to leave the advertisement on the notice board for the time being to see if any further interest is shown.

Shute Piers – Road Safety The Chairman reported £1,000 is to be received from C Cllr A Mouldings Locality Budget which would leave the Parish Council to pay £165.00 balance. It is hoped to organise another second hand chevron sign. Cllr Moulding was thanked for the allowance.

PARISH PLAN Cllr R Wood reported a meeting was postponed and re-arranged in 10 days time when the content such as maps and pictures would be discussed. Those involved in the Parish Plan and actions following were thanked.


Council Minutes– A request has been received to place minutes of council meetings on the Umborne web-site. Agreed signed minutes, as a legal document, would be permitted. Cllr Wood to look into the matter.

EDDC – Review of Polling Places and Polling Stations. EDDC as required by the Electoral Administration Act 2006 request views regarding the location of polling stations, their suitability and facilities provided for disabled voters. Agreed Whitford Village Hall serves all the requirements listed and is more than suitable.

DCC – Part-night Lighting Policy. Due to funding cuts it is proposed to switch public lights off in the area (Bakers Mead) late at night, about 12.30am for a period of 5 hours and views are sought. Agreed that this would cause no problems and the Parish Council supports this initiative.

East Devon AONB – Eighth Annual Forum. An invitation to attend this on 29th June at Budleigh Salterton when a short film capturing East Devon life work and play as far back as the 1930’s will be shown. Cllrs P Rugg, J Pearce and R Wood to try to attend.

DALC – Election to County Committee 2011-2015. The Parish Council are invited to vote for up to 5 candidates. Agreed to vote for Bob Collier, Colyton and Mike Green, Beer.

Maygurney – Road Closures. Notification is given of road closure of the area outside Woodend Farm on Lexhayne Lane, Shute from 5th September to the 9th September on behalf of South West Water. Noted.

EDDC _ Tree Warden. EDDC are currently in the proves of updating their database of Tree Wardens currently Peter Easton is registered. Agreed to contact him to check if he is happy to continue with this role.

EDDC _ Refresher on Standards in Public Life. A session is organised for 6th July. No Councillors are free to attend.

Training for New Councillors. Offwell Parish Council are organising a training event on 14th July and invite new councillors from Shute to attend at a cost of approximately £15.00 per person. Agreed for Cllrs B Marshall, J Pearce and R Wood to attend and the Parish Council to cover the expenses.

Netherhaddon Spinney- Lease. P Wilson looked into this matter some time ago where the Woodland Trust are trying to dispose of a number of legacy properties scattered around the country including Netherhaddon Spinney and question if the Parish Council would be interested. It would be a long lease with a minimal rent the only problem being public liability insurance. Agreed for the Clerk to look into this matter.


C Cllr Andrew Moulding reported there is now a new structure put in place to deal with highway matters, a Neighbourhood Highway Team of which Brain Hoare is the officer for this area and will still hold his surgeries in Axminster on Thursday mornings. All potholes to be reported on tel 0845 155 1004.

Regarding Colhayne Lane surveillance has been carried out but a potholes needs to be reported. It is still questioned why maintenance work was agreed some years ago but no work will be carried out now. Cllr Moulding reported DCC have to prioritise due to funding.

It was reported a sewer trap outside Orchard Close, Whitford is still covered and inaccessible. The Clerk to report this.

PUBLIC FORUM Reported grass needs cutting on the triangle at Seaton Junction (road safety). To be reported.

Whitford Green – Litter. Cllr Pearce reported he has spoken to some people dropping litter who promised not to do it again. This situation to be monitored.


Planning Applications

11/0879/FUL Meadowland Farm Colyton. Construction of 2no stock ponds. After consulting the plans agreed for a site meeting to be held with the view of accepting.

Planning Decisions

Grant of Planning Permission & Listed Building Consent

11/0895/FUL & 11/0893/LBC Willow Tree Cottage, Coxley Lane, Shute. Demolition of existing single storey sunroom and construction of single storey extension to include new garden room with pitched roof and adjoining breakfast room. Condition: Prior to commencement details of all new oak joinery including doors, windows and glazing to be submitted and approved.


NALC – Policy Consultation. Relaxation of planning rules for change of use from commercial to residential. The Government is committed to changing the planning system so that it can contribute much better growth and free up more land for housing and views are sought. Agreed no response to be made, each planning application to be dealt with on its own merits.

Planning Enforcement issues in Shute. Enforcement Officer Andy West writes on 3rd June 2011 he would be happy to attend a meeting with Councillors. With regard to the mobile homes at Shute Garage: the mobile home adjacent to the sales office has now been removed from the land, and the unit which is to the rear of Shute garage House showed no evidence of being inhabited at the time of his initial site visit to the site and has not done so during subsequent visits. He has been assured by the land owner’s planning agent that the “new” mobile home unit that has been sited on the land opposite the garage will be removed within the next 14 days. This situation will be monitored closely and should the mobile home remain in siu after this time he will have no option but to seek to take formal enforcement action to ensure its removal. The large building that has been erected on the land opposite the garage does not have the benefit of planning permission and he has contacted the owner’s planning agent and advised that the building should either be removed from the land or applied for retrospectively. It is his understanding that an application seeking permission will be forthcoming in the very near future. On the subject of Greenhayes this matter has previously been investigated and there was no evidence at that time that the shed structure was being lived in although the land did benefit from a post box to allow the owner to have items of post relating to the use of the land to be delivered there rather than to his home address (as he spends the majority of his day at Greenhayes rather than at home). If the Parish Council are of the opinion that the use of the shed has changed since his visit please can the provide evidence so this matter can be assessed further to determine whether a breach of planning control is considered to be occurring.

A further e-mail was received on 21st June stating a meeting during the day would be best. He has had a telephone conversation with the planning agent responsible for the Shute Garage site and she is hopeful that a planning application for the new barn like building opposite the garage will be submitted within the next 48 hours.

Agreed to contact Mr West to arrange a meeting for a morning, preferably a Tuesday.


Account as of 1st March 2011 – 23rd June were circulated and approved. It was reported the new Insurer’s for Shute Parish Council are Came & Company at a cost of £289.22 saving £70.00 on the quotation from AON.

Cheques to be paid

Cavalier Supplies, presentation plaques £!79.50 plus postage & packing £15.50 £195.00,

Proposed by Cllr Carol Miltenburg and seconded by Cllr Mrs Ella Sweetland, and agreed for this to be paid

Clerk’s Salary The Parish Council has now been registered with HMRC as an employee and as the Clerk will have to pay 20% tax, agreed to review her salary at the next meeting.


The Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations. Agreed for Councillors to give this matter some thought prior to the next meeting.

Reported at Whitford Bridge the footpath sign has a finger missing. The Clerk to report.

The question arose regarding the re-building of Shute Pier. Reported DCC are waiting for the insurance to agree to the proposed building work.


The next Parish Council meetings to take place on 11th August 2011 at Umborne Hall if available otherwise Whitford Village Hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm

Following the meeting a presentation was made to Christopher Pole-Carew who had served Shute Parish Council for 20 years and to Phil Wilson who had served for 3 years. They were both thanked for their contributions especially Christopher as his service included being Chairman for many years.