June 2011 Weather Report

June Weather Report

I guess many of us are probably thinking that Summer
happened in April this year. May, was a bit ‘average’ by contrast, and
June sank further. This was the coolest June since 2002. That was a year
that had a summer which grew progressively better after the middle of
July, with August being the best month of the three. So, although we
know our weather patterns never repeat, I live with that little bit of
optimism!  But what a contrast to last year when the daytime average
maximum was over two degrees higher than this year and there was just
half of this year’s over-average rainfall of 85.8mm, falling on 18 days
as opposed to six in 2010. Whilst in 2002, the average maximum
temperature was only just  18C, this year’s 19.7C was the first time
since 2002 that 20C was not exceeded. Indeed, there were an equal number
of maxima above 20C in June as there were in April, just 12 days.

The highest temperature on 3rd. of 27.3C was just higher than last year’s
highest, and was, coincidentally, exactly the same as on June 3rd. 2009,
which in turn proved the highest temperature of that year. We had three
dangerously cold nights this year, minima of 2.1 (1st) 2.6 (7th) 2.0
(11th), were coupled to the chilly West to North-west winds that give
showers by day and then clear away to allow the temperature to drop
remarkably low given the very short length of night. The lowest of these
was followed by the wettest day of the month with 28.0, just after we
had enjoyed one of the forementioned fine evenings for the Ug run and
the Annual Barbecue.

Peter at Pottlelake