Shute Craft Fayre – Year 2
Saturday 13th November 2010
The forecast of inclement weather did not materialise as expected for Saturday 13th November which enabled visitors from a very wide area to come and enjoy the many and varied craft stalls. St Michael’s Church has become an ideal venue for stallholders to present their wares for prospective purchasers seeking that early Christmas present coupled with an opportunity to enjoy a chat over a cup of coffee, hot soup or a delicious cake etc.
A vote of thanks must firstly go to Jenny Ford who has been instrumental in organizing the stallholders, advertising, arranging the layout and helpers in general. Special thanks also to Gail Nunan, Liz Gosling and Fay Gardner together with all other ladies who assisted with the food, drinks and of course the washing up, all of who worked tirelessly during the day.
At the time of writing the event has raised the sum of £700 which will be placed against the on going project for the installation of mains water and toilet facilities within the church.
Brian Gardner