New Hall Opening

An important announcement about the hall:
The New Umborne Hall will be opening on:
Saturday  16th  October 2010

Complimentary cream teas will be served from 4.00 to 6.00pm

The hall will be officially opened at 4.30pm

The Opening Night Celebration will be from 6.00pm to whenever!

There will be a barrel of beer, wine and soft drinks.
This is a bring and share party so please bring a plate of finger food (savoury or sweet) for all to share.

All are welcome! Come and admire your new hall!!

So many local people have helped with this new build in so many different ways – manual and skilled labour, loaning equipment, helping out financially, etc. so this is an opportunity for all to share the fine achievement and to savour the moment, especially with our Chairman Rob Summers who has given most of his life to the project over the last 8 months or so. We owe him a huge debt of thanks.

Other points:
We would like to put up some bunting – does anyone have some? Please contact Eleanor (01404 831521)
We need to decide which wood stain to put on the tongue and groove wood panelling.   Does anyone have any old pots of wood stain at home so we can experiment with samples of colours/stains ? Please contact Rob (07770 916120)
The hall will not be completely finished – the final floor surface will not be down and the curtains will not be up. Other small final details will still need doing, but the important thing is that the hall will be open for you all.
We need two large working parties this coming weekend :  Saturday 9th at 10.00am  and Sunday 10th at 10.00am. There are many jobs which need completing – fencing, clearing and tidying the hall, transporting contents of the hall  etc. – there will be jobs for all, so please come along and help.
Rick Wood