Minutes of meeting of Umborne Institute Trust 22.9.10


At new Umborne Community Hall

Wednesday 22nd Sept, 2010, at 7.30pm



Rob Summers (Chairman) Paul Galloway (Treasurer), Paul Forster, Eleanor Wood, Peter Rugg, Kimmo Evans, Liz Gosling, Sue Gush

Apologies: Ted Townsend (Secretary), Neville Cheeseman, Janet Coman.

Minutes of the meeting on 31st August were approved, signed and approved for publication.

Matters Arising:

  • Mavis Solway was pleased to have been approached regarding hall opening but declined. Proposed that Lillian Bird be approached in recognition of gifting land. ACTION RS
  • Correspondence:
  • Request from CCD for renewing membership to Devon Association of Community Buildings.

  • Secretary:

  • Apologies submitted. No report. Work ongoing regarding procedures and assimilating other local hall rates.

  • Sub-Committee reports:

Finance and General Purposes:

  • Recent expenditure was listed. The balance remaining is £50,521.74

Entertainment and Fundraising:

  • Duck Dash at Pottlelake raised £298. Thanks were expressed to all involved and attending, in particular Ann Shepherd for kindly hosting.

  • Offer of £300 if we can get enough volunteers to marshal Police run on Oct 20th
  • 2011 Calendar agree to progress. ACTION SG

New Hall Development:


  • Harris Timber will be returning to finish of (begin Oct)

  • Electricians will require 3-4 days. Awaiting light delivery within 2 weeks.

  • Plumbing and installing water heaters next week

  • Once ramp completed then tarmac can be done. Agreed to go to end of footbridge.


  • Some samples received but more work required.


  • Still sourcing double sink with right hand drainer.

Car park

  • Ongoing fencing work will require community support. Low rail to go along riverside of car park. No gates to be put on yet, although further consideration may be required to take into account stock movement along the lanes.
  • Hall opening:
  • Agreed date needed to work towards – subject to successful sign-off of building regulations
  • 23rd possible date as allows for afternoon community opening with cream teas etc, 3-6pm, and then combined evening event with East Devon Hunt social later on.1
  • Also aim for 30th Harvest Supper/soup

Action EW/SG to co-ordinate opening

Any Other Business:

  • Agreed new, practical crockery set needs to purchased. Action RS to check auction

Next Meeting:

Wednesday 20th October at 7.30 to finalise opening arrangements2

1 Following later discussion, outside the meeting, it was decided to avoid the possible clash with East Devon Hunt and to make the opening day Saturday 16th October 2010.

2 In the light of the change to the planned opening date, the date of this meeting was amended to Thursday 14th October 2010