Meeting at new Umborne Community Hall
Wednesday, 18 Aug, 2010, at 8pm
Attendees by Rob Summers (chairman), Paul Galloway (treasurer), Peter Rugg, Kimmo Evans (minutes), Liz Gosling, Paul Forster, Sue Gush, Janet Coman, Ted Townsend, Neville Cheeseman
Apologies: Eleanor Wood
Minutes of the meeting on 21 July were approved and signed subject to amend- SG changed to JC.
Matters Arising: JC awaiting response from Pole-Carew Trust. PG confirmed Insurers would offer no extra discount for fireproofing and that we were expected to undertake all reasonable measures to remove fire risk. KE had agreed with web group that only signed copies to be uploaded, KE will rename future documents to that effect – ie draft/signed.
Correspondence: None but see AOB about STAG update.
Secretary vacancy: Chairman asked if anyone had any more suggestions. TT very kindly volunteered to take on role. Trustees very supportive and thanked him.
Sub-Committee reports:
Finance and General Purposes:
PG reported:
Total in accounts @ 6 Aug = £66,636 but with outgoings to clear will be £47,386
TT circulated updated spreadsheet by email 18 Aug and confirmed project on track, additional savings were being made by efforts of RS and others (see later) which improves finances and allows for greater contingency as still much to do to complete.
Entertainment and Fundraising:
7 Aug Gerrard Arms Cider festival support led to £300 donation.
Thanks to all who supported and the landlord Dave is keen to organise a press photo opportunity when hall completed.
5 Sept Duck Races, Pottlelake
In EW absence SG reported back that Ann Shepherd has very kindly agreed to host duck races, although all worried about lack of water! SG with help from Rodney Gush/John Coe will man sausage sizzle and woodlice game. EW with Rick Wood to organise bar. The 5th Sept date also allows time to sort drinks licence. Angela Pearce has been approached to do the ducks. RS to arrange OXO game and bat the rat. JC to organise raffle.
Upcoming – opening
Discussion regarding opening. Agreed RS to approach at least 2 of the original WI members. Format will be based around an afternoon cream tea, 4pm, followed by a later bbq/food/party from 6ish. Date to be confirmed as subject to outstanding works, but possibly will be mid Oct.
New Hall Development:
Building – Thanks expressed to all those volunteering with painting, considerable amount of support given from across the community. One more coat in main hall and extra on ceiling still in lobby area.
Next stage – complete kitchen/toilet plumbing. Some contractors still busy with completing school jobs.
ACTION PF to chase electricians as we were covering cost of plant hire which was not acceptable in the circumstances.
No decision on lighting but agreed to ensure quality and functionality is key. ACTION PF to ensure at least dimming switches be used to control lighting.
Following on discussion about curtains. ACTION SG/LG/EW/JC to support Helen Redwood who originally volunteered. Heavier material better than light for acoustics.
Flooring – 2 samples shown but need to await full costings. Concerns expressed on wood flooring about thickness, whilst concerns expressed about JKS sample regarding durability and installation. Meet again soon when more information received as floor decision affects side panel and curtain colours.
Kitchen – heavy duty stainless steel worktops sourced from Manor House auction. Very practical.
Car park – RS organised a huge effort to get car park completed. Trustees expressed much gratitude to all those involved in digging and moving materials. Excellent job. JC commented that it was a condition of the Awards for All grant that suitable lighting be in place, RS confirmed this would be part of outstanding electrician work. RS had sought planting and landscaping advice from Carl Coman (Tony Benger). Various options were discussed, from leaving bank alone to single species beech hedge (for ease of maintenance) to mixed species hedge, like mini-Devon bank (better visually but requires more maintenance). We await costed proposals. Along riverside full size post and rail may be required rather than low level, which is first choice.
Harris Timber will be returning to complete access and bridge.
Hall booking fees and Conditions:
Need to put in place policies etc.
ACTION JC to look at other comparable village hall hiring fees
ACTION KE to check files for previous conditions and then circulate for updating.
ACTION TT to collate above and revise accordingly.
Neil Shepherd Memorial Fund:
SG confirmed that she had sourced 3 free PCs if we need
Agreed before committing to any ongoing costs or financial burdens, need to determine exactly what use there will be or what services we need to offer. There has been some discussion in the webgroup but this requires further work but agreed this was something Neil wished to set-up too.
With new landscaping there will be opportunity to plant up to 4 or 5 max boundary trees.
ACTION RS to discuss with Ann
Any Other Business:
Graham Sweetland has offered new hall clock. ACTION RS to liaise.
TT commented window closers and door plates ought to be fitted for security. ACTION RS to follow up
TT approached by STAG. ACTION TT to write back and confirm hall not available as originally communicated.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 31 Aug at 7:30pm at Umborne Community Hall
The meeting closed at 9:30 pm