Meeting at new Umborne Community Hall!
Wednesday, 16 June, 2010, at 8pm
Attended by Rob Summers (chairman), Paul Galloway, Kimmo Evans (minutes), Liz Gosling, Eleanor Wood, Ted Townsend, Neville Cheeseman, Peter Rugg,
Apologies: Paul Forster, Sue Gush, Janet Coman
Minutes of the meeting on 19 May were approved and signed.subject to Bonds received amended to ‘£350 this week’
Matters Arising:
Correspondence: Grants update received.
Reports from Sub-Committees:
Finance and General Purposes:
PG report:
Total in all accounts @ 4 June = £79,943.66
Main building account outgoings:
£841.92 (Building regs)
£88.40 (Eagle Plant)
£50 in Gift Aid and £100 Bonds taking totals to £4480 and £12700 respectively (£17180)
Entitled to claim 25% on Gift Aid which equates to a further £1120
LG (on behalf of JC) Confirmation that Awards for All grant offered, no need to claim as monies will be transferred directly into account.
TT summarised that we are currently in control of expenditure and hopefully there will be no unforeseen surprises. Cost control sheet will be amended to reflect outgoings etc
ACTION: Work with JC/KE to ensure claim submitted to Community Council for Devon before mid sept deadline
ACTION: Ongoing push to sell more Bonds to reach our £20,000 target.
ACTION: SG be contacted to check status of outstanding offer of Pole-Carew grant
Entertainment and Fundraising:
EW reported on near £700 Ug fundraiser despite slightly lower number of runners.
Excellent result and thanks to marshals, cake providers and landowners.
EW confirmed walkers had been instructed to keep dogs on leads where required.
TT suggested thank you notes be sent to landowners. EW confirmed several already had phone call thanking them for their support.
Steam-up (3rd July)
Agreed raffle, ice creams, scones, cakes and produce tables will be available in addition to main attraction of steam rides. TT offered up vegetarian curry despite not being able to attend – great stuff.
ACTION: Ensure message that ‘Accompanied children are welcome and should be supervised’ be used in any e-newsletters and at the gate
ACTION ALL: contribute raffle/cakes as required
ACTION RS: 10 tables
ACTION: NC arrange for assistance to Tony Gosling to line up children
Summer BBQ, Little Yardbury, Sunday (18 July 6pm)
ACTION: RS skittles/toilets
ACTION: NC in charge of bbqs. Offers from TT Charcoal, RS and KE gas
ACTION: EW meat and rolls etcnote we will shortly acquire a Makro card for hall use
ACTION: LG check Tony Gosling happy to organise raffle and trustees to help find raffle contributions
New Hall Development:
RS reported that significant progress continued to be made….and that we were in it at last!
Trustees acknowledged wide community support with aspects of treating frames etc which had been helped with the continual e-newsletter updates from Rick Wood.
Blamphayne timber quoted £582 for over 100m fencing and gate.
Trusteess agreed Sippins treatment best to be used as will last longer between coats and therefore lower maintenance.
LG asked we consider possible addition of wooden batten top of window height to assist with hanging materials. Agreed this could be added later as is the case with possible sound proofing.
Agreed for time being no need for serving hatch but design allows for that area to be adapted later.
ACTION: Support final stages of window/door frame treatment.
RS was thanked by Trustees for the huge amount of work he has been putting into the new hall build – hugely appreciated.
TT confirmed website team had met and allocated responsibilities. It is a community orientated website but will have sections appealing to external audience too.
Bill Corr thanked for reworking website work to date – requires all to use and register on the site.
Any Other Business:
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 21 June at 8pm at Umborne Community Hall
The meeting closed at 9:15pm