Shute Parish Plan Questionnaire D. Leisure


Parish Plan Questionnaire D. Leisure

Village Halls

1. Do you use our village halls? Whitford Never / occasionally / often (Circle one)

Umborne Never / occasionally / often (Circle one)

2. For what purpose? (Please tick and also in the Yes/No column say if you were aware of these activities)

(Tick) Yes No (Tick) Yes No

Private hire     Quiz evenings    
Social functions     Elections voting    
Skittles / bowls     Women’s Institute    
Dancing     Umborne Ladies    
Whist     History Society    
Keep Fit     Produce Association    
Choir practice     Parish Council Meetings    
Pilates / Yoga     Other:    


3. What other activities would you like to see the halls used for?


4. What would encourage you to use the halls more often?

e.g. better facilities, more information, wider range of activities, better parking etc.


St. Michael’s Church, Shute

  1. Would you use the church building more (including for non-religious activities) if there were better facilities such as parking, water, toilets etc.?


Yes / No (Circle one)

  1. Would you be prepared to pay towards this through local taxation?


Yes / No (Circle one)

If Yes, how much per household per year would you be prepared to pay?

£2 / £5 / £10 (Circle one)


1. What other community activities do you attend ? (e.g. flower shows, duck races, Barbecues, etc )


2. Would you support the following new facilities / activities if they were available ?

(Tick) Yes No (Tick) Yes No

Mother & toddler group     Bridge Club    
Lunch Club     Country Dancing    
Junior skittles     Boules Piste    
Youth Club     Drama Groups    
Bingo     Table Tennis    
Other:     Other:    


  1. If the facility were available, would you be interested in renting an allotment in the Parish?


Yes / No (Circle one)

4. A land share scheme is a scheme which links people who want to grow their own food to space where they can grow it. (See )

Would you be interested in taking part in such a scheme ?

Yes / No (Circle one)