Shute Parish Plan Questionnaire – A. Transport



Parish Plan Questionnaire A. Transport


1. Do you consider there are traffic problems in your parish?

(e.g. speed, noise, parking, weight restrictions)


Yes / No (Circle one)


If yes, please state what the problems are and where they occur:




2. How do you think these problems could be solved?


Speed restrictions – e.g. 40 to 30mph / 30 to 20mph  
Less on-road parking  
Traffic calming systems e.g. village gateway  
Better road signs and road markings  
Weight restrictions  


Other suggestions:



3. Is there a need for community parking a) near Shute School and the Church?


Yes / No (Circle one)


b) in Whitford?


Yes / No (Circle one)


If Yes, how do you think this situation could be improved? :



4. How do you rate the surface of our Parish roads?

good / satisfactory / poor / unacceptable (Circle one)


5. Which of the following services do you use and how often ?



Service Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely
Ring and Ride        
Volunteer services        


6. Would you consider joining in a car-sharing scheme?



Shopping visits    
School run    
Social / Leisure    


 (If “other”, please state) ………………………………….:……………………………………………………………………………………



7. Which of the following would encourage you to use a bus?


More routes  
Greater frequency  
More bus stops / shelters  
More information about services  
More reliability  
Reduced fares  


8. What would encourage you to use the train service more?
