Last Night at the Old Hall

This was the very last event at the old hall and it took place on Friday 26th February 2010 and what an amazing final night at the village hall it was! Eleanor had arranged a “Soup and Pudding” night which is always a popular event. We really sent the old building off in style!  There were about 116 yes, your eyes did not deceive you – 116 people packed into the hall – some of whom we have not seen for ages- and boy was it busy!

We think we made at least £1,040 profit on the evening so thanks to everyone for being so generous. We also still have some money to come in from Andy’s souvenir photo shoot of people standing in front of the old hall, (outside in the cold!)  for the last time.

Our thanks to all those who provided soups and puddings – didn’t they all go down well? and to Suzette Sprague for making the wonderful commemorative cake. It is again all your generosity which allows us to raise so much money. Thanks also to Rob for bidding for the box of drinks, to Simon  for bidding for the framed Parish Map, to Antonia for raising £80 raffling the hand-made quilt (thanks to Dawn for donating that and to our vicar for winning it !) and to Tony for making a record breaking £241 on the main raffle. Well done to all the children for completing their wordsearches and building giant newspaper creations. The table quiz was won by Ann Shepherd – with a little help from her friends!

Let’s hope that the first night at the new hall is as superb as the last night at the old one.

Rick & Eleanor Wood