Meeting at Pear Tree Cottage
Wednesday, 19 May, 2010, at 8pm
Attended by Rob Summers (chairman), Paul Forster, Eleanor Wood, Sue Gush, Ted Townsend, Neville Cheeseman, Peter Rugg, Janet Coman
Apologies: Paul Galloway, Kimmo Evans, Liz Gosling
Minutes of the meeting on 21 April were approved.
Matters Arising:
SG had written to Axe Valley Runners to thank them for Grizzly donation
SG almost completed complete list of residents’ names & would email to other Trustees [done 20th].
Correspondence: Letter received from Awards For All for JC informing that our application was under consideration and a decision would be notified to us within a week. JC would keep us informed.
Reports from Sub-Committees:
Finance and General Purposes: PG sent his report:
Total in all banks @ 7 May = £80257.87.
DD to EDF Energy gone up to £46 per month.
Devon Assoc Community Buildings membership £40.
3 cheques awaiting clearance through bank totalling £1318.28.
Would leave bank total of £78939.59.
£3350 in Bonds had been received this week.
TT had emailed Cost Spreadsheet to Trustees on 16 May:
Original budget £89,496
Latest estimate £95,320
Overspend against original budget £ 5,824
Additional Building Control stipulations account for most of this overspend.
To balance this:
Already paid £19,376
Still to pay £75,943
Cash available £79,289
Expected cash surplus £ 3,346
Longer term:
Bonds to be repaid £12,100
Expected cash surplus £ 3,346
Likely additional grants £ 5,900
Total likely expected funds £ 9,246
Future funds needed £ 2,854
TT summarised that we are currently in control of expenditure and hopefully there will be no unforeseen surprises.
ACTION: All Trustees to attempt to sell more Bonds to reach our £20,000 target.
New Hall Development: RS reported that significant progress and hall now had main roof beam in position. Manufacturer’s error in dimensions – 670mm instead of 760 mm – would be rectified at their expense by laminating additional section on top. This would hold up roof & electricians until early next week.
PF & RS had inspected Cess Pit – in good condition, only 9” water in bottom at present. PF had indicated to Building Inspector that it seemed a waste of resources to change an existing good-condition foul-drainage system and discussed possible retention of existing. If this was agreed then funds freed for other uses.
PF had designed decking area for stream-side of hall – 20m x 8’. Ballpark costs of £4 ½ -5k including non-slip decking with partial ‘gripsure’ sand/resin infills, 3m2 concrete, brick piers, joists, newell posts, rails & labour [6 x 4 lintels needed – concrete railway sleepers may be of use but shape may not be right – or, if railway sleepers used, need 2.4m long]. Trustees agreed decking very good idea.
ACTION: PF will send decking plans to EDDC and next time Building Officer on site he will discuss possible retention of cess pit and addition of decking.
ACTION: Hardcore needed – please will all Trustees ask around and see what is available. PF said “Terram” first then 6 – 8” of hardcore, topped with smaller gauge. NC said Axe Skips, Kilmington had mound of road planings – he would ask Kipper Sansom.
Building Inspector had written to PF re Fire Services report. They seem happy with our proposals and have suggested max 110 people in new hall. More than 110 would require wider doors & more £. It was agreed to accept 110 limit.
PF suggested addition of fanlight windows in toilets – single opener window. Need manufacturing – c. 3-4 weeks. All agreed.
RS had stained some of the glazing bars and asked Trustees for views on staining or colour for the hall. RS & PF thought planners may insist on dark stain. Various Trustees expressed opinions such as:
that painted green rarely blends in with green of countryside
a dark stain was more practical
painted finish needs more upkeep
that it not be coloured but that it be stained in as natural a wood colour as possible – as it is possible to go darker next time – but, once dark, it can never be made lighter.
But there was no clear majority. Since some Trustees were not at this meeting and this is such an important decision, RS suggested he & PF produce a colour board to be put at hall for Trustees to meet and discuss. RS suggested following Tuesday for viewing.
NC asked about internal finishes – PF reported wooden lower area to be stained, dado rail and painted plasterboard above.
ACTION: The WC hire needs extending – NC to arrange [TT reported it was emptied 2 days ago].
RS was thanked by Trustees for the huge amount of work he has been putting into the new hall build – it was much appreciated.
Entertainment and Fundraising:
UG, June 13th: EW asked for more marshals/refreshments servers, cakes etc for selling and tents/similar for adverse weather shelter [RS said the Hunt own a tent but a fee may be asked]. RS has organised toilets. EW has commissioned Gilly Lea-Cox to make winners jugs for 1st male & 1st female.
ACTION ALL: find more marshals, make cakes & find shelter tents
ACTION RS: ask Broom family for use of Easy Bridge field for parking & to enquire about Hunt tent.
ACTION: SG to make posters & Certificates for all runners.
Steam Up, Sat 3 July: ACTION LG: to notify Trustees of requirements for this.
Summer BBQ, Little Yardbury, Saturday, 17 July – update next meeting.
TT reported that Bill Corr, Rick Wood, Guy Peterson, Kimmo Evans and himself had formed a website team. Will meet soon for training & allocate responsibilities. New framework for website is up and needs populating with information, articles, photos etc. TT suggested a “yellow pages” section with community info such as Drs, chemists etc – free 2-line entry & offer larger paid ads. TT hoped to include local walks section – has sought permission from OS for Map use – £47.50+VAT per year. PF thought we should consider our liability in case of accident to walkers. TT suggested that some walks could be marked with suggestions to avoid lambing time or when calves in fields. JC thought we should be OK as long as we don’t make any claims for suitability of walks and therefore could not be responsible for accidents. Further thought needed.
TT asked what extent do we want website to be outwardly focussed – towards holidaymakers/potential housebuyers – or more for people who live here now. If it is to be a marketing tool then look & feel will be different – eg “olde worlde”? JC suggested it should be inwardly focussed initially as its primary purpose was informing locals – but then develop parts to attract outward. RS said lorry driver delivering beam had used Google Street to find our hall & suggested that this showed what a useful tool the internet & our website could be.
Any Other Business:
NC had been given a CD of the photos of the Trustees on the “clean out” day at the old hall – he gave them to SG. We may wish to have one printed to be hung in the new hall and on website.
The Trustees welcomed Geoff Elliot to the meeting at this point and presented him with a framed artistic Parish Map as a token of gratitude for his hard work for the hall. GE thanked the Trustees and said how exciting it was to see the results of so many year’s work coming to fruition in the new hall.
EW was thanked for her hospitality.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 16 June at 8pm at RS home.
The meeting closed at 9:30 pm